Thursday, July 06, 2006
Flash to the Rescue Xtra!
The Email for Subscribers
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Dear Reader,
Welcome to another issue of
Last week Jason Levitt showed us another way around some of the onerous
security restrictions related to Ajax development. Using the
FlashXMLHttpRequest proxy, your web app can do GETs and POSTs with a 5K
Flash SWF. Flash is probably one of the most widely distributed and
enabled application environments on the Web today, so using it to do Ajax
requests may just be crazy enough to work.
Flash to the Rescue
And new this week, Simon St.Laurent--who's been writing about XML for as
long as anyone can remember--gives us a thoughtful little piece about the
history of attempts to simplify XML, attempts that began almost
immediately. Simon suggests that those early attempts have finally borne
fruit in the rise of JSON as, perhaps, *the* data format of Web 2.0.
This is a fun piece for me to publish and, I hope, for you to read. Simon
knows where all the bodies are buried, and I'm glad you'll get a chance to
read him again!
JSON on the Web, Or: The Revenge of SML
Also worth reading this week:
Dan Zambonini, Why the World is ready for the Semantic Web
Hari Gottipati, Google Checkout API
As always, thanks for reading.
Kendall Clark
Managing Editor,
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