Thursday, March 23, 2006


Spring Configuration and Zero Configuration

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Isn't sharing configuration files with source control great? I think I
was pretty much over this concept the first time I checked out a project
and it created a directory called "C:" on my Mac. And that's just
location. Source control is great for capturing the structure of config
files, but in all likelihood, it's a bad way to attend to the contents,
since the point of a config file is to put different values in for
different situations. So what do you do? Put in dummy data? Write a
heroic shell script or Ant task that tries to fix everything for you?
This week's first article takes a look at this very common problem from
the Spring space, and advocates a solution.

Developer box, integration box, production box. They'll all need the same
Spring configuration files, but with profoundly different values for most,
if not all, of the items to be configured. Merely annoying for
hand-editing name-value pairs, this becomes a real problem if you choose
to vary your bean wiring between deployments. In "Advanced Configuration
of the Spring MVC Framework," Dejan Bosanac shows how to synchronize bean
properties and wirings to get yourself out of this mess.


Continuing with an excerpt from "Zero Configuration Networking, The
Definitive Guide," Stuart Cheshire and Daniel H. Steinberg move to the
client side in "Zero Configuration Networking: Using the Java APIs, Part
2." They show how to browse for and resolve services with Java, and how
to register a service with DNS TXT attributes.


"It sometimes seems like widely popular web-standards innovation halted
around 2000, and the last few years have been a period of very slow
catch-up. Various visions of a new Web, a better Web, have come and gone,
leaving behind useful parts but not yet transforming the Web. Are we on
the edge of the next big thing? It may make sense to look at the last few
big things, comparing their visions with what's happening today." In the article "The Next Web?" Simon St. Laurent traces the promises and
progress of various "Next Big Thing" contenders: the XML Web, the Semantic
Web, the Services Web, the Next XHTML, and AJAX.


In a feature article from, Joshua Marinacci looks at "Building
GUIs with SwiXml." "In recent years, many developers have decided that it
is a good practice to separate the GUI layout from event handling and
program logic. This keeps the program logic cleaner and allows the layout
to be maintained separately, often by a different developer. Some have
gone a step further to specify layout in a language other than Java. These
days, the natural choice for any new language is of course XML, and a
quick internet search for 'java xml gui layout' will return many
commercial and open source layout products. One of the best is SwiXml, a
tiny but powerful library that transforms simple XML descriptions into
attractive user interfaces."


Recent O'Reilly Network weblogs of interest to Java developers:

Dejan Bosanac: "Apache XML-RPC Adapter for Spring"

Robert Cooper: "This Week in Java"

Check out more O'Reilly Network Java weblogs at:

Please join us again next week.

Chris Adamson, Editor

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