Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Beat the Heat

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Dear Reader,

O'Reilly's Open Source Conference (OSCON) is in full swing in Portland,
OR, attracting software enthusiasts from all over the world. If you're
familiar with this event, then you know it presents the double opportunity
to drill down in your chosen areas of interest while expanding your
horizons into others. You can experience much of OSCON from the comfort of
your fan-cooled office by visiting our Conference News page that includes
photos, weblogs, audio links, and more.


Speaking of learning about new stuff, Daniel Steinberg has posted a great
interview by InfoWorld's Jon Udell of O'Reilly CIO CJ Rayhill about Safari
U and the changing ways in which we teach and learn. Udell says that
podcasting professors should be able to use their actual class time more
effectively. Rayhill advises that we should make sure our children can
type, search effectively, and understand finance before heading off to college.

You can also listen in as photographer and author Mikkel Aaland talks
about capturing images in the RAW format. Aaland knows plenty about this
subject... he wrote the book, "Photoshop CS 2 RAW." It's all there waiting
for you in the latest episode (Going Digital - learning and shooting) of
Distributing the Future.


What a great way to beat the heat.

Until next week,


Derrick Story
O'Reilly Network Editorial Director

The First European RailsConf 2006 - September 14-15 – London

Learn why Ruby on Rails is taking Europe by Storm! Find out what's new
cool and exciting from more than 25 leading web 2.0 experts, incl. David
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*** Featured Articles ***

How Does Open Source Software Stack Up on the Mac?
Apple does a great job of providing elegant software for its platform. But
there are plenty of good offerings beyond the fruits of Cupertino. In this
amazing survey of proprietary and open source software, Matthew Russell
attempts to organize what's available on both fronts, and even dares to
assign grades. Has he missed anything?



An Interview with the Creator of FreeSWITCH
We talk with Anthony Minessale--the developer behind the FreeSWITCH open
source telephony project--about the status of FreeSWITCH, how it compares
to Asterisk, and Minessale's future plans.



Registry Hacks for Servers
Need to bend Windows Server 2003 to your will? Mitch Tulloch offers great
Registry hacks that will help you get more out of your servers.



Going Digital (learning and shooting)
What are the skills that every young person should have before they go off
to college? CJ Rayhill and Jon Udell talk a bit about how schools are
changing. Mikkel Aaland talks about shooting RAW and has some surprising
stories about Ansel Adams. (DTF 07-24-2006: 27 minutes 15 seconds)



Free and Open Source Software at the United Nations
Advances in technology have revolutionized the way people live, but the
digital divide keeps vital technology out of third-world countries. As
part of a series of initiatives to end global poverty by 2015, the United
Nations is using, promoting, and creating free and open source software.
David Boswell gives an overview of the plans and progress.



Linux on the Nokia 770 Internet Tablet
Nokia's 770 Internet Tablet is more than a phone, according to John
Littler. It's a Debian GNU/Linux system. This makes it a prime target for
hackers. Littler explores some of the built-in utilities and some of the
other tricks you can use.



Implementing the Atom Publishing Protocol
Joe Gregorio's latest Restful Web column implements the Atom Publishing
Protocol as a Python web service using WSGI.



What Is Geronimo?
Geronimo is Apache's open source, Java EE-compatible application server,
based on a flexible system of interchangeable components. This makes it
ideal for a wide range of enterprise deployments. In this article, Kunal
Jaggi shows you how to get started with Geronimo.



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The Internet: The Missing Manual

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Ruby Cookbook

A Web Apps Only Existence?

Is it possible to survive by web apps alone--with just a browser and a
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you need to know, including:

- The best and most innovative web apps available right now
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- Tips for backup and data protection

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Thursday, July 20, 2006


A fresh look at Apache Geronimo

The Independent Source for Enterprise Java

Sponsored by GoToMyPC(R)

GoToMyPC(R) allows small businesses and individuals to achieve instant
flexibility. This award-winning remote-access solution enables users to
securely access email, applications and network resources from home or on
the road from any Internet-connected computer. Citrix offers a 30-day
risk-free trial.

Learn more. http://www.oreillynet.com/etel/citrix



Unlike other Apache Foundation projects that are practically ubiquitous in
the Java world--think of Ant and Tomcat, for example--the Geronimo Java EE
application server is notable for its infrequent use. In our reader
survey last year, just 4 percent of ONJava readers said they were using
Geronimo. Given Apache's much-admired process and its popular license, it
does seem strange that Geronimo hasn't gained much ground on its
commercial and open source rivals. This week, we're taking a short look at
what Geronimo has going for it.

In "What Is Geronimo," Kunal Jaggi takes a look at what distinguishes
Apache's open source Java EE platform. "Geronimo fills a need that other
application servers do not. With Geronimo, components can be easily
integrated. Its key aim is to support custom builds, geared to the needs
of specific applications. Geronimo offers choices." In the article, Kunal
talks about what makes Geronimo unique, and helps you get started coding,
deploying, and testing your first app on Geronimo.


"The IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) is the 3rd Generation Partnership
Project's (3GPP) vision for a converged telecommunications architecture
that merges cellular and internet technologies to uniformly deliver voice,
video, and data on a single network. Currently one of the hottest topics
in telecom, IMS is rapidly becoming the architecture of choice for
operators who wish to upgrade their existing cellular and fixed-line
networks." In the dev2dev article "An IMS Application Example Based on
SIP Servlets and VoiceXML," David Burke and Darragh O'Flanagan present a
complete IMS application based on servlets and VoiceXML, which answers
calls on behalf of its owner, then attempts to contact the owner at home,
work, or on the road, and optionally connect the call.


This week's feature article from java.net takes "A Dive Into the Generated
Client Code in Axis2." Author Ajith Ranabahu writes: "Axis2 is a
lightweight SOAP framework that allows faster and efficient SOAP
processing. The new code generator bundled with Axis2 supports the use of
the new asynchronous API and allows the use of multiple data binding
frameworks to be used underneath."


Recent O'Reilly Network weblogs of interest to Java developers:

Paul Browne - JRuby: Web 2.0 in the Enterprise Java World

Chris Adamson - Touring the Top 10 RFE's

Steve Anglin - OSCON Java Conference Next Week

Check out more O'Reilly Network Java weblogs at:

Please join us again next week.

Chris Adamson, Editor

Essential Reading

"Help Me Help You"

"How to Keep Your Boss from Sinking Your Project"
describes five principle guidelines for managing upward. You'll learn:

- How you can help your boss make the right decisions about
setting project expectations.
- What problems cause projects to fail and how to fix them.
- The steps that will keep your software project from running
into trouble.

Buy This Downloadable PDF for Just $7.99!


*** Java News and Weblogs ***

java.net Weblogs

O'Reilly Network Java Weblogs

Other Java News (channel -- LANG: JAVA)

Java Cookbook Recipe of the Day

Java Events

O'Reilly 2006 Photoshop Cook-Off

Inside Lightroom Announcing the 2006 O'Reilly Photoshop Cook-Off: a
contest open to U.S. residents who use Adobe Photoshop. Win great prizes
and get your work in front of the industry's A-list judges. Entries
accepted from May 15 until August 15, 2006. Enter now to win!



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Monday, July 17, 2006


Vim, BSD Desktops, and Data Protection

The Latest from http://www.linuxdevcenter.com and http://ONLamp.com

Sponsored by GoToMyPC(R)

GoToMyPC(R) allows small businesses and individuals to achieve instant
flexibility. This award-winning remote-access solution enables users to
securely access email, applications and network resources from home or on
the road from any Internet-connected computer. Citrix offers a 30-day
risk-free trial.

Learn more. http://www.oreillynet.com/etel/citrix


Greetings, everyone. You're reading the weekly Linux newsletter, which
brings you news and information related to the world of free and open
source software as seen on the O'Reilly Network. It's a big area to
cover, but we do our best. Here's what you should know this week.

One of the recurring arguments in the programming and administration
worlds is over which text editor to use. The big two are obviously vi and
Emacs, but there are plenty of graphical and console utilities for
everyone. Matthew Russell has provided a gentle introduction to the hows
and whys of Vim for people who've tried and failed to understand it, as
well as people who've never used it:


Matthew also posted a followup explaining the all-powerful Vim macro:


Dru Lavigne's well-loved FreeBSD Basics column returned this week with
something for desktop users: DesktopBSD. DesktopBSD is a fully packaged,
user-friendly, easily installable distribution of FreeBSD suitable for
user desktops. This time, Dru demonstrates how to install and configure
the system for comfort and productivity:


If your data is important, what are you doing to protect it? Backing up a
database used only 9-5 on weekdays is easy; stay late one night. Backing
up a whole cluster of databases used 24/7/365 is more difficult. It's no
happy coincidence that LAMP provides plenty of good solutions for
protecting valuable MySQL and PostgreSQL data; Paddy Sreenivasan explains
"Data Protection for LAMP Applications:"


In weblogs this week, your editor reported on The Perl Foundation
president Bill Odom's plans for the state of Perl and TPF:


Jeremy Jones solved his Flash/Ubuntu audio problems:


Jeremy also expanded on an interview with Django's Adrian Holovaty on the
subject of tight framework integration:


Gregory Brown explained Ruby's inject method to newcomers:


Caleb Tennis recommended highly the Pragmatic Ruby Studio:


Pat Eyler interviewed the JRuby developers:


Brian Jones was very happy to discover the Fedora Directory Server over
plain old OpenLDAP:


Caitlyn Martin argued that fully licensed DVD player software is a huge
key to Linux on the average desktop. Readers weren't so sure:


Don't forget, OSCON is now only one week away. Things will be busy here,
so check back on ONLamp.com and the conferences page for a deluge of data.

Now knows the difference between buffered and unbuffered RAM,
- c

Technical Editor
O'Reilly Network

Essential Reading

"Help Me Help You"

"How to Keep Your Boss from Sinking Your Project"
describes five principle guidelines for managing upward. You'll learn:

- How you can help your boss make the right decisions about setting
project expectations.
- What problems cause projects to fail and how to fix them.
- The steps that will keep your software project from running into

Buy This Downloadable PDF for Just $7.99!

Visit our Sponsored Developer Resource Pages and learn about cool
stuff from our sponsors!

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Driver Agents Driver Updates: http://www.oreilly.com/go/driver_updates
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Inside Lightroom: http://digitalmedia.oreilly.com/lightroom/
Rackspace Managed Hosting: http://www.onlamp.com/onlamp/zones/rackspace/

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email us at advertising@oreilly.com for rate and availability
information. Thank you!
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O'Reilly Media, Inc.
1005 Gravenstein Highway North
Sebastopol, CA 95472
(707) 827-7000

Friday, July 14, 2006


State of The Perl Foundation

Perl.com update
The Email for www.perl.com Subscribers

Add Tag Clouds to Your Site

"Building Tag Clouds in Perl and PHP" teaches you skills for constructing
your own tag clouds. You can use these techniques to create other kinds
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In this PDF you'll learn:

-what is and isn't a tag cloud
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-how to create your own tag clouds in Perl and PHP

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Hello, readers. This is the Perl.com newsletter, sent out bi-weekly in a
transparent attempt to keep you somewhat up to date with the latest news
in the increasingly diverse Perl community.

Did you know that the country with the second-largest number of Perl.com
readers is India? That's right! Greetings to everyone on the
subcontinent; tell your friends about us.

Here's what's new in the world of Perl this fortnight.

* Perl News

The Pittsburgh Perl Workshop is yet another example of local, low-cost,
community-lead conferences to promote Perl and the Perl community. If
you'll be on the east coast in late September, here is your chance to


David Golden has released versions of both Vanilla and Strawberry Perl.
These are self-contained distributions of Perl, a compiler, and useful
modules for Windows users. Yes, that means you can install modern Perl
modules from the CPAN with (relative) ease:


Ann Barcomb revived the Perl 6 summaries with help from Audrey Tang and
Yuval Kogman. This first version covers February 2006:


Andy Lester issued a call for Parrot Cage Cleaners (more on that in a few


The Perl Foundation issued a call for the next round of grant


Audrey Tang and the Pugs hackers released Pugs 6.2.12 and the Perl 5
modules v6 (you have to see it to believe it):


amoore gave excellent suggestions on how to sneak testing into your
development team's routine:


Josh McAdams, fresh from organizing YAPC::NA and moving, interviewed the
Pragmatic Programmer Andy Hunt for Perlcast:


* Perl Jobs

The Pugs and Parrot projects each maintain a small list of tasks for
programmers interested in spending an hour or two helping out. You often
don't have to know much about either project or much beyond Perl 5.

Audrey Tang suggests a few tasks in the Pugs repository

* Go through examples/ and see if any of the examples fails to run; if
so, seek advice at #perl6 to get them fixed. Along the way, write
regression tests for those examples; currently only a handful of examples
are tested under t/examples/.

* Harness Pugs's interactive shell with perl5's IPC::Run (or something
else) and produce a web-based evalbot, similar to
http://tryruby.hobix.com/. Remember to set the PUGS_SAFEMODE environment
variable to true--use &Pugs::Safe::safe_getc, &Pugs::Safe::safe_readline,
and &Pugs::Safe::safe_readline for interaction with the user, if needed.

* Check in the current http://pugscode.org/ home page to the repository
and merge it with the docs/feather/, and reorganize the home page a bit to
make e.g. downloads easier to locate.

* Look over test files in t/bugs/, especially the fixed ones (they lack
:todo), and move them into other more descriptive directories under t/.

Join #perl6 on irc.freenode.net for more information.

Andy Lester suggests a few Parrot tasks:

* As we search for automated ways to check code quality, splint looks
really good. It's also really picky and pernicious. It won't be perfect
from the start, but it's an improvement. Take us to a decent splint or
lint target in the Makefile.

* Change all of the Perl 5 files from using -w to use warnings.

* Any of the CAGE tasks in Parrot's RT are up for grabs:


Contact andy@perl.org if you are interested.

Remember, you don't have to know C or Perl 6 (yet) to be a big help.
There are plenty of small tasks for an afternoon or evening--you could be
the next person praised in the Perl.com newsletter! (Thanks to Andy,
Audrey, Ann, Jerry Gay, and Will Coleda so far.)

* Perl on ORN

It's been a while since the last batch of lightning articles. These short
pieces are practical tidbits of knowledge ready for you to absorb and
reuse in your world. Steven Philip Schubiger demonstrates how to convert
crufty MakeMaker installation scripts into shiny pure-Perl installers;
Phil Crow demonstrates the use of Java's powerful Swing UI toolkit from
Perl; Joshua McAdams explains how to turn any module into a script; and
your editor removes duplication from test suites:


In other news, your editor summarized Bill Odom's "State of The Perl
Foundation" talk at YAPC:


Andy Oram suggested a change in focus for producing community-created


Meanwhile, OSCON is a week and a half away. Are you ready?

Storing up sleep and food,
- c
Editor, Perl.com, et cetera

O'Reilly 2006 Photoshop Cook-Off

Inside Lightroom Announcing the 2006 O'Reilly Photoshop Cook-Off: a
contest open to U.S. residents who use Adobe Photoshop. Win great prizes
and get your work in front of the industry's A-list judges. Entries
accepted from May 15 until August 15, 2006. Enter now to win!



*** Featured Articles ***

Still More Perl Lightning Articles
Perl lightning articles are short, direct, and full of electrifying
practical information. This time, Steven Philip Schubiger demonstrates how
to convert crufty MakeMaker installation scripts into shiny pure-Perl
installers, Phil Crow demonstrates the use of Java's powerful Swing UI
toolkit from Perl, Joshua McAdams explains how to turn any module into a
script, and chromatic removes duplication from test suites.



FEAR-less Site Scraping
Many web programmers talk about "domain-specific languages" as if defining
functions and methods were a new discovery. A real domain-specific
language provides concise syntax and symatics for a particular purpose,
such as Yung-chung Lin's FEAR::API. He explains how this toolkit allows
you to scrape, modify, store, and re-present web data easily, effectively,
and economically.



Charting Data at the Bottom of the World
Alex Gough has a curious job. He's the only programmer for 500 miles at a
remote Antarctic research station. His problems are like your problems
too, though--gathering, manipulating, recording, and displaying data.
Here's how he uses several CPAN modules to make pretty charts and graphs
with almost no work.



Unraveling Code with the Debugger
Reading other people's code can be difficult, especially if you have no
idea what happens when and where. Understanding code flow is vital to
maintenance and bug fixes, but littering code with print and debugging
statements is tedious and prone to error. There's another way: use the
debugger! Daniel Allen demonstrates how to pinpoint a problem with Perl's



Using Ajax from Perl
The recently rediscovered Ajax technique makes the client side of web
programming much more useful and pleasant. However, it also means revising
your existing web applications to take advantage of this new power.
Dominic Mitchell shows how to use CGI::Ajax to give your Perl applications
access to this new power.



Advanced Subroutine Techniques
Subroutines seem like a basic building block of code. They're simple and
easy to understand and use, right? That's true--but there are a few
advanced techniques to make your code more maintainable and robust. Rob
Kinyon goes beyond making sense of subroutines to making subroutines work
for you.



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rebate. http://www.oreillylearning.com/

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stuff from our sponsors!

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Inside Lightroom: http://digitalmedia.oreilly.com/lightroom/
Rackspace Managed Hosting: http://www.onlamp.com/onlamp/zones/rackspace/

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1005 Gravenstein Highway North
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(707) 827-7000

Thursday, July 13, 2006


Build a Virtual Routed Network

The Windows DevCenter Newsletter
The latest from http://www.windowsdevcenter.com

The new Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.

With over 400 new features to inspire creative
code, the difference is obvious. Play the game.

Get the trial editions.


Build a Virtual Routed Network
Building a multi-domain, multi-site, test-bed network with a workstation
in each domain and at each site can take about half a dozen machines,
unless you follow Mitch Tulloch's advice, and build a virtual routed
network on one PC with Virtual PC.

IE 7 Will Bring RSS to the Masses
Mention RSS to most non-techie computer users, and expect to get a blank
stare. But the RSS features built into IE 7 are good enough that it'll
finally bring the technology to the everyday PC user. For details, see
my blog.

It's the End of the Line for Windows 98/ME
Microsoft has finally pulled the plug on supporting Windows 98/ME. Mitch
Tulloch thinks this is a very good thing. Check out his blog to find out why.

IronPython Beta 9 Is Now Available
The newest release focuses on fixing compatibility bugs with CPython,
finalizing the public API surface, and improving the new method binder.
M. David Peterson explains that and more.

See you next week.
Preston Gralla, editor

A Web Apps Only Existence?

Is it possible to survive by web apps alone--with just a browser and a
network connection to do your work? In this PDF you'll learn everything
you need to know, including:

- The best and most innovative web apps available right now
- Security pros and cons for living a web app life
- Tips for backup and data protection

Just $5.99


Visit our Sponsored Developer Resource Pages and learn about cool
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Inside Lightroom: http://digitalmedia.oreilly.com/lightroom/
Rackspace Managed Hosting: http://www.onlamp.com/onlamp/zones/rackspace/

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email us at advertising@oreilly.com for rate and availability
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Familiar faces on ONJava

The Independent Source for Enterprise Java

Sponsored by GoToMyPC(R)

GoToMyPC(R) allows small businesses and individuals to achieve instant
flexibility. This award-winning remote-access solution enables users to
securely access email, applications and network resources from home or on
the road from any Internet-connected computer. Citrix offers a 30-day
risk-free trial.

Learn more. http://www.oreillynet.com/etel/citrix



There's a snide one-liner about false nostalgia: "How can we miss you if
you won't go away?" But there are a lot of people here I hope don't go
away. This week, I want to note how fortunate we are that two of the
previous editors of ONJava remain actively involved with the site. A few
editors back, Steve Anglin was the first person to encourage me to get
involved with writing for O'Reilly, and while he's working elsewhere now,
he remains one of the site's most active and interesting bloggers, as you
can see from the list below of ONJava blogs over the last two weeks. And
while you may currently know Daniel Steinberg as the producer and voice of
O'Reilly's "Distributing the Future" podcast, he remains significantly
interested in Java and the directions it's taking. You might have seen
him handling the daily editor's blog a few times on java.net over the last
few weeks, and this week he has an opinion piece for ONJava with a radical
plan for saving desktop Java.

What does the future hold for Java SE? Is it to be anything more than the
basis on which to build EE (and its enterprise counterparts/rivals, like
Spring)? Where is Desktop Java going? Daniel Steinberg has taken a look
at the history and prospects for Desktop Java and he sees the best hope
not in open-sourcing it, but in letting someone else develop it, someone
who better understands end-user desktop applications. Take a look at his
opinion piece, "Outsourcing Java SE," and see who he thinks should take
the reins of Java on the desktop.


Sooner or later, you're probably going to need to document your project in
one or more ways: Javadocs for developers who consume your APIs, JavaHelp
for the end user, and so on. But is this top-down approach really
working, or getting done at all? What would happen if you put up a wiki
and let your most enthusiastic users help you? In the ONLamp article
"Rethinking Community Documentation," Andy Oram explores its potential and
its hazards: "I care about community documentation for several reasons.
First, as a heavy user of many computer technologies (with a focus on free
and open source software), I benefit personally from amateur online
sources. Second, I'm intrigued by the culture of mutual aid this movement
reveals, and its meaning for the democratic sharing of information. Most
imperatively, this movement cuts into my living as an editor of
conventional documentation, for several reasons I desperately need to


In this week's feature article from java.net, John Ferguson Smart looks at
"Web Services Made Easy with JAX-WS 2.0": "The new version of the Java API
for XML Web Services, or JAX-WS 2.0, is an exciting part of the new Java
EE 5 platform. Using a powerful combination of Java 5 annotations and
Ant-compatible tools to mask the underlying complexity of the SOAP
protocol, JAX-WS 2.0 greatly simplifies the development of web services
and of web-service-based SOA architectures."


Recent O'Reilly Network weblogs of interest to Java developers:

Steve Anglin - What do you think: "The Beginning of the End for Java

Robert Cooper - Why I Hate Microformats

Steve Anglin - After your Java for the day, check this out...

Paul Browne - Enterprise Web 2.0 = SOA (Service-Orientated Architecture)

Hari K. Gottipati - Rivals under one roof: Integrating different IDE
components together

Steve Anglin - Is the new lightweight Java EE 5 light enough?

Steve Anglin - JRuby maturing?

Timothy M. O'Brien - Hibernate 3 ORM Patent Infringement Claim against Red Hat

Steve Anglin - Eclipse Callisto debuts

Timothy M. O'Brien - Interview: Real-World Experience with Google Web
Toolkit (GWT)

Paul Browne - Fixed Price? Don't Get Stung.

Steve Anglin - Open sourcing Java on the verge?

Check out more O'Reilly Network Java weblogs at:

Please join us again next week.

Chris Adamson, Editor

Essential Reading

"Help Me Help You"

"How to Keep Your Boss from Sinking Your Project"
describes five principle guidelines for managing upward. You'll learn:

- How you can help your boss make the right decisions about setting
project expectations.
- What problems cause projects to fail and how to fix them.
- The steps that will keep your software project from running into

Buy This Downloadable PDF for Just $7.99!


*** Java News and Weblogs ***

java.net Weblogs

O'Reilly Network Java Weblogs

Other Java News (channel -- LANG: JAVA)

Java Cookbook Recipe of the Day

Java Events

O'Reilly 2006 Photoshop Cook-Off

Inside Lightroom Announcing the 2006 O'Reilly Photoshop Cook-Off: a
contest open to U.S. residents who use Adobe Photoshop. Win great prizes
and get your work in front of the industry's A-list judges. Entries
accepted from May 15 until August 15, 2006. Enter now to win!



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Google Web Toolkit

XML.com Xtra!
The Email for XML.com Subscribers

Sponsored by GoToMyPC(R)

GoToMyPC(R) allows small businesses and individuals to achieve instant
flexibility. This award-winning remote-access solution enables users to
securely access email, applications and network resources from home or on
the road from any Internet-connected computer. Citrix offers a 30-day
risk-free trial.

Learn more. http://www.oreillynet.com/etel/citrix


Dear Reader,

Welcome to another issue of XML.com.

Ajax is still hot. Everyone knows that. But it's not a trivial programming
environment. If you have Java apps lying about, the
Google Web Toolkit can be used as a kind of Java-to-Ajax compiler,
creating HTML and JavaScript from Java applictions. Bruce
Perry introduces us to this exciting new technology.

Google Web Toolkit

As always, thanks for reading.

Kendall Clark
Managing Editor, XML.com

SEO + Web Traffic = Money

O'Reilly's new PDF, "Search Engine Optimization," covers all the tools and
techniques you need to know to use SEO to build your online traffic and
grow your bottom line:

You'll learn:
- techniques for driving more traffic to your site
- tools for crafting SEO-friendly sites and for SEO analysis
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Just $9.99!


*** XML News from the XML Cover Pages by Robin Cover ***

Sun Microsystems Publishes Non-Assertion Covenant for SAML Implementations

Massachusetts Supports OASIS OpenDocument in Final Reference Model V3.5

IBM and SAP AG Release WS-BPEL Extension for Sub-Processes (BPEL-SPE)

Open Invention Network Collects Patents to Promote Royalty-Free Linux

WS-Management Specifications Submitted to DMTF for Standardization

For more information on any of these stories visit:


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Linux/Unix System Administration Certificate Series, spanning basic
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Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Lightroom Adventure in Iceland

The latest from http://oreillynet.com

Sponsored by Nokia

The Nokia 770 Internet Tablet brings the infinite world of the internet
right to your fingertips. From checking out holiday destinations and
receiving the latest sports and stock updates, to listening to your
favorite streaming music, the 770 Internet Tablet is ready to deliver all
the information you love and need. And with the latest OS2006 software
update, you can make internet calls, chat online, and type on a full
screen keyboard too.

Take a closer look at the Nokia 770 Internet Tablet:


Dear Reader,

We've been quite interested in Lightroom, Adobe's beta photo management
application designed to complement Photoshop. Lightroom fascinates me
because it enables me to think like a photographer while working with my
images at the computer. Tasks that I used to do in the old days, such as
sort slides on a light box and mark the best ones with a felt tip pen, are
now achievable on a laptop.

We thought that the ultimate test for this software would be to see how it
performs in the field, under true location photography conditions. That
seed of an idea has blossomed into the "Adobe Lightroom/Photoshop
Adventure: Destination Iceland."

Later this month, I'll be joining a team of ambitious photographers
traveling to the pristine Icelandic landscape. We'll be working during 22
hour-long days bathed in horizontal light. Since each of us must work
around the clock, we thought this would be the perfect testing environment
for laptops running Lightroom. With this application, we can upload, sort,
keyword, adjust, and output our Raw images while still working in the

O'Reilly has launched a new site dedicated to the preparation for, and
activities during, this experiment--The Adobe Lightroom Adventure Site:


I'll be posting blogs on the site as I prepare for Iceland, and will share
the images, conversations, and even some video from the great north during
the adventure itself. If you are interested in how professional
photographers prepare for and succeed at these types of assignments, I
encourage you to visit the site.

Until next week,


Derrick Story
O'Reilly Network Editorial Director

A Web Apps Only Existence?

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you need to know, including:

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*** Featured Articles ***

What Is Vim (It's Easier than You Think)
If you've had a less than agreeable experience with Vim in the past and
are willing to give it another shot, please ponder these points: 1)
There's generally a learning curve involved with any powerful tool, 2) Vim
is much more than just your run-of-the-mill text editor, and 3) the effort
required to become a proficient Vimmer isn't as much as you'd think: it's
comparable to that of learning to touch type. Matthew Russell explains.



Build a Virtual Routed Network
Building a multi-domain, multi-site testbed network with a workstation in
each domain and at each site can take about half a dozen machines...unless
you follow Mitch Tulloch's advice, and build a virtual routed network on
one PC with Virtual PC.



Great Location Hacks
We're featuring three sessions from the second day of the Where 2.0
conference. Chris Spurgeon presents the best geo hacks of the last 2000
years, Gary Lang looks at the possibilities that arise from APIs and Open
Source Code, and Tim O'Reilly moderates a panel on the future of the data
industry. (DTF 07-10-2006: 32 minutes 15 seconds)



What Is a Wiki (and How to Use One for Your Projects)
Wikis are becoming known as the tool of choice for large,
multiple-participant projects because jumping in and revising the pages of
a wiki is so easy for anyone to do. This article covers how to effectively
use a wiki to keep notes and share ideas among a group of people, and how
to organize that wiki to avoid lost thoughts, and encourage serendipity.
Matt Webb and Tom Stafford co-authored this article using a wiki, as they
did their book, Mind Hacks.



Nat Torkington previews OSCON 2006
OSCON program chair Nat Torkington looks ahead to this year's O'Reilly
Open Source Conference in Portland, Oregon July 24-28. (5 minutes, 47



Rethinking Community Documentation
Good documentation makes good software great. Poor documentation makes
great software less useful. What is good documentation, though, and how
can communities produce it effectively? Andy Oram explores how free and
open source software projects can share their knowledge with users and how
publishers and editors fit into the future of documentation.



JSON on the Web, or: The Revenge of SML
Simon St. Laurent looks back to see if we can all learn a lesson or two:
were there signs early on in the life of XML that something like JSON
would eventually do very well as a Web data format?



The Long View of Identity
Who are you online? Your digital identity is a complex bundle of
information--not just what you say about yourself, but what other people
say about you and how trustworthy they are. O'Reilly editor Andy Oram
recently attended the Identity Mashup conference at Harvard Law's Berkman
Center and reports on one of the most vital issues of privacy and
usability on the internet.



What's New in Eclipse 3.2 Java Development Tools
The popular Eclipse IDE's latest release, version 3.2, is the cornerstone
of an ambitious release of ten Eclipse-branded projects on the same day.
But what's in it for you? Ed Burnette takes a look at the new features in
Eclipse's Java Development Tools and shows you how they'll make your
development much easier.



*** New Books from O'Reilly Media ***

Ajax Design Patterns

Digital Photography: The Missing Manual

*** New PDFs from O'Reilly Media ***

FileMaker 8.5: Integrating the Web

Sponsored by Nokia

The Nokia 770 Internet Tablet brings the infinite world of the internet
right to your fingertips. From checking out holiday destinations and
receiving the latest sports and stock updates, to listening to your
favorite streaming music, the 770 Internet Tablet is ready to deliver all
the information you love and need. And with the latest OS2006 software
update, you can make internet calls, chat online, and type on a full
screen keyboard too.

Take a closer look at the Nokia 770 Internet Tablet:


Visit our Sponsored Developer Resource Pages and learn about cool
stuff from our sponsors!

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Driver Agents Driver Updates: http://www.oreilly.com/go/driver_updates
GoToMyPC(R) Remote Access: http://www.oreillynet.com/etel/citrix/
Inside Lightroom: http://digitalmedia.oreilly.com/lightroom/

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Monday, July 10, 2006


The Andy Oram Show

The Latest from http://www.linuxdevcenter.com and http://ONLamp.com

Sponsored by GoToMyPC(R)

GoToMyPC(R) allows small businesses and individuals to achieve instant
flexibility. This award-winning remote-access solution enables users to
securely access email, applications and network resources from home or on
the road from any Internet-connected computer. Citrix offers a 30-day
risk-free trial.

Learn more. http://www.oreillynet.com/etel/citrix


Hello, readers. This is the Linux newsletter, a weekly mailing (except
for four-day weekends such as last week) reminding you to expand your mind
and invest in your future by learning more about free and open source
software. Conveniently, the O'Reilly Network has quite a few articles and
weblogs about it all....

Whatever fellow editor Andy Oram thinks is important, your editor watches.
Andy recently attended a symposium on identity. Though that one little
word sounds awfully dull, there's an amazing amount of work and thought
and potential in the whole system. For example, who online do you trust
with what information? Why? There aren't many easy answers, but there's
plenty of room for privacy and for open, information-minded people to make
the world better. Here's what's going on:


When Andy's not attending tip-of-the-spear conferences, he spends other
time thinking about how to make good information more available to
everyone. In particular, the quality of community-written documentation
is very spotty. Some projects do well, but most do not. Are there ways to
encourage better documentation? Are there better ways to organize and
produce it? "Rethinking Community Documentation" describes the problems
very well and offers a few potential solutions:


Relational theory isn't always the easiest thing in the world, especially
if you just want to put data into a database and take it back out later.
Add in complex relationships between data--many to many, for example--and
your queries can get messy. You have a couple of options: avoid these
relationships, do it all in SQL and your high level language, or push some
of the logic into the database again. David Wheeler recently experimented
with using PostgreSQL database functions to manage complex relationships.
Not only is the code simpler and safer, it's much faster. Here's what he did:


In weblogs this week, Jeremy Jones hacked a Perl Hack into Python:

... and figured out how to use Python UI libraries and threading together:

Curtis Poe announced the Perl Foundation's next round of grant proposals:

Andy Lester announced a call for recruits for the Parrot project--no
special experience necessary beyond time and interest:

Your editor found an excellent weblog elsewhere about how to sneak testing
into your development environment:

Tara McGoldrick Walsh tried Google Calendar for an extended period and
reports on her findings:

Roger Weeks looked at his phone bill and wondered exactly how mergers
benefit customers:

Tom Adelstein wondered if impolitic Linux fans might make the job market
harder for other Linux administrators:

Justin Clarke tried to make his website produce valid XHTML. It was more
work than he anticipated:

Caleb Tennis just loves the Summer of Code-sponsored Ruby extension maker:

Austin Ziegler requested bug reports for Ruby Windows extensions:

Curt Hibbs pointed to RailsConf keynote videos online:

Rob Orsini reported on a new Rails deployment scheme that makes life much,
much better:

Giuseppe Maxia demonstrated how to measure the resource consumption of a
MySQL server process:

Carla Schroder gave up on Dapper Drake:

Caitlyn Martin revisited the subject of Linux on old, old laptops:

Remember, OSCON is only two weeks away. Rest up for the flood of
information available then.

Going to bed early tonight,
- c

Technical Editor
O'Reilly Network

Essential Reading

"Help Me Help You"

"How to Keep Your Boss from Sinking Your Project"
describes five principle guidelines for managing upward. You'll learn:

- How you can help your boss make the right decisions about setting
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- What problems cause projects to fail and how to fix them.
- The steps that will keep your software project from running into

Buy This Downloadable PDF for Just $7.99!

Visit our Sponsored Developer Resource Pages and learn about cool
stuff from our sponsors!

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Driver Agents Driver Updates: http://www.oreilly.com/go/driver_updates
GoToMyPC(R) Remote Access: http://www.oreillynet.com/etel/citrix/
Inside Lightroom: http://digitalmedia.oreilly.com/lightroom/

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1005 Gravenstein Highway North
Sebastopol, CA 95472
(707) 827-7000

Friday, July 07, 2006


MAKE NEWS No. 41: Take Space Shuttle Pics and Make a Bench

Take photos of the Space Shuttle and make a bench this weekend.

Sponsored by Nokia

The Nokia 770 Internet Tablet brings the infinite world of the internet right to
your fingertips. From checking out holiday destinations and receiving the
latest sports and stock updates, to listening to your favorite streaming music,
the 770 Internet Tablet is ready to deliver all the information you love and need.
And with the latest OS2006 software update, you can make internet calls,
chat online, and type on a full-screen keyboard too.

Take a closer look at the Nokia 770 Internet Tablet:

July 07, 2006
As the United States celebrated its 230th birthday (hey, you don't look a day over
218, OK?), the Space Shuttle Discovery STS-121 launched. This mission, the first
after a one-year hiatus for the shuttle program, will supply and service the
International Space Station during its 12-day mission. The astromakers might be
hundreds of miles up, but you can still take their picture. Michael shows you how
to photograph the Space Shuttle Discovery and ISS with a digital camera on a tripod.


MAKE: Video!
Looking for something to do this weekend? Look no further! Clickity click click!

Make Podcasts
Weekend Projects: Make a Workbench
Every week, MAKE's Media Maker Bre Pettis will bring you a project you can make
over the weekend. In this first podcast, learn how to make a workbench for your
garage, studio, or get your priorities straight and put it in your living room!


MAKE: Blog
Can't get enough MAKE? Visit the MAKE blog for a daily dose of all things you
*should* try at home. Each day we post dozens of stories, projects, hacks, and
mods sent in by you, the makers!


This week on the MAKE: Blog

LED voice transmission over 104 miles:
These Tasmanian hams transmitted voice over 104 miles between mountain peaks using
Luxeon LED-powered transmitters. The circuits and pictures of the rigs are described.
Check out the old school handset being used. Of course they were dismayed that U.S.
Army heliograph operators managed 183 miles more than 100 years ago (Morse code).
Now that's old school!

Open source low-cost real-time eye tracking:
openEyes is an open source, open hardware toolkit for low-cost, real-time eye
tracking. The purpose of openEyes is to provide a hardware design and a set of
software tools useful for the analysis of eye movement data. The development of
openEyes stems from the recognition in the eye tracking and human computer
interaction communities that while the cost of hardware for eye tracking has
precipitously dropped in the recent past that the there is lack of freely available
software to implement even long-established eye-tracking methods.

Two-level cat bed made from an old desk chair:
Mark made a two-level cat bed from an old desk chair. We think this is a great use
for an old chair that might get tossed. Here's how you can make your own:

Hpw to make your own Chewbacca puppet:
Kanja shows how to make an awesome Chewbacca puppet.

The trackball telescope:
A ton of makers sent this telescope in. It's called the trackball telescope, and
it's public domain. Jerry writes, "...I searched the U.S. Patent and Trademark
Office database, and came up blank there, too. As near as I can tell, I have come
up with a new design for a mount that not only eliminates the pointing problems of
equatorial mounts and Dobsonian mounts, but also tracks. I call it the 'trackball'
because there's no better name to describe it. Happily, another search of the USPTO
database shows that the term 'trackball' has fallen into the public domain, so
apparently anyone is free to use it as a generic term for this type of telescope.
Many people have urged me to patent the design, but I would much rather put it into
the public domain so anybody can build (and sell) them as they wish..."

MAKE: Flickr Photo Pool
There are over 3,887 photos from 1,396 worldwide makers posting projects, hacks,
mods, and more in the MAKE photo pool.

Where else could you peep a Banana Jr. file server?

Turn on, tune in, and upload your projects.

MAKE Volume 06!
The MAKE team is busy working on Volume 07, set to hit stores the end of August,
so there's still plenty of time to delve into V06 and finish up all those cool

Build a pair of electronic insects. Make some LED throwies. Check out the rodent-
powered nightlight. Try some tensegrity. Build a humane Bug Sucker.


And don't forget, if you're a MAKE subscriber, you can log in right now and see
all of MAKE 06 with MAKE's digital edition.


"When one has finished building one's house, one suddenly realizes that in the
process one has learned something that one really needed to know in the worst
way--before one began."

--Friedrich Nietzsche


Don't buy what you can make, and don't make what you can find!

*The MAKE Team*

Sponsored by Nokia

The Nokia 770 Internet Tablet brings the infinite world of the internet right to
your fingertips. From checking out holiday destinations and receiving the
latest sports and stock updates, to listening to your favorite streaming music,
the 770 Internet Tablet is ready to deliver all the information you love and need.
And with the latest OS2006 software update, you can make internet calls,
chat online, and type on a full screen keyboard too.

Take a closer look at the Nokia 770 Internet Tablet:

Interested in sponsoring the MAKE: newsletter? Please contact Katie
Dougherty for rate and availability information at 1-800-998-9938 ext.
7272, or email katie@oreilly.com. Thank you!
To change your newsletter subscription options, please visit

For assistance, email help@oreillynet.com>

O'Reilly Media, Inc.
1005 Gravenstein Highway North
Sebastopol, CA 95472
(707) 827-7000

Thursday, July 06, 2006


Two Cheers for Microsoft's ODF Support

The Windows DevCenter Newsletter
The latest from http://www.windowsdevcenter.com

Sponsored by GoToMyPC(R)

GoToMyPC(R) allows small businesses and individuals to achieve instant
flexibility. This award-winning remote-access solution enables users to
securely access email, applications and network resources from home or on
the road from any Internet-connected computer. Citrix offers a 30-day
risk-free trial.

Learn more. http://www.oreillynet.com/etel/citrix

Two Cheers for Microsoft's ODF Support
Microsoft's decision to finally support the open source Open Document
Format (ODF) standard via a plugin to Office is very good news, and the
company should be commended for it. But there may be a little less here
than meets the eye. Check my blog for details.

Good ASP.NET Resource
If you develop ASP.NET applications, check out ASP.NET Blogs, where you
can find over 500 different blogs to follow. Mitch Tulloch fills you in.

How to Recover from Registry Corruption
What do you do if your system crashes and you've got a corrupt registry?
Mitch Tulloch comes to your rescue with advice on how to recover and
restore your registry.

Check Out the ASP.NET 2.0 Training Center
O'Reilly, CMP's Dr. Dobbs Journal, and Microsoft have launched a new site,
the ASP.NET 2.0 Training Center, which offers a comprehensive set of
development tools, how-to's, and training to help programmers master
ASP.NET 2.0.

You'll find articles from your favorite O'Reilly authors, such as Jesse
Liberty and others, and articles from Dr. Dobbs Journal. And there is an
excellent webcast series to help you get more out of ASP.NET 2.0.

Sign up for the site's webcast series and you also get more than $400 in
tools and information, including Visual Studio(R) 2005 Standard Edition.
Visit the site at <http://aspnet.cmp.com/>, sign up for the webcasts, and
get more than $400 in goodies at

See you next week.
Preston Gralla, editor

Deploying Your Windows Apps Is Just a Click Away

"Use ClickOnce to Deploy Windows Applications,"
a new PDF from O'Reilly, covers how to:

-Distribute Windows apps quickly and easily
-Add security to your distributions
-Update COM files without corrupting DLLs

Manage your productivity better with ClickOnce and
O'Reilly's latest PDF.

Buy It Today for Just $7.99

Visit our Sponsored Developer Resource Pages and learn about cool
stuff from our sponsors!

Downloads - Free Training - Webinars - Updates

Altova's Developer Zone: http://www.xml.com/zones/altova
ASP.net 2.0 Training Center: http://www.oreilly.com/go/ms_aspnet
Driver Agents Driver Updates: http://www.oreilly.com/go/driver_updates
GoToMyPC(R) Remote Access: http://www.oreillynet.com/etel/citrix/

Coming soon:
Stylus StudioTutorials from DataDirect!
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email us at advertising@oreilly.com for rate and availability
information. Thank you!
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Flash to the Rescue

XML.com Xtra!
The Email for XML.com Subscribers

DataDirect XQuery 2.0 Now Available

It's faster than ever - you can now access truly massive XML files, and
it's more extensible too - use XQuery to query relational databases, XML
files, and dozens of flat file formats like EDI, CSV, binary, and more.

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Dear Reader,

Welcome to another issue of XML.com.

Last week Jason Levitt showed us another way around some of the onerous
security restrictions related to Ajax development. Using the
FlashXMLHttpRequest proxy, your web app can do GETs and POSTs with a 5K
Flash SWF. Flash is probably one of the most widely distributed and
enabled application environments on the Web today, so using it to do Ajax
requests may just be crazy enough to work.

Flash to the Rescue

And new this week, Simon St.Laurent--who's been writing about XML for as
long as anyone can remember--gives us a thoughtful little piece about the
history of attempts to simplify XML, attempts that began almost
immediately. Simon suggests that those early attempts have finally borne
fruit in the rise of JSON as, perhaps, *the* data format of Web 2.0.

This is a fun piece for me to publish and, I hope, for you to read. Simon
knows where all the bodies are buried, and I'm glad you'll get a chance to
read him again!

JSON on the Web, Or: The Revenge of SML

Also worth reading this week:

Dan Zambonini, Why the World is ready for the Semantic Web

Hari Gottipati, Google Checkout API

As always, thanks for reading.

Kendall Clark
Managing Editor, XML.com

SEO + Web Traffic = Money

O'Reilly's new PDF, "Search Engine Optimization," covers all the tools and
techniques you need to know to use SEO to build your online traffic and
grow your bottom line:

You'll learn:
- techniques for driving more traffic to your site
- tools for crafting SEO-friendly sites and for SEO analysis
- SEO best practices, and more

Just $9.99!

Visit our Sponsored Developer Resource Pages and learn about cool
stuff from our sponsors!

Downloads - Free Training - Webinars - Updates

Altova's Developer Zone: http://www.xml.com/zones/altova
ASP.net 2.0 Training Center: http://www.oreilly.com/go/ms_aspnet
Driver Agents Driver Updates: http://www.oreilly.com/go/driver_updates
GoToMyPC(R) Remote Access: http://www.oreillynet.com/etel/citrix/

Coming soon:
Stylus StudioTutorials from DataDirect!
Interested in sponsoring the XML.com newsletter? Please email us at
advertising@oreilly.com for rate and availability information.
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