Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Bash Quick Reference and Web Apps
The latest from http://oreillynet.com
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Dear Reader,
Unix programmers and Windows power users often tap the direct power of the
bash shell to get their work done quickly. We've just published a 72-page
PDF, "bash Quick Reference" that answers annoying scripting questions such
as: What characters do you need to quote? How do you get variable
substitution to do exactly what you want? How do you use arrays?
We've also been watching the recent surge in the use of web applications.
Services such as Gmail have become ubiquitous in our communities. We began
wondering about what else is out there, and even more, can some people
live by web apps alone? The prospect is interesting. Use any networked
computer anywhere to access all of your programs and data.
In his 21-page PDF, "Your Life in Web Apps," Giles Turnbull takes a stab
at living an online-only existence. Then he provides an exhaustive menu of
programs and services available online.
These are two of the most recent PDF titles available from O'Reilly. Good,
fast, cheap information available to you right now. You might want to take
a look.
Until next time,
Derrick Story
O'Reilly Network Editorial Director
Your Skills Are in Demand. More Skills. More Demand.
Choose from 45 webcasts organized by track--JSP, PHP, and ColdFusion. Each
track has been designed to take advantage of your existing Web development
skills and includes insightful content contributed by Dr. Dobb's and O'Reilly.
*** Featured Articles ***
Parallels Desktop for the Mac
The short version of this discussion about Parallels can be summed up in a
single word: Amazing. Nothing is perfect, of course, and there is room for
improvement as Parallels moves this product beyond version 1.0. However,
if you have an Intel-based Mac and need to or want to run Microsoft
Windows, some version of Linux, or some other supported operating system,
read on. Todd Ogasawara reports.
Fast Prototyping of Telephony Applications with YATE
Maciek Kaminski presents the Yet Another Telephony Engine (YATE) project.
YATE allows developers to write scripts in higher level languages while
taking advantage of the performance of native libraries without
sacrificing too much efficiency, making it an ideal environment for
rapidly prototyping telephony applications.
How To Recover from Registry Corruption
What do you do if your system crashes and you've got a corrupt registry?
Mitch Tulloch comes to your rescue with advice on how to recover and
restore your registry.
Building Tricorders
We're featuring four sessions from the first day of the Where 2.0
conference. Josh Peterson tells you to live your life as if you're on
vacation; Mike Liebhold looks at a future in which the invisible
annotations on the world around you becomes visible; Schuler Erle demos
Gutenkarte, which reveals geographic information in the books you read;
and Lauren Gelman cautions us about the privacy issues in exposing our
data. (DTF 06-26-2006: 26 minutes, 15 seconds)
Indie Podcasting with Open Source
Linux has a reputation as a multimedia lightweight. That's undeserved;
there are plenty of powerful, useful, and usable applications to meet most
of your media needs. For example, it's possible to become an independent
podcaster with a little bit of equipment and experience. John Littler
shares his advice on podcasting with open source.
Scaling Up with XQuery, Part 2
In Part 2 of this article, Bob DuCharme covers the eXist and Berkeley DB
XML implementations of XQuery, showing us how to use them to query a large
XML data collection.
Making the Most of JDBC with WebRowSet
Database to XML and back again. If everyone's doing some or all of this,
then shouldn't we write it once, get it right, and standardize? JDBC 3.0's
WebRowSet offers a profound increase in power over the old ResultSet.
Sharad Acharya shows you what's possible.
*** New Books from O'Reilly Media ***
Unicode Explained
Ubuntu Hacks
Computer Security Basics, Second Edition
The Book of Nero 7 (No Starch)
Syngress IT Security Project Management Handbook (Syngress)
Joe Grand's Best of Hardware, Wireless, and Game Console Hacking
From Java to Ruby (Pragmatic Bookshelf)
Build Your Own AJAX Web Applications (Sitepoint)
The eBay Price Guide (No Starch)
*** New PDFs from O'Reilly Media ***
Your Life in Web Apps
bash Quick Reference
How to Keep Your Boss from Sinking Your Project
RJS Templates for Rails
Add Tag Clouds to Your Site
"Building Tag Clouds in Perl and PHP" teaches you skills for constructing
your own tag clouds. You can use these techniques to create other kinds
of innovative, Web 2.0-style interfaces.
In this PDF you'll learn:
-what is and isn't a tag cloud
-design tips for using tag clouds effectively
-how to create your own tag clouds in Perl and PHP
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Coming soon:
Stylus StudioTutorials from DataDirect!
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