Friday, June 30, 2006


MAKE NEWS No. 40--Happy 4th of July from MAKE!

MAKE NEWS No. 40 -- Happy 4th of July from MAKE!

O'Reilly 2006 Photoshop Cook-Off

Announcing the 2006 O'Reilly Photoshop Cook-Off:
a contest open to U.S. residents who use Adobe
Photoshop. Win great prizes and get your work in
front of the industry's A-list judges.
Entries accepted from May 15 until August 15, 2006.
Enter now to win!


June 30, 2006
Happy 4th of July from MAKE!

"Freedom is nothing else but a chance to be better."
--Albert Camus

MAKE: Video Podcast!
MAKE's Media Maker Bre Pettis is filming up a storm! Here are some of the latest
videos from the MAKE video podcast:

Make Podcast: Tikva Report -- Reconnect Sweatshirt >>
Kate Hartman made a sweatshirt that vibrates when you complete a wearable circuit.

Make Podcast: I-Wei Huang's Steambots >>
After interviewing I-Wei, I told him that his robots reminded me of Miyazaki's
animation work, and he told me that he was in fact an animator by day and
steam-roboteer at night. He also said he found inspiration with Miyazaki's work.

Make Podcast: CPT's Arca Musarithmica Experimental Musical Instrument and Artbot >>
I found CTP in the artbot section of Robogames with his Arca Musarithmica. Check
out his photoset of it and watch the video.

Make Podcast: Survival Research Labs Walkthrough >>
While in San Francisco, I was invited to videotape a walkthrough of the Survival
Reasearch Labs. SRL has been making industrial-sized remote-control machines and
performing with them around the world since 1978.


MAKE, Volume 06!
MAKE, Volume 06 -- Build a pair of electronic insects. LED throwies. Rodent-powered
nightlight. Floating tower structure. Bug Sucker.

Mulitimedia for this volume includes the PowWow from Made On Earth at:

New from the MAKE Store
Build Your Own Electronic Game Kit >>
Originally designed for the Maker Faire by Grand Idea Studio, the Build Your Own
Electronic Game Kit is a custom-created kit intended to introduce you to the world
of electronics and soldering. When successfully assembled, the kit becomes a version
of the popular memory game, Simon, with a few optional twists.

MiniPOV v2 Kit >>
With this kit, you can build a simple, low-cost "persistence-of-vision" toy; a simple
microcontroller blinks 8 LEDs on and off so that when waved through the air, an image
or message appears to float in front of the viewer. This version comes preprogrammed
to say "Makezine," but requires a PC with parallel port to reprogram.



Don't buy what you can make, and don't make what you can find!

*The MAKE Team*

$300 Rebate on O'Reilly Learning Linux/Unix Admin Series

Plunge into the art of system administration with our four-course
Linux/Unix System Administration Certificate Series, spanning basic
directories to sed, awk, and perl. You'll get your own root server to
work on, free O'Reilly books for reference, and upon completion,
certification from the University of Illinois Office of Continuing

Right now, pre-enroll in all four courses and receive a $300 instant

Interested in sponsoring the MAKE: newsletter? Please contact Katie
Dougherty for rate and availability information at 1-800-998-9938 ext.
7272, or email Thank you!

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Camels over Chicago update
The Email for Subscribers

$300 Rebate on O'Reilly Learning Linux/Unix Admin Series

Plunge into the art of system administration with our four-course
Linux/Unix System Administration Certificate Series, spanning basic
directories to sed, awk, and perl. You'll get your own root server to
work on, free O'Reilly books for reference, and upon completion,
certification from the University of Illinois Office of Continuing

Right now, pre-enroll in all four courses and receive a $300 instant


Greetings from the Post-YAPC Hackathon, everyone.

This week has been interesting. YAPC::NA is always worth your time
(<> has what you may have missed this year);
it's full of interesting people, interesting projects, and interesting

This year's trends included inside-out objects, Perl 6 implementations
(way more on that later), web frameworks, and plenty of discussions on
how to take advantage of other technologies, including JSON and Ajax.

* The State of Perl

Of course, gathering some of the leaders in the Perl community always
leads to discussions of the state and future of Perl, both Perl 5 and
Perl 6. (Then again, Michael Schwern, your editor, and Allison Randal
have all hacked on parts of Perl 1 over the past couple of years, so
perhaps the world is larger than you may have imagined.)

Looking at all of the interesting and useful things people are doing--and
the fact that a significant portion of the 400+ attendees this year have
never been to a Perl conference before--the future looks bright.

That doesn't mean that the future is easy, however. The Perl
implementations need more hackers. Perl needs much better evangelism,
not just to attract existing Perl programmers to the vibrant Perl
communities available (Perl Monks, Perl Mongers, Perl conferences, et
cetera), to contribute to useful and free Perl projects (Perl 5, Perl 6,
Pugs, Parrot, and the CPAN), but to promote Perl as a useful and vibrant
language and platform.

That's where you come in.

TPF president Bill Odom is looking for case studies. TPF public
relations manager Andy Lester is looking for success stories. Your
local Perl Mongers group is looking for new members, and there are
dozens of wonderful projects in various stages of ideas and completion
that could use a couple of hours of attention every month.

If you use Perl successfully, tell your friends! Tell Bill
(<>) and Andy (<>). Find a
Perl mongers group!

If you (or your friends and colleagues) want an interesting technical
challenge, Parrot and Perl 5 and Pugs can always use hackers. You
could implement your own language (PGE and TGE already look like
best-of-breed tools), resurrect an old machine for smoke-testing on
exotic platforms, or even learn how to work on a large project by
volunteering with a janitor project.

Another recurring thread of discussion is the exotic and, in retrospect,
obvious work of porting some of the wonderful new features of Perl 6
to Perl 5. In particular, Stevan Little's Class::MOP and Moose provide
a workable and usable metamodel for Perl 5 and will probably form the
metamodel for Perl 6.

They're usable today. They're only some of the excellent features
making their way to Perl 5 today. Perl 5.10 will include plenty of
other features (defined-or, smart-match, lexical pragmas). You can
start to play with Perl 6 features today even without using Pugs or

Your editor took copious notes on several interesting projects and
discussions, but due to the state of the wireless network didn't
have a chance to publish them yet. Don't fret. They'll be online soon.

* Perl on ORN

Database and Perl hacker David Wheeler recently benchmarked some
Perl code versus stored procedures in PostgreSQL. It turns out that
PL/pgSQL can be fast and maintainable and clear and even correct.
Here's how to manage many-to-many relationships by marring Perl and
PostgreSQL stored procedures:


Your editor has finally finished his 30-post series (yep, still crazy),
which documents his work refactoring the legacy Perl system. Here's
what the project taught him.


He also reviewed Class::MOP. Ooh, synergy:


Then he gave two different thoughts on the continued viability of Perl
5 and Perl 6:


Nat Torkington attended both YAPC and the Rails Conf. Here's what
he thought:


Jeremy Jones ported a "Perl Hacks" hack from Perl to Python. Cool:


A good name for a project is Pomegranate,
-- c
Editor,, et cetera

O'Reilly 2006 Photoshop Cook-Off

Inside Lightroom Announcing the 2006 O'Reilly Photoshop
Cook-Off: a contest open to U.S. residents who use Adobe
Photoshop. Win great prizes and get your work in front of the
industry's A-list judges. Entries accepted from May 15 until
August 15, 2006. Enter now to win!


*** Featured Articles ***

FEAR-less Site Scraping
Many web programmers talk about "domain-specific languages" as if
defining functions and methods were a new discovery. A real domain-
specific language provides concise syntax and symatics for a
particular purpose, such as Yung-chung Lin's FEAR::API. He explains
how this toolkit allows you to scrape, modify, store, and re-present
web data easily, effectively, and economically.



Charting Data at the Bottom of the World
Alex Gough has a curious job. He's the only programmer for 500 miles
at a remote Antarctic research station. His problems are like your
problems too, though--gathering, manipulating, recording, and displaying
data. Here's how he uses several CPAN modules to make pretty charts
and graphs with almost no work.



Unraveling Code with the Debugger
Reading other people's code can be difficult, especially if you have
no idea what happens when and where. Understanding code flow is vital
to maintenance and bug fixes, but littering code with print and
debugging statements is tedious and prone to error. There's another
way: use the debugger! Daniel Allen demonstrates how to pinpoint a
problem with Perl's debugger.



Using Ajax from Perl
The recently rediscovered Ajax technique makes the client side of
web programming much more useful and pleasant. However, it also means
revising your existing web applications to take advantage of this new
power. Dominic Mitchell shows how to use CGI::Ajax to give your Perl
applications access to this new power.



Advanced Subroutine Techniques
Subroutines seem like a basic building block of code. They're simple
and easy to understand and use, right? That's true--but there are a
few advanced techniques to make your code more maintainable and
robust. Rob Kinyon goes beyond making sense of subroutines to making
subroutines work for you.



Managing Rich Data Structures
Perl is so good at handling plain text files that it's seductively
easy to use them when you need something better. Yet sometimes using
a full-fledged database is just Too Much Work. If only Dave Baker had
written an article on using complex, persistent data structures with


Add Tag Clouds to Your Site

"Building Tag Clouds in Perl and PHP" teaches you skills
for constructing your own tag clouds. You can use these techniques
to create other kinds of innovative, Web 2.0-style interfaces.

In this PDF you'll learn:

-what is and isn't a tag cloud
-design tips for using tag clouds effectively
-how to create your own tag clouds in Perl and PHP

Just $9.99!


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Thursday, June 29, 2006


Callisto's Eclipse

The Independent Source for Enterprise Java

Sponsored by GoToMyPC(R)

GoToMyPC(R) allows small businesses and individuals to achieve instant
flexibility. This award-winning remote-access solution enables users to
securely access email, applications and network resources from home or on
the road from any Internet-connected computer. Citrix offers a 30-day
risk-free trial.

Learn more.



I'm writing this in the last hours before the Callisto Simultaneous
Release, a splashy unveiling of ten Eclipse community projects, including
the latest version of the popular IDE, its visual editor, web tools
platform, C/C++ IDE, and more. On the one hand, this kind of simultaneous
release seems like it would vex individual projects by making them
dependent on each others' schedules. But on the other hand, it eliminates
some uncertainty about interoperability between versions of the various
projects, as this simple milestone baseline is something that can be
trusted to work together. In other words: good news for all you Eclipse
end users out there. In this week's ONJava, we'll take a look at what you
can do with the new version of Eclipse.

By all measures the most popular IDE for Java development, Eclipse is
rolling a number of compelling features into Eclipse 3.2's Java
Development Tools. Ed Burnette has our tour of "What's New in Eclipse 3.2
Java Development Tools," pointing out more powerful Java SE 6-compliant
compilation, editing conveniences, tools for working with team-written
code, and more.


If you're working with WebLogic Java Process Definitions, your testing
capabilities are limited by the inability to work with JUnit. In the
dev2dev article "An Introduction to Business Process Testing using
JProcessUnit," Reza Shafii "introduces the JProcessUnit API CodeShare
project and demonstrates how it can be used to create well-defined,
JUnit-based automated test cases for WebLogic Integration JPDs."


What works in small web apps doesn't necessarily hold together in big apps
under heavy loads, and this is particularly true when you have a system
that needs to handle hundreds of transactions per second. Performing
every task one step at a time makes intuitive sense, but it doesn't
necessarily scale. Binildas Christudas offers an alternative in a
feature article from "Distribute, Detach, and Parallelize in
Tomcat." In this article, he introduces a more detached architecture that
shares the work in small, loosely coupled, asynchronous pieces.


Recent O'Reilly Network weblogs of interest to Java developers:

Timothy M. O'Brien - Ajax Driven Javadoc Website -

Dejan Bosanac - Parsing form-data multiparts

Robert Cooper - SOA Anti-patterns

Timothy M. O'Brien - A Struts Schism?

Steve Anglin - O'Reilly OSCON: Java conference

Steve Anglin - Spring 2.0 RC is out

Steve Anglin - A Leap for Java EE and .NET Interoperability?

Check out more O'Reilly Network Java weblogs at:

Please join us again next week.

Chris Adamson, Editor

Essential Reading

"Help Me Help You"

"How to Keep Your Boss from Sinking Your Project"
describes five principle guidelines for managing upward. You'll learn:

- How you can help your boss make the right decisions about setting
project expectations.
- What problems cause projects to fail and how to fix them.
- The steps that will keep your software project from running into

Buy This Downloadable PDF for Just $7.99!


*** Java News and Weblogs *** Weblogs

O'Reilly Network Java Weblogs

Other Java News (channel -- LANG: JAVA)

Java Cookbook Recipe of the Day

Java Events

$300 Rebate on O'Reilly Learning Linux/Unix Admin Series

Plunge into the art of system administration with our four-course
Linux/Unix System Administration Certificate Series, spanning basic
directories to sed, awk, and perl. You'll get your own root server to work
on, free O'Reilly books for reference, and upon completion, certification
from the University of Illinois Office of Continuing Education.

Right now, pre-enroll in all four courses and receive a $300 instant


*** Other Related O'Reilly Network sites ***

O'Reilly Network

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O'Reilly Java

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Wednesday, June 28, 2006


How To Recover from Registry Corruption

The Windows DevCenter Newsletter
The latest from

Sponsored by GoToMyPC(R)

GoToMyPC(R) allows small businesses and individuals to achieve instant
flexibility. This award-winning remote-access solution enables users to
securely access email, applications and network resources from home or on
the road from any Internet-connected computer. Citrix offers a 30-day
risk-free trial.

Learn more.


How To Recover from Registry Corruption
What do you do if your system crashes and you've got a corrupt registry?
Mitch Tulloch comes to your rescue with advice on how to recover and
restore your registry.

Bill Gates' Legacy: Charity, not Microsoft
Ultimately, all the work Bill Gates did at Microsoft will be remembered by
very few. Instead, he'll be remembered as one of the world's greatest
philanthropists. Want to know why? Check out my blog for details.

Free TCP/IP Book
If you're looking for a good book on TCP/IP from a Windows perspective,
get the free PDF file "TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows." Mitch
Tulloch tells you why you need it, and how to get it.

Open Source Software FAQ "Answer of the Day"
OpenLDAP FAQ-o-Matic: How do I install OpenLDAP? You follow the
instructions in the INSTALL document found in the release. M. David
Peterson tells you why this is a great example of what's good about
OSS projects.

Check Out the ASP.NET 2.0 Training Center
O'Reilly, CMP's Dr. Dobb's Journal, and Microsoft have launched a new
site, the ASP.NET 2.0 Training Center, which offers a comprehensive set of
development tools, how-tos, and training to help programmers master
ASP.NET 2.0.

You'll find articles from your favorite O'Reilly authors, such as Jesse
Liberty and others, and articles from Dr. Dobb's Journal. And there is an
excellent webcast series helping you get more out of ASP.NET 2.0, as well.
Sign up for the site's webcast series you also get more than $400 in tools
and information, including Visual Studio(R) 2005 Standard Edition.

Visit the site at <>, and sign up for the webcasts
and get more than $400 in goodies at

See you next week.
Preston Gralla, editor

Deploying Your Windows Apps Is Just a Click Away

"Use ClickOnce to Deploy Windows Applications,"
a new PDF from O'Reilly, covers how to:

-Distribute Windows apps quickly and easily
-Add security to your distributions
-Update COM files without corrupting DLLs

Manage your productivity better with ClickOnce and
O'Reilly's latest PDF.

Buy It Today for Just $7.99

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stuff from our sponsors!

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Tuesday, June 27, 2006


Mostly Live, from Chicago, It's....

The Latest from and

$300 Rebate on O'Reilly Learning Linux/Unix Admin Series

Plunge into the art of system administration with our four-course
Linux/Unix System Administration Certificate Series, spanning basic
directories to sed, awk, and perl. You'll get your own root server to work
on, free O'Reilly books for reference, and upon completion, certification
from the University of Illinois Office of Continuing Education.

Right now, pre-enroll in all four courses and receive a $300 instant


Greetings from Chicago, Illinois, everyone. Before you start asking
yourselves "Why in the world is our fabulous editor in Chicago," it's
YAPC::NA 2006, yet another Perl conference. (See <>).
With so much fun, your editor didn't have a spare moment to write today's Linux
newsletter until tonight, which is why you're reading it tomorrow.

If that sentence is difficult to understand, try writing it.

Regardless of this magical occasion, here's what happened in the past week
on the O'Reilly Network.

Unless you live in a little box, you've likely heard of those little music
players--what are they again?--oh yes, iPods. You've probably also heard
that oh-so-cute pun on iPod and broadcasting: podcasting. This offers the
opportunity for truly independent broadcasting, with just you and your
ideas and potentially millions of listeners, without corporate or external
interference. John Littler of discusses just how easy it is
to set up independent podcasting with free and open source software:


If the lack of external interference sounds good to you, you'll probably
appreciate our new publication "How to Keep Your Boss from Sinking Your
Project." Authors Andrew Stellman and Jennifer Greene have extracted a
useful excerpt about managing up--that is, how you as a developer or
administrator can spot pending problems and help your manager make the
right decisions:


In weblogs this week, your editor reviewed the Perl module Class::MOP, a
metaprogramming system for Perl:


He also asked how a programming language stagnates:


... and offered a retrospective on the Refactoring Everything project:


Jeremy Jones reviewed PyYaml and found that he quite likes YAML:


Carla Schroder lamented the potential loss of all of the useful programmers:


Timothy M. O'Brien starts a long debate about which web framework to use:


Curt Hibbs covered Rails Conf (see more):


Tom Adelstein described an embedded Linux opportunity for entrepreneurs:


Chris Josephes reminded everyone about the necessity of disk layout
planning and application expectations:


That ends another week. Check back to the ONLamp weblog for YAPC::NA
coverage, including a sober look at the problems of the success of the CPAN.

until next week,
- c

Technical Editor
O'Reilly Network

Essential Reading

"Help Me Help You"

"How to Keep Your Boss from Sinking Your Project"
describes five principle guidelines for managing upward. You'll learn:

- How you can help your boss make the right decisions about setting
project expectations.
- What problems cause projects to fail and how to fix them.
- The steps that will keep your software project from running into

Buy This Downloadable PDF for Just $7.99!

Visit our Sponsored Developer Resource Pages and learn about cool
stuff from our sponsors!

Downloads - Free Training - Webinars - Updates

Altova's Developer Zone: 2.0 Training Center:
Driver Agents Driver Updates:
GoToMyPC(R) Remote Access:

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Stylus StudioTutorials from DataDirect!
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email us at for rate and availability
information. Thank you!
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1005 Gravenstein Highway North
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Bash Quick Reference and Web Apps

The latest from

Sponsored by GoToMyPC(R)

GoToMyPC(R) allows small businesses and individuals to achieve instant
flexibility. This award-winning remote-access solution enables users to
securely access email, applications and network resources from home or on
the road from any Internet-connected computer. Citrix offers a 30-day
risk-free trial.

Learn more.


Dear Reader,

Unix programmers and Windows power users often tap the direct power of the
bash shell to get their work done quickly. We've just published a 72-page
PDF, "bash Quick Reference" that answers annoying scripting questions such
as: What characters do you need to quote? How do you get variable
substitution to do exactly what you want? How do you use arrays?


We've also been watching the recent surge in the use of web applications.
Services such as Gmail have become ubiquitous in our communities. We began
wondering about what else is out there, and even more, can some people
live by web apps alone? The prospect is interesting. Use any networked
computer anywhere to access all of your programs and data.

In his 21-page PDF, "Your Life in Web Apps," Giles Turnbull takes a stab
at living an online-only existence. Then he provides an exhaustive menu of
programs and services available online.


These are two of the most recent PDF titles available from O'Reilly. Good,
fast, cheap information available to you right now. You might want to take
a look.

Until next time,


Derrick Story
O'Reilly Network Editorial Director

Your Skills Are in Demand. More Skills. More Demand.

Choose from 45 webcasts organized by track--JSP, PHP, and ColdFusion. Each
track has been designed to take advantage of your existing Web development
skills and includes insightful content contributed by Dr. Dobb's and O'Reilly.


*** Featured Articles ***

Parallels Desktop for the Mac
The short version of this discussion about Parallels can be summed up in a
single word: Amazing. Nothing is perfect, of course, and there is room for
improvement as Parallels moves this product beyond version 1.0. However,
if you have an Intel-based Mac and need to or want to run Microsoft
Windows, some version of Linux, or some other supported operating system,
read on. Todd Ogasawara reports.



Fast Prototyping of Telephony Applications with YATE
Maciek Kaminski presents the Yet Another Telephony Engine (YATE) project.
YATE allows developers to write scripts in higher level languages while
taking advantage of the performance of native libraries without
sacrificing too much efficiency, making it an ideal environment for
rapidly prototyping telephony applications.



How To Recover from Registry Corruption
What do you do if your system crashes and you've got a corrupt registry?
Mitch Tulloch comes to your rescue with advice on how to recover and
restore your registry.



Building Tricorders
We're featuring four sessions from the first day of the Where 2.0
conference. Josh Peterson tells you to live your life as if you're on
vacation; Mike Liebhold looks at a future in which the invisible
annotations on the world around you becomes visible; Schuler Erle demos
Gutenkarte, which reveals geographic information in the books you read;
and Lauren Gelman cautions us about the privacy issues in exposing our
data. (DTF 06-26-2006: 26 minutes, 15 seconds)



Indie Podcasting with Open Source
Linux has a reputation as a multimedia lightweight. That's undeserved;
there are plenty of powerful, useful, and usable applications to meet most
of your media needs. For example, it's possible to become an independent
podcaster with a little bit of equipment and experience. John Littler
shares his advice on podcasting with open source.



Scaling Up with XQuery, Part 2
In Part 2 of this article, Bob DuCharme covers the eXist and Berkeley DB
XML implementations of XQuery, showing us how to use them to query a large
XML data collection.



Making the Most of JDBC with WebRowSet
Database to XML and back again. If everyone's doing some or all of this,
then shouldn't we write it once, get it right, and standardize? JDBC 3.0's
WebRowSet offers a profound increase in power over the old ResultSet.
Sharad Acharya shows you what's possible.



*** New Books from O'Reilly Media ***

Unicode Explained

Ubuntu Hacks

Computer Security Basics, Second Edition

The Book of Nero 7 (No Starch)

Syngress IT Security Project Management Handbook (Syngress)

Joe Grand's Best of Hardware, Wireless, and Game Console Hacking

From Java to Ruby (Pragmatic Bookshelf)

Build Your Own AJAX Web Applications (Sitepoint)

The eBay Price Guide (No Starch)

*** New PDFs from O'Reilly Media ***

Your Life in Web Apps

bash Quick Reference

How to Keep Your Boss from Sinking Your Project

RJS Templates for Rails

Add Tag Clouds to Your Site

"Building Tag Clouds in Perl and PHP" teaches you skills for constructing
your own tag clouds. You can use these techniques to create other kinds
of innovative, Web 2.0-style interfaces.

In this PDF you'll learn:

-what is and isn't a tag cloud
-design tips for using tag clouds effectively
-how to create your own tag clouds in Perl and PHP

Just $9.99!



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stuff from our sponsors!

Downloads - Free Training - Webinars - Updates

Altova's Developer Zone: 2.0 Training Center:
Driver Agents Driver Updates:
GoToMyPC(R) Remote Access:

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Stylus StudioTutorials from DataDirect!
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email us at for rate and availability
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1005 Gravenstein Highway North
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Scaling Up with XQuery, Part 2 Xtra!
The Email for Subscribers

Sponsored by GoToMyPC(R)

GoToMyPC(R) allows small businesses and individuals to achieve instant
flexibility. This award-winning remote-access solution enables users to
securely access email, applications and network resources from home or on
the road from any Internet-connected computer. Citrix offers a 30-day
risk-free trial.

Learn more.


Welcome to another issue of

This week Bob DuCharme finishes his treatment of XQuery scalability by
examining eXist and Berkeley DB XML implementations of XQuery and their
use in querying and managing large XML document collections.

Scaling Up with XQuery, Part 2

Also worth reading this week:

Kurt Cagle, Understanding XForms: Components

As always, thanks for reading.

Kendall Clark
Managing Editor,

Essential Guide

RJS Templates on Rails

RJS templates are an exciting and powerful new type of template added to
Rails 1.1. Unlike conventional Rails templates that generate HTML or XML,
RJS templates generate JavaScript code that is executed when it is
returned to the browser. This PDF:

- introduces you to RJS templates
- shows you how to fit them into the Rails framework
- gets you started with a few easy-to-follow examples

Just $9.99!


Visit our Sponsored Developer Resource Pages and learn about cool
stuff from our sponsors!

Downloads - Free Training - Webinars - Updates

Altova's Developer Zone: 2.0 Training Center:
Driver Agents Driver Updates:
GoToMyPC(R) Remote Access:

Coming soon:
Stylus StudioTutorials from DataDirect!
Interested in sponsoring the newsletter? Please email us at for rate and availability information.
Thank you!
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1005 Gravenstein Highway North
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Friday, June 23, 2006


A Web-Only Existence

The latest from

O'Reilly 2006 Photoshop Cook-Off

Inside Lightroom Announcing the 2006 O'Reilly Photoshop Cook-Off: a
contest open to U.S. residents who use Adobe Photoshop. Win great prizes
and get your work in front of the industry's A-list judges. Entries
accepted from May 15 until August 15, 2006. Enter now to win!


Dear Reader,

We've been talking around the water cooler about Google's recent calendar
product, and it's led to a broader discussion about web apps in general. I
find the concept fascinating. All of my tools living on the network,
enabling me to access my applications and data at any time from any
computer. Email, word processing, photo management, spreadsheet, calendar,
audio files, and everything else stored on servers distributed across the
web. Is this really possible?

I posed the question to one of my ace writers on Mac DevCenter: Giles
Turnbull. I challenged him to live a "web app only" existence for 24
hours, then write about his experience. Giles did extensive research about
all of the web apps out there, tested many of them, then published the
O'Reilly Media PDF, "Your Life in Web Apps." It's available in the
O'Reilly store for $5.99.


Giles begins the PDF by walking you through his web apps only day, citing
what worked easily and what didn't. He then takes you on an exhaustive
survey of the web apps that are available now, and concludes with a
discussion about security and backup. It's really a terrific piece of
work. And if you've been wondering about the possibility of living by web
apps alone, or at least for the majority of your work, I think you'll find
his research invaluable.

Until next time,


Derrick Story
O'Reilly Network Editorial Director

Run Windows on Your Intel Mac!

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*** Featured Articles ***

Wireless Security on the Road Without a VPN
A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a secure way to connect to web sites
and email while using wireless networks. Unfortunately, not everyone has
access to a VPN, so what do you do? In this article you'll learn how to
secure your online activities without a VPN.



Apple vs. the Bloggers: How It Unfolded and Where It Stands Now
When AppleInsider and PowerPage published apparently purloined
confidential documents from Cupertino, Apple sued their ISPs to find out
who inside the company was leaking. This set into motion a series of court
proceedings that helped define the rights of bloggers and privacy for
those who use the Internet. Richard Koman reports.



Aging PowerBook Upgrade by a Linux/OS X Geek
Many Mac users railed against chromatic's recent article, Switching Back
to Desktop Linux. When Philip Hollenback, a Linux fan himself, needed to
upgrade his aging PB 667 from Panther to Tiger, he used an approach that
kept costs down and value high, while preserving his Linux/OS X frame of
mind. Here's how he did it.



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Thursday, June 22, 2006


Modernizing JDBC apps with WebRowSet

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Any chance you've got some really old JDBC code? Really, really old?
Like, "it's worked since Java 1.1 and we don't want to risk breaking it"
old? Maybe wrapped up in a representation class so you never have to
actually look at it? If this is you, and even if it's not, it's a safe
bet there's a lot of legacy JDBC code out there that's just been left
alone because it works, even if it dates back to the bad old days when you
could only move forward through a result set. JDBC has gone through
several subsequent releases and there's a lot of useful, performant
functionality you can pick up for free, if you know what's available and
how to apply it to your code base. In this week's ONJava, we'll take a
look at a JDBC interface that's particularly handy for moving back and
forth between database records and XML representations.

"Until recently, converting data back and forth between database and XML
representations used to be a major task that would take a large chunk of
application development and testing resources. Fortunately, the newest
version of the JDBC API provides features such as precise navigation
through the result set, caching of result sets, writing result sets to
XML, and so on." In "Making the Most of JDBC with WebRowSet," Sharad
Acharya introduces JDBC's XML-friendly interface for working with results,
converting to and from XML, and performing updates by manipulating the
WebRowSet object.


Have you written a web application and only decided late in the game, or
after your first release, to rework it as a portal? Andrew Lorek has some
options for you in "Java Portlet Tools: Converting Java Web Applications
into Adaptive Portlets." In it, he shows you "how to convert existing web
applications designed to work outside a portal into adaptive portlets for
use within AquaLogic User Interaction. It outlines the difficulties
encountered when using existing web application frameworks like Java
Server Faces or Struts as well as a new tool to overcome these problems,
the Java Portlet Toolkit. The article will also explore some of the tools
that come with the Java Portlet Toolkit, such as the PortletBean and
portal-specific JSP tags."


Integrating with other members of your team, or other teams, is a task
that only gets harder and more error-prone as development continues, and
if you put it off, your customers may be the ones dealing with an ugly,
balky, uncoordinated system. So save yourself the terror of "integration
hell" by integrating code early and often. In this week's feature article
from, John Ferguson Smart looks at "Continuous Integration with
Continuum." "Continuum is a powerful, easy-to-use, and easy-to-configure
continuous integration tool. Its excellent Maven 2 integration will make
it the CI tool of choice for Maven 2 developers, but Continuum can be used
with success with just about any Java project."


Recent O'Reilly Network weblogs of interest to Java developers:

Steve Anglin - A Leap for Java EE and .NET Interoperability?

Paul Browne - Ajax / Javascript sites from Sun

Paul Browne - Real-World Rule Engines

Steven Anglin - The Definitive Guide to JBoss Seam 1.0

Steve Anglin - JBoss World 2006: Sessions Attended

Timothy M. O'Brien - What Web Application Framework Should You Use?

Steve Anglin - JBoss World 2006: News


Paul Browne - Three things not to forget ... that I did.

Check out more O'Reilly Network Java weblogs at:

Please join us again next week.

Chris Adamson, Editor

Sponsored by GoToMyPC(R)

GoToMyPC(R) allows small businesses and individuals to achieve instant
flexibility. This award-winning remote-access solution enables users to
securely access email, applications and network resources from home or on
the road from any Internet-connected computer. Citrix offers a 30-day
risk-free trial.

Learn more.


*** Java News and Weblogs *** Weblogs

O'Reilly Network Java Weblogs

Other Java News (channel -- LANG: JAVA)

Java Cookbook Recipe of the Day

Java Events

Essential Reading

"Help Me Help You"

"How to Keep Your Boss from Sinking Your Project"
describes five principle guidelines for managing upward. You'll learn:

- How you can help your boss make the right decisions about setting
project expectations.
- What problems cause projects to fail and how to fix them.
- The steps that will keep your software project from running into

Buy This Downloadable PDF for Just $7.99!


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Wednesday, June 21, 2006


Inside Vista's New Diagnostic Tools

The Windows DevCenter Newsletter
The latest from

Sponsored by GoToMyPC(R)

GoToMyPC(R) allows small businesses and individuals to achieve instant
flexibility. This award-winning remote-access solution enables users to
securely access email, applications and network resources from home or on
the road from any Internet-connected computer. Citrix offers a 30-day
risk-free trial.

Learn more.


Okay, Slow Down, What Is .NET 3.0?
What the *(#&# is .NET 3.0 and why should you care? Jesse Liberty has the
first in an ongoing series of blog postings that tell you everything you
need to know about .NET 3.0, the technology formerly known as WinFX.

Inside Vista's New Diagnostic Tools
Vista comes with a great suite of diagnostic tools for helping your PC run
better and avoid crashes. Mitch Tulloch gives you the rundown on what they
are and how to use them.

Who's Worse: Computer Repair Shops or Used Car Dealers?
It's the eternal question: who's less trustworthy--computer repair shops
or used car dealers? If my experience in the last week with a local repair
shop is any indication, computer repair shops lose, hands down. Check out
my blog for the ugly details.

The Pain and the Discipline of Running as Non-Admin
Running your computer as a local administrator has numerous hazards, but
unfortunately it can be painful trying to run as an ordinary user if you
frequently have system configuration tasks like installing new
applications to perform. Mitch Tulloch feels your pain--and offers advice
on how to assuage it.

Check Out the ASP.NET 2.0 Training Center
O'Reilly, CMP's Dr. Dobb's Journal, and Microsoft have launched a new
site, the ASP.NET 2.0 Training Center, which offers a comprehensive set of
development tools, how-tos, and training to help programmers master
ASP.NET 2.0.

You'll find articles from your favorite O'Reilly authors, such as Jesse
Liberty and others, and articles from Dr. Dobb's Journal. And there is an
excellent webcast series helping you get more out of ASP.NET 2.0, as well.
Sign up for the site's webcast series and you also get more than $400 in
tools and information, including Visual Studio® 2005 Standard Edition.

Visit the site at <>, and sign up for the webcasts to
get more than $400 in goodies at <>.

See you next week.
Preston Gralla, editor

Deploying Your Windows Apps Is Just a Click Away

"Use ClickOnce to Deploy Windows Applications,"
a new PDF from O'Reilly, covers how to:

-Distribute Windows apps quickly and easily
-Add security to your distributions
-Update COM files without corrupting DLLs

Manage your productivity better with ClickOnce and
O'Reilly's latest PDF.

Buy It Today for Just $7.99

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stuff from our sponsors!

Downloads - Free Training - Webinars - Updates

Altova's Developer Zone: 2.0 Training Center:
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Stylus StudioTutorials from DataDirect!
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email us at for rate and availability
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1005 Gravenstein Highway North
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Tuesday, June 20, 2006


Don't Let Your Boss Sink Your Project

The latest from

Sponsored by GoToMyPC(R)

GoToMyPC(R) allows small businesses and individuals to achieve instant
flexibility. This award-winning remote-access solution enables users to
securely access email, applications and network resources from home or on
the road from any Internet-connected computer. Citrix offers a 30-day
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Learn more.


Dear Reader,

How do you help your boss make the right decisions about the project
you're working on? This includes setting expectations, working with
stakeholders, getting things on the right track, and then keeping them
there. In other words, how do you keep your boss from sinking your project?

Andrew Stellman and Jennifer Greene know how. In a PDF just published by
O'Reilly, they show you how to succeed with your IT or software endeavor.
A few of the topics they cover include:

- Why do projects fail?
- Set expectations early and keep them there
- Keep your manager involved
- Make intelligent course corrections
- Alter your tactics, but stay true to your strategy

You can download this 21-page PDF right now for only $7.99. It's a small
price to pay for keeping your project afloat.


Until next week,


Derrick Story
O'Reilly Network Editorial Director

Your Skills Are in Demand. More Skills. More Demand.

Choose from 45 webcasts organized by track--JSP, PHP, and ColdFusion. Each
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*** Featured Articles ***

Inside Vista's New Diagnostic Tools
Vista comes with a great suite of diagnostic tools for helping your PC run
better and avoid crashes. Mitch Tulloch gives you the rundown on what they
are and how to use them.



Playing with Location
We've just returned from the Where 2.0 conference in San Jose, California.
Next week, you'll hear parts of some of the sessions. This week, you'll
hear an interview with the Platial team about their "people's atlas" site,
we visit the Where fair the second night of the conference and speak with
exhibitors, Greg Trefry and Kevin Slavin talk to Brady Forrest about
Games, and we play Pixie Hunt with Microsoft's Jordan Schwartz. (DTF
06-19-2006: 22 minutes, 40 seconds)



Build Your Own AIM Answerbot
The easiest way to solve a thorny problem is to ask a guru... yet when you
don't have access to a resident expert just across the office, what can
you do? IRC bots solve this problem -- if you have access to IRC. Robert
Treat redeployed that idea within his company across AIM with a bit of
Perl, a database full of answers, and a couple of hours of time.



Brady Forrest on Where 2.0
This year's Where 2.0 conference has just ended and Brady Forrest is
already thinking about next year's show. Where 2.0 2007 is scheduled for
June 19 and 20 back at the Fairmont hotel in San Jose. Brady co-chaired
this year's conference with Nat Torkington. The pair announced that Brady
will be the conference chair next year. Here's Brady's take on what stood
out for him most at this year's show and what he's looking forward to next
year. (1 minute, 41 seconds)



Scaling Up with XQuery, Part 1
In Part 1 of this two-part article, Bob DuCharme shows us how to use three
popular XQuery implementations to access and query large XML document
collections, which is, as he says, "where the real fun begins."



What Is Jetty
Of course Tomcat is the first Java application server you think of, but is
it the right tool for every job? The open source Jetty serves up JSPs and
servlets in just a fraction of the memory needed by other app servers and
is designed for easy embedding in other applications and non-traditional
Java environments. Ethan McCallum takes a look at the big things in this
small package.



*** New Books from O'Reilly Media ***

Learning PHP and MySQL

The Art of RAW Conversion

Object Oriented PHP

VB 2005 Black Book

Active Directory Cookbook, Second Edition

Rails Recipes

Essential Reading

"Help Me Help You"

"How to Keep Your Boss from Sinking Your Project" describes five principle
guidelines for managing upward. You'll learn:

- How you can help your boss make the right decisions about setting
project expectations.
- What problems cause projects to fail and how to fix them.
- The steps that will keep your software project from running into

Buy This Downloadable PDF for Just $7.99!


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stuff from our sponsors!

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Altova's Developer Zone: 2.0 Training Center:
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Stylus StudioTutorials from DataDirect!
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Monkey versus Robot

The Latest from and

Sponsored by GoToMyPC(R)

GoToMyPC(R) allows small businesses and individuals to achieve instant
flexibility. This award-winning remote-access solution enables users to
securely access email, applications and network resources from home or on
the road from any Internet-connected computer. Citrix offers a 30-day
risk-free trial.

Learn more.


Hello, everyone. Before the Linux newsletter starts, your editor must
reach into the mailbag and credit reader A. M. "Todd" Sabuncu for catching
the word "metonymy" misspelled in last weeks newsletter. (Your editor
knows what it means, though he often confuses it with synecdoche. He just
cannot spell it, at least not as easily as squamous.)

With that bit of mischief out of the way, here's the tiny slice of the big
pie of F/LOSS that ONLamp covered last week.

If you've ever worked tech support (or seen The IT Crowd), you know that a
monkey with the proper three-question script could answer four out of five
questions. Making monkeys do that job might violate animal cruelty laws,
but why not a robot? If your users can use AIM or another chat system,
you may be able to set up a bot as your front line of support to answer
frequently asked questions. Don't get lost in the thought of natural
language parsing and schemas; reuse some of the work Robert Treat and
others have done to "Build Your Own AIM Answerbot":


Last week was our Where 2.0 Conference, dedicated to all of the
interesting and useful information in the emerging open location
information space. Our conference coverage is available, including plenty
of smooth-voiced Daniel Steinberg interviews:


In weblogs this week, Tim O'Reilly shares information on the O'Reilly
anti-spam system:


Your editor called for public use of the domain (it's satire):


Then he found a long thread on the Perl 5 development list about the
not-imminent not-death of Perl 5:


Dave Cross lamented all of the bad ways people store date information in


Bruno Pedro tried to enable accent-insensitive fulltext indexing in


Jeremy Jones played with Tabblo, a photo-sharing site built with Python
and Django:


Lyz Krumbach reviewed Google Earth, which now runs on x86 Linux:


Juliet Kemp upgraded to Apache 2 and ran into index issues:


Caitlyn Martin has a new favorite Linux distribution: Xubuntu:


Gregory Brown wonders what skateboarding has to do with Rails:


Pat Eyler interviews RubyQuiz master James Gray:


Geoffrey Grosenbach dissected the metaprogramming in why the lucky stiff's
Camping framework:


Tom Adelstein decided that, job-wise, the Linux desktop has not yet


That's it for this week, except for a plea. Do you remember The Perl
Conference before it was OSCON? Do you have any photos, memorabilia, or
stories to share? If so, please contact your editor (chromatic at oreilly
dot com).

Even TPC after OSCON is good,
- c

Technical Editor
O'Reilly Network

Essential Reading

"Help Me Help You"

"How to Keep Your Boss from Sinking Your Project" describes five principle
guidelines for managing upward. You'll learn:

- How you can help your boss make the right decisions about setting
project expectations.
- What problems cause projects to fail and how to fix them.
- The steps that will keep your software project from running into

Buy This Downloadable PDF for Just $7.99!

Visit our Sponsored Developer Resource Pages and learn about cool
stuff from our sponsors!

Downloads - Free Training - Webinars - Updates

Altova's Developer Zone: 2.0 Training Center:
Driver Agents Driver Updates:
GoToMyPC(R) Remote Access:

Coming soon:
Stylus StudioTutorials from DataDirect!
Interested in sponsoring the Linux DevCenter newsletter? Please
email us at for rate and availability
information. Thank you!
To change your newsletter subscription options, please visit

For assistance, email

O'Reilly Media, Inc.
1005 Gravenstein Highway North
Sebastopol, CA 95472
(707) 827-7000

Wednesday, June 14, 2006


The Ultimate Free Windows Toolkit

The Windows DevCenter Newsletter
The latest from

Sponsored by GoToMyPC(R)

GoToMyPC(R) allows small businesses and individuals to achieve instant
flexibility. This award-winning remote-access solution enables users to
securely access email, applications and network resources from home or on
the road from any Internet-connected computer. Citrix offers a 30-day
risk-free trial.

Learn more.


The Ultimate Free Windows Toolkit
You don't have to spend a bundle if you want to keep your network and its
servers in tip-top shape. Mitch Tulloch gives you the rundown on the best
free tools you can find for system administrators.

From the Windows DevCenter Blogosphere

Why Microsoft 'Live' Is Brain Dead
Brand-happy Microsoft is slapping the word "Live" on just about every new
product it launches, from antivirus software to search tools. See my blog
to find out why this is just one more in a line of bad marketing moves.

PowerShell: Shell Scripting Done Right
Looking for a great scripting power tool? Devin Ganger has one for you,
and with it he's done some amazing things in a small amount of scripting.
Check out his blog for details.

Check Out the ASP.NET 2.0 Training Center
O'Reilly, CMP's Dr. Dobbs Journal, and Microsoft have launched a new site,
the ASP.NET 2.0 Training Center, which offers a comprehensive set of
development tools, how-to's, and training to help programmers master
ASP.NET 2.0.

You'll find articles from your favorite O'Reilly authors, such as Jesse
Liberty and others, and articles from Dr. Dobbs Journal. And there is an
excellent webcast series to help you get more out of ASP.NET 2.0 as well.
Sign up for the site's webcast series and you also get more than $400 in
tools and information, including Visual Studio(R) 2005 Standard Edition.

Visit the site at <>, sign up for the webcasts, and
get more than $400 in goodies at <>.

See you next week.
Preston Gralla, editor

Deploying Your Windows Apps Is Just a Click Away

"Use ClickOnce to Deploy Windows Applications,"
a new PDF from O'Reilly, covers how to:

-Distribute Windows apps quickly and easily
-Add security to your distributions
-Update COM files without corrupting DLLs

Manage your productivity better with ClickOnce and
O'Reilly's latest PDF.

Buy It Today for Just $7.99


Visit our Sponsored Developer Resource Pages and learn about cool
stuff from our sponsors!

Downloads - Free Training - Webinars - Updates

Altova's Developer Zone: 2.0 Training Center:
Driver Agents Driver Updates:
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Stylus StudioTutorials from DataDirect!
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email us at for rate and availability
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1005 Gravenstein Highway North
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Keeping Up with Where 2.0

The latest from

Rally - Agile Software Life Cycle Management on Demand

See how Rally unites Agile project management with tracking of
requirements, tests and defects so everyone has a real-time picture of
your project's features and quality, priorities, roadblocks and risks.

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Dear Reader,

The Where 2.0 Conference in San Jose, California is wrapping up (this
event brings together the people, projects, and issues leading the charge
into the location-based technology frontier). An incredible amount of
information has been disseminated over the two-day gathering. I was just
reading the Conference News website, and I am slightly blown away by the
depth and breadth of the posts. Here are just a few examples:

Lauren Gelman on Privacy
Gelman works out of the Center for Internet Society at Stanford University
and she is very knowledgeable about the new technologies being discussed
at Where 2.0, and how they will be pushing the boundaries of existing
privacy law.

A Lot There at the Where Fair
After a mind-bending day of talks and demos, and then a lively and packed
exhibitor hall reception, the hands-on Where Fair event still did not disappoint.

Zopto: An Addressing Scheme That Makes Sense
Ben Nolan from Projectx Technology showed off the company's unique and
simple Zopto location addressing scheme to a very favorable response at
the Where 2.0 conference.

And it goes on and on from there. If you couldn't attend the event in
person, I highly recommend you stop by Conference News to get up to speed.


Until next time,


Derrick Story
O'Reilly Network Editorial Director

Sponsored by GoToMyPC(R)

GoToMyPC(R) allows small businesses and individuals to achieve instant
flexibility. This award-winning remote-access solution enables users to
securely access email, applications and network resources from home or on
the road from any Internet-connected computer. Citrix offers a 30-day
risk-free trial.

Learn more.


*** Featured Articles ***

The Ultimate Free Windows Toolkit
You don't have to spend a bundle if you want to keep your network and its
servers in tip-top shape. Mitch Tulloch gives you the rundown on the best
free tools you can find for system administrators.



Pixie Hunt: A High-Tech Scavenger Hunt
Teams of Where 2.0 attendees hit the streets of San Jose last night on a
high-tech scavenger hunt. They carried camera phones and GPS pucks as they
raced to complete their tasks quickly and creatively. (4 minutes, 22



Natural Language Game Programming with Inform 7
Natural language programming is a huge goal of certain programming
language communities. Unfortunately, it once gave the world COBOL. Graham
Nelson's latest version of the Inform language for writing interactive
fiction resurrects the idea of natural language. Liza Daly demonstrates
how writing code can be a truly literary experience.



Design Tips for Building Tag Clouds
To give you a sampling of what you'll find in Building Tag Clouds in Perl
and PHP, a new, downloadable PDF from O'Reilly, we've excerpted this
section on tips for designing the most effective tag clouds.



Aging PowerBook Upgrade by a Linux/OS X Geek
Many Mac users railed against chromatic's recent article, Switching Back
to Desktop Linux. When Philip Hollenback, a Linux fan himself, needed to
upgrade his aging PB 667 from Panther to Tiger, he used an approach that
kept costs down and value high, while preserving his Linux/OS X frame of
mind. Here's how he did it.



Object-oriented JavaScript
Greg Brown explains how to use basic object-oriented techniques to build
more robust AJAX applications.



Achieving Inversion of Control with Eclipse RCP
Eclipse RCP uses a popular plugin scheme for extending the capabilities of
the core platform. Meanwhile, the Inversion of Control pattern is a
popular means of having a runtime container provide an implementation of
some needed service. Put them together and effectively, you're plugging in
the implementation of your plugin. Riccardo Govoni shows how a little
bytecode manipulation makes this possible.



*** New Books from O'Reilly Media ***

MCSE Core Required Exams in a Nutshell, Third Edition


DNS and BIND, Fifth Edition

Pragmatic Version Control, Second Edition

Video Conferencing over IP

Winternals Defragmentation, Recovery, and Administration Field Guide

Add Tag Clouds to Your Site

"Building Tag Clouds in Perl and PHP" teaches you skills for constructing
your own tag clouds. You can use these techniques to create other kinds
of innovative, Web 2.0-style interfaces.

In this PDF you'll learn:

-what is and isn't a tag cloud
-design tips for using tag clouds effectively
-how to create your own tag clouds in Perl and PHP

Just $9.99!



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