Tuesday, May 30, 2006


New PDFs from O'Reilly

The latest from http://oreillynet.com

Unlimited Web Conferencing for One Flat Rate

GoToMeeting(TM) is the easiest and most affordable way to conduct online
meetings with coworkers and clients--without ever leaving your desk. Best
of all, you can meet as much as you want for as long as you want--for one
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Dear Reader,

O'Reilly loves publishing books and articles. But we've noticed that
certain subjects need to reach you faster than book production can
accommodate, yet requires more depth than online articles provide. We've
settled on an agile solution with our PDF publishing program.

I mention this because we've recently released four new PDFs -- Web
Services on Rails, Building Tag Clouds in Perl and PHP, Atlas UpdatePanel
Control, and Search Engine Optimization -- and they're great. Each title
runs between 40 and 56 pages, is downloadable right now, and each costs
just $9.99. They're formatted as standard PDF documents without any of
that annoying DRM stuff, so you can enjoy them in your favorite PDF reader.

We have lots more interesting stuff in the pipeline too. You can see the
latest and greatest by visiting:


Hope you find something you like.

Until next time,


Derrick Story
O'Reilly Network Editorial Director

Sponsored by Adobe - Try the Lightroom Beta now!

Designed by photographers for photographers.
Adobe Lightroom is being developed by you to help solve your unique
workflow challenges. What can we do to make it better? Tell us.
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*** Featured Articles ***

Windows Vista Beta 2 Up Close and Personal
Vista Beta 2 is finally out. What's good and what's bad? Wei-Meng Lee
takes it for a test drive and gives you the full rundown.



Josh Peterson from the Robot Co-Op
Brady Forrest interviews Josh Peterson, CEO of The Robot Co-op, in this
Where 2.0 preview podcast. Josh talks about his "network of networking
sites," which includes 43 Things, 43 Places, and 43 People. At Where 2.0,
Josh will be presenting 43 Places, where a user can list up to 43 places
they'd like to go during their life. The site allows people to share
stories about places they've been and read stories about places they'd
like to visit. (13 minutes, 38 seconds)



Building a Self-Healing Network
Wouldn't it be nice if your network services could detect their own
failures and gracefully restart? Sure, you could have cron or FAM jobs
always checking them, but that's so unrefined. Instead, consider Greg
Retkowski's solution: building a small Cfengine and NAGIOS combination to
detect and recover from failure.



Telling Stories at JavaOne
JavaOne 2006 left attendees with an incomplete answer to the big question:
will Sun open source Java? The answer was better than a definite maybe,
but not by much. Daniel Steinberg looks back at the conference, its mixed
message, and its many successes outside of the general sessions.



Standardizing Java Persistence with the EJB3 Java Persistence API
Dissatisfaction with entity beans as an "official" means of persisting
Java objects to databases has prompted a number of "unofficial"
approaches, such as the very popular Hibernate. Now EJB3 seems to have
learned its lesson: its new Java Persistence API allows you to persist
plain old Java objects (POJOs) with a minimum of fuss and just a few
annotations. Debu Panda looks at how to put this new standard to work.



*** New Books from O'Reilly Media ***

HTML and XHTML Pocket Reference, Third Edition

The Book of Visual Basic 2005 (No Starch)

Perl Hacks

HTML Utopia, Second Edition (SitePoint)

Statistics Hacks

RFID Security (Syngress)

MAKE: Technology on Your Time, Volume 06

Deploying Your Windows Apps Is Just a Click Away

"Use ClickOnce to Deploy Windows Applications,"
a new PDF from O'Reilly, covers how to:

-Distribute Windows apps quickly and easily
-Add security to your distributions
-Update COM files without corrupting DLLs

Manage your productivity better with ClickOnce and
O'Reilly's latest PDF.

Buy It Today for Just $7.99


Visit our Sponsored Developer Resource Pages and learn about cool
stuff from our sponsors!

Downloads - Free Training - Webinars - Updates

Altova's Developer Zone: http://www.xml.com/zones/altova
ASP.net 2.0 Training Center: http://www.oreilly.com/go/ms_aspnet
Driver Agents Driver Updates: http://www.oreilly.com/go/driver_updates
GoToMyPC(R) Remote Access: http://www.oreillynet.com/etel/citrix/

Coming soon:
Stylus StudioTutorials from DataDirect!
Interested in sponsoring the O'Reilly Network newsletter? Please
email us at advertising@oreilly.com for rate and availability
information. Thank you!
To change your newsletter subscription options, please visit

For assistance, email help@oreillynet.com

O'Reilly Media, Inc.
1005 Gravenstein Highway North
Sebastopol, CA 95472
(707) 827-7000

Thursday, May 25, 2006


Stop me if you've heard the one about open-sourcing Java

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Sponsored by Oracle

EJB 3.0 technology eliminates the complexity of EJB development by
adopting regular Java classes as EJBs, and removing the requirements for
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JDeveloper and Oracle TopLink combine to provide the premier environment
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The cynic in me thinks we could recycle old JavaOne stories, at least for
the coverage of whether or not Sun is going to release its Java
implementation under a F/OSS license. In last year's JavaOne roundup, I
wrote, "While this [overture to the open source community] wasn't followed
by a jaw-dropping announcement of open sourcing Java, Schwartz did cite
Sun's commitment to an open process [...] and declared the opening of the
source of its enterprise server [...] with a promise of 'more to come.'"
In 2004, Daniel Steinberg summarized a JavaOne roundtable hosted by Tim
O'Reilly on the "Big Question" of open sourcing Java, by saying "the
panelists helped lay out many of the challenges that must be addressed:
deciding what to open source, how to do so, and how to indicate
incompatible implementations." So maybe nobody should be surprised that
this year's "big news" was another baby step towards open sourcing Java,
with no idea of what year it will be when Sun actually does it.

Instead of writing general show impressions, this year Daniel Steinberg
focuses on this question of open sourcing Java, and Sun's two JavaOne
announcements on the topic: a new license intended to make it easier
to distribute the non-free JDK with certain Linux distributions, and
a promise that the open sourcing of Java is, according to Executive VP
of Software Rich Green, "not a question of whether, but a question of
how." In "Telling Stories at JavaOne," Daniel takes a thorough look at
the content and context of Sun's JavaOne announcements, and surveys
how they have been received by their intended audience in the open
source community.


You may be familiar with UML diagrams that show the relationships between
your classes and their members, but it can be much more than that. By
using UML to model deployment, you can understand and represent not just
your code, but the environment it runs in, and share this with sysadmins
and others. In the dev2dev article "Modeling Enterprise Java Applications
and Deployments," Jeff Davies says "the purpose of this article is to
demonstrate several effective ways to model modern software systems to
accurately and concisely communicate architectural, design, and deployment
details to the responsible parties in your enterprise."


In this week's feature article from java.net, Jacobus Steenkamp introduces
techniques for "Bringing Swing to the Web," saying "there is no reason why
web and Swing development should be mutually exclusive. In this article,
we will look at putting one of Swing's most overlooked (and basic)
features to work inside a web application."


Recent O'Reilly Network weblogs of interest to Java developers:

Chris Adamson - The AJAX Melee

Norbert Ehreke - Explicit and Implicit Metadata

Paul Browne - How workflow is going to change your life

Jim Farley - JavaOne 2006: The Executive Summary

Robert Cooper - JavaOne Day Three

Check out more O'Reilly Network Java weblogs at:

Please join us again next week.

Chris Adamson, Editor

Your Skills Are in Demand. More Skills. More Demand.

Choose from 45 webcasts organized by track--JSP, PHP, and ColdFusion. Each
track has been designed to take advantage of your existing Web development
skills and includes insightful content contributed by Dr. Dobb's and



*** Java News and Weblogs ***

java.net Weblogs

O'Reilly Network Java Weblogs

Other Java News (channel -- LANG: JAVA)

Java Cookbook Recipe of the Day

Java Events

O'Reilly Learning Web Programming Certificate Special

"I tried to learn this from books but it only seemed like letters and
numbers for me. Now I am dreaming in code. :)"
-William Twiner, Enterpreneur

Will Twiner is enrolled in our University of Illinois Web Programming
Certificate Series, and plans to use his skills to start a small business.
Have you been wanting to start a new I.T. career, but think you can't
learn the skills? Right now, enroll in all six Web Programming courses,
and receive a $300 instant rebate! Enroll today--you just might surprise


*** Other Related O'Reilly Network sites ***

O'Reilly Network



O'Reilly Media

O'Reilly Java


ONJava.com Affiliates



Visit our Sponsored Developer Resource Pages and learn about cool
stuff from our sponsors!

Downloads - Free Training - Webinars - Updates

Altova's Developer Zone: http://www.xml.com/zones/altova
ASP.net 2.0 Training Center: http://www.oreilly.com/go/ms_aspnet
Driver Agents Driver Updates: http://www.oreilly.com/go/driver_updates
GoToMyPC(R) Remote Access: http://www.oreillynet.com/etel/citrix/

Coming soon:
Stylus StudioTutorials from DataDirect!
Interested in sponsoring the ONJava.com newsletter? Please email us
at advertising@oreilly.com for rate and availability information.
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To change your newsletter subscription options, please visit

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1005 Gravenstein Highway North
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(707) 827-7000


Build a Web-Based Bug Tracking App, Part 2

The Windows DevCenter Newsletter
The latest from http://www.windowsdevcenter.com

Unlimited Web Conferencing for One Flat Rate

GoToMeeting(TM) is the easiest and most affordable way to conduct online
meetings with coworkers and clients--without ever leaving your desk. Best
of all, you can meet as much as you want for as long as you want--for one
low flat rate.



Build a Web-Based Bug Tracking App, Part 2
Have problems tracking bugs when you create a new project? A few weeks
ago, Jesse Liberty began teaching you how to build a web-based
bug-tracking application using ASP.NET. This week, he finishes the task.

From the Windows DevCenter Blogosphere
Microsoft Has a Winner with Vista Beta 2
I've been taking Vista Beta 2 on a test spin, and it looks to me like
Microsoft has a winner. There are a few rough edges, but overall, it's a
polished piece of work. See my blog for details.

Check Out the ASP.NET 2.0 Training Center
O'Reilly, CMP's Dr. Dobbs Journal, and Microsoft have launched a new site,
the ASP.NET 2.0 Training Center, which offers a comprehensive set of
development tools, how-to's, and training to help programmers master
ASP.NET 2.0.

You'll find articles from your favorite O'Reilly authors, such as Jesse
Liberty and others, and articles from Dr. Dobbs Journal. And there is an
excellent webcast series to help you get more out of ASP.NET 2.0 as well.
Sign up for the site's webcast series and you also get more than $400 in
tools and information, including Visual Studio(R) 2005 Standard Edition.

Visit the site at <http://aspnet.cmp.com/>, sign up for the webcasts, and
get more than $400 in goodies at

See you next week.
Preston Gralla, editor

Deploying Your Windows Apps Is Just a Click Away

"Use ClickOnce to Deploy Windows Applications," a new PDF from O'Reilly,
covers how to:

-Distribute Windows apps quickly and easily
-Add security to your distributions
-Update COM files without corrupting DLLs

Manage your productivity better with ClickOnce and O'Reilly's latest PDF.

Buy It Today for Just $7.99


*** Top Five Windows and .NET Articles Last Week ***

1. Run Mac OS X on a PC
You can get the best of both worlds--you can run the real Mac OS X on your
own PC. Wei-Meng Lee shows you how to run the Mac operating system on an
emulator called PearPC.



2. Windows Server Hacks: Remotely Enable Remote Desktop
What to do when you need to enable Remote Desktop on a remote server?
Mitch Tulloch, author of Windows Server Hacks, walks you through the



3. Getting Your Bluetooth Headset to Work in XP
With Bluetooth support built into SP2, getting a Bluetooth headset to work
should be a breeze. But it ain't necessarily so. Wei-Meng Lee shows you
how to do it.



4. Enhancing ASP.NET Pages with JavaScript
A sprinkling of JavaScript code can enhance the reach and responsiveness
of your ASP.NET web pages without sacrificing ASP.NET's secure,
server-based model for your coding. Matthew MacDonald, coauthor of ASP.NET
in a Nutshell, 2nd Edition, shows you how to use JavaScript in an ASP.NET
web page to perform three common tasks: showing a pop-up window, changing
control focus, and handling frame navigation. You can use these tricks to
quickly solve problems that have no native .NET solution.



5. ASP.NET File Uploading
File upload and download are much simpler tasks in ASP.NET than in classic
ASP, thanks to the extensive .NET Framework class library. While file
upload in ASP.NET is as easy as retrieving an HTML form value, file
download is still a bit tricky.



Visit our Sponsored Developer Resource Pages and learn about cool
stuff from our sponsors!

Downloads - Free Training - Webinars - Updates

Altova's Developer Zone: http://www.xml.com/zones/altova
ASP.net 2.0 Training Center: http://www.oreilly.com/go/ms_aspnet
Driver Agents Driver Updates: http://www.oreilly.com/go/driver_updates
GoToMyPC(R) Remote Access: http://www.oreillynet.com/etel/citrix/

Coming soon:
Stylus StudioTutorials from DataDirect!
Interested in sponsoring the Windows DevCenter newsletter? Please
email us at advertising@oreilly.com for rate and availability
information. Thank you!
To change your newsletter subscription options, please visit

For assistance, email help@oreillynet.com

O'Reilly Media, Inc.
1005 Gravenstein Highway North
Sebastopol, CA 95472
(707) 827-7000

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


The Great Photoshop Cook-Off

The latest from http://oreillynet.com

Sponsored by Adobe

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Download your
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Dear Reader,

The O'Reilly Photoshop Cook-Off is simmering away on our Digital Media
site. But what the heck is O'Reilly doing sponsoring a Photoshop contest?
A few years ago, I too would have echoed that thought. But things have

What was once solely the kingdom of geeks, O'Reilly Media has expanded
into a publishing company that wants to bring that same fire and curiosity
to digital photography, music, HDTV, and video. Our assumption for years
was that if we found something interesting, we'd publish a book or post
an article online. Now we ask the question: Is this a book or a PDF?
Should we write an article or produce a podcast? What would our audience
want to see?

The Photoshop Cook-Off is designed to apply that same O'Reilly spirit to
Adobe's venerable image editor. If you'd like to hack a photo the same
way you do your operating system, then please, go see what this cook-off
is about.


Until next week,


Derrick Story
O'Reilly Network Editorial Director

Carson Workshops: Getting Started with Rails

Taught by Geoffrey Grosenbach, May 25th 2006, NYC Learn how to get rockin'
with Ruby on Rails by one of the world's leading Rails developers.



*** Featured Articles ***

MacBook Pro: The Thermal Paste Question
The MacBook Pro is a hot machine--literally so hot that it becomes
uncomfortable on your lap after extended periods of use. Some users blame
the excessive use of thermal paste between the main chips on the logic
board and the thermal pipes. Is this the problem? James Duncan Davidson
cracks open his MacBook Pro to find out.



Build a Web-Based Bug Tracking App, Part 2
In part two of this series, Jesse Liberty shows you how to build a
web-based bug-tracking application using ASP.NET.



Tales from Three Conferences
This week we bring you three interviews from three different conferences.
From MacWorld, photographer Peter Krogh talks about the first things he
does when he imports his RAW images into his computer. Brad Fitzpatrick of
LiveJournal and Six Apart tells chromatic about how he grew and sold his
business and about the technology behind it in a conversation recorded at
the MySQL users conference. Joshua Marinacci tells Chris Adamson what
makes Swing swing in a pre-JavaOne conversation. (DTF 05-22-2006: 27
minutes 20 seconds)



How Shellcodes Work
Buffer overflow problems are well-known. Fewer people know how exploits
can help attackers execute their malware through buffer overflows and
other holes. Peter Mikhalenko walks through the construction and
refinement of a shellcode to show how they work so that you can protect
your machines.



Dynamic News Stories
Adrian Holovaty, one of a new generation of geek-journalists and a main
developer of Django, offers some suggestions for XML elements that could
be used to make news stories more dynamic and more machine-readable.



Standardizing Java Persistence with the EJB3 Java Persistence API
Dissatisfaction with entity beans as an "official" means of persisting
Java objects to databases has prompted a number of "unofficial"
approaches, such as the very popular Hibernate. Now EJB3 seems to have
learned its lesson: its new Java Persistence API allows you to persist
plain old Java objects (POJOs) with a minimum of fuss and just a few
annotations. Debu Panda looks at how to put this new standard to work.



*** New Books from O'Reilly Media ***

Learning SQL on SQL Server 2005

Music Projects with Propellerhead Reason (PC Publishing)

Programming PHP, Second Edition

Enterprise Integration with Ruby (Pragmatic)

Enterprise SOA

Configuring SonicWALL Firewalls (Syngress)

iMovie 6 & iDVD: The Missing Manual

O'Reilly Learning Web Programming Certificate Special

"I tried to learn this from books but it only seemed like letters and
numbers for me. Now I am dreaming in code. :)"
-William Twiner, Enterpreneur

Will Twiner is enrolled in our University of Illinois Web Programming
Certificate Series, and plans to use his skills to start a small business.
Have you been wanting to start a new I.T. career, but think you can't
learn the skills? Right now, enroll in all six Web Programming courses,
and receive a $300 instant rebate! Enroll today--you just might surprise


*** O'Reilly Network Top Five Articles Last Week ***

1. What Is Web 2.0
Defining just what Web 2.0 means (the term was first coined at a
conference brainstorming session between O'Reilly and MediaLive
International, which also spawned the Web 2.0 Conference), still engenders
much disagreement. Some decry it as a meaningless marketing buzzword,
while others have accepted it as the new conventional wisdom. Tim O'Reilly
attempts to clarify just what we meant by Web 2.0, digging into what it
means to view the Web as a platform and which applications fall squarely
under its purview, and which do not.



2. Rolling with Ruby on Rails
The Ruby community is abuzz about Rails, a web application framework that
makes database-backed apps dead simple. What's the fuss? Is it worth the
hype? Curt Hibbs shows off Rails, building a simple application that even
non-Rubyists can follow.



3. How Shellcodes Work
Buffer overflow problems are well-known. Fewer people know how exploits
can help attackers execute their malware through buffer overflows and
other holes. Peter Mikhalenko walks through the construction and
refinement of a shellcode to show how they work so that you can protect
your machines.



4. Ajax on Rails
XMLHttpRequest and Ruby on Rails are two hot topics in web development. As
you ought to expect by now, they work really well together. Curt Hibbs
explains the minimal Ajax you need to know and the minimal Ruby you need
to write to Ajax-ify your Rails applications.



5. 6. Rolling with Ruby on Rails, Part 2
Curt Hibbs introduced Ruby on Rails by building a simple but functional
web application in just a few minutes. Does the ease of use continue? He
thinks so. In the second of two parts, Curt completes his example Rails
application in merely 47 lines of code.


Visit our Sponsored Developer Resource Pages and learn about cool
stuff from our sponsors!

Downloads - Free Training - Webinars - Updates

Altova's Developer Zone: http://www.xml.com/zones/altova
ASP.net 2.0 Training Center: http://www.oreilly.com/go/ms_aspnet
Driver Agents Driver Updates: http://www.oreilly.com/go/driver_updates
GoToMyPC(R) Remote Access: http://www.oreillynet.com/etel/citrix/

Coming soon:
Stylus StudioTutorials from DataDirect!
Interested in sponsoring the O'Reilly Network newsletter? Please
email us at advertising@oreilly.com for rate and availability
information. Thank you!
To change your newsletter subscription options, please visit

For assistance, email help@oreillynet.com

O'Reilly Media, Inc.
1005 Gravenstein Highway North
Sebastopol, CA 95472
(707) 827-7000

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


The Second Half of Buffer Overflows

The Latest from http://www.linuxdevcenter.com and http://ONLamp.com

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Be the first to crack thawte's Crypto Challenge IX and you win a new Nokia
770 Internet Tablet, supporting Google Talk, wifi and Bluetooth
connectivity. It's not just a brainteaser for geeks--it's THE challenge
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Welcome to the Linux newsletter. Just as Linux is the heart of the
GNU/Linux operating system, so is the term "Linux" a stand-in for the
huge, multi-decade corpus of free and open source software. Here's what
ONLamp.com and the other O'Reilly Network sites had to say about it this

HTTP is a stateless protocol, much to the chagrin of everyone who's ever
written a web application. There are ways to get around this, however.
There are also at least two different places where you need different
behavior: sessions and state. This week, WASP's Brian Fioca explains the
differences between the two and shows good ways to handle both, using PHP
as his example:


By now, plenty of people understand the particular security hole known as
a buffer overflow. Certain C-level programming constructs make it
possible for an attacker to trick a remote computer into executing
arbitrary code. Yet do you understand what that arbitrary code is and how
it works? Peter Mikhalenko walks through the creation of a shellcode used
to demonstrate a vulnerability. With this knowledge, you can prove
security problems on your own machines with code much more trustworthy
than a binary downloaded from a very shady place online:


In weblogs this week, your editor spent yet more time refactoring an aging
Perl web application. At last, he finally finished fixing the node tests
and has started to manipulate the code itself:


Robert Pratte considered the serious business use of Perl:


Steve Mallett decided to become a Japanese schoolgirl (or at least an
alpha technology junkie):


Your editor revealed how to befriend an open source project on MySpace:


Curtis Poe resurrected Sapir-Whorf to discuss features missing from
programming languages:


Andy Oram visited Jitterbit, a free software business bringing integration
to medium-sized companies:


Dave Cross found an auction for the most offensive Perl t-shirt ever:


Caitlyn Martin opined that she really wanted to like Gnome, but just
can't. Then the commenters weighed in:


Carla Schroder found a great article about a great-grandmother becoming an
enthusiastic music sharer:


Tony Stubblebine started to invent a new Ruby gem search tool:


Pat Eyler raved about using rcov to verify test coverage on Ruby


Brian Jones argued that LDAP is not a relational database:


That's it for this week.

Please note that the Linux newsletter is going on hiatus for two weeks
while your editor strenuously avoids work. In the meantime, console
yourself with the tips, tricks, and opinions of everyone else on ORN,
including the revitalized O'Reilly Radar:


Not heading to the beach,
- c

Technical Editor
O'Reilly Network

Carson Workshops: Getting Started with Rails

Taught by Geoffrey Grosenbach, May 25th 2006, NYC Learn how to get rockin'
with Ruby on Rails by one of the world's leading Rails developers.



ONLamp.com and Linux Devcenter Top Five Articles Last Week

1. Rolling with Ruby on Rails
The Ruby community is abuzz about Rails, a web application framework that
makes database-backed apps dead simple. What's the fuss? Is it worth the
hype? Curt Hibbs shows off Rails, building a simple application that even
non-Rubyists can follow.



2. How Shellcodes Work
Buffer overflow problems are well-known. Fewer people know how exploits
can help attackers execute their malware through buffer overflows and
other holes. Peter Mikhalenko walks through the construction and
refinement of a shellcode to show how they work so that you can protect
your machines.



3. Rolling with Ruby on Rails, Part 2
Curt Hibbs introduced Ruby on Rails by building a simple but functional
web application in just a few minutes. Does the ease of use continue? He
thinks so. In the second of two parts, Curt completes his example Rails
application in merely 47 lines of code.



4. Ajax on Rails
XMLHttpRequest and Ruby on Rails are two hot topics in web development. As
you ought to expect by now, they work really well together. Curt Hibbs
explains the minimal Ajax you need to know and the minimal Ruby you need
to write to Ajax-ify your Rails applications.



5. Using PC-BSD
A few user-friendly distributions of FreeBSD have appeared lately. PC-BSD
is one suitable for the corporate and home desktops, even those of users
unfamiliar with Unix. Dru Lavigne walks through the installation and
configuration of PC-BSD to provide a modern, powerful workstation.



O'Reilly Learning Web Programming Certificate Special

"I tried to learn this from books but it only seemed like letters and
numbers for me. Now I am dreaming in code. :)"
-William Twiner, Enterpreneur

Will Twiner is enrolled in our University of Illinois Web Programming
Certificate Series, and plans to use his skills to start a small business.
Have you been wanting to start a new I.T. career, but think you can't
learn the skills? Right now, enroll in all six Web Programming courses,
and receive a $300 instant rebate! Enroll today--you just might surprise


Visit our Sponsored Developer Resource Pages and learn about cool
stuff from our sponsors!

Downloads - Free Training - Webinars - Updates

Altova's Developer Zone: http://www.xml.com/zones/altova
ASP.net 2.0 Training Center: http://www.oreilly.com/go/ms_aspnet
Driver Agents Driver Updates: http://www.oreilly.com/go/driver_updates
GoToMyPC(R) Remote Access: http://www.oreillynet.com/etel/citrix/

Coming soon:
Stylus StudioTutorials from DataDirect!
Interested in sponsoring the Linux DevCenter newsletter? Please
email us at advertising@oreilly.com for rate and availability
information. Thank you!
To change your newsletter subscription options, please visit

For assistance, email help@oreillynet.com

O'Reilly Media, Inc.
1005 Gravenstein Highway North
Sebastopol, CA 95472
(707) 827-7000

Friday, May 19, 2006


The Merry, Merry Month of May

Perl.com update
The Email for www.perl.com Subscribers

Sponsored by Internet Systems Consortium, Infoblox and O'Reilly

On May 11th, Internet Systems Consortium, Infoblox, and O'Reilly present
"The Next Chapter in DNS and BIND: A Book Release Webinar on Advanced
Topics in DNS Technology and Architecture". All webinar participants will
receive an electronic copy of the architecture chapter from DNS and BIND,
5th Edition. In addition, 20 lucky attendees will be drawn at random to
receive a free autographed copy of DNS and BIND, 5th Edition!

Register Now.


Greetings, Perl hackers. This is the Perl newsletter, a bi-weekly mailing
to convince you, your friends, your family, your co-workers, and people
you meet in airports to visit Perl.com. Remember, if you haven't pointed
at least ten people to an article or weblog this week, you haven't done
your job!

Because some people take convincing, here's what's happened in Perl over
the last couple of weeks.

* Perl News in the Wild

The YAPC::Asia 2006 team published videos from their Tokyo meeting:


Parrot pumpking Leo Toetsch announced the release of Parrot 0.4.4,
"Feather," which includes new languages such as APL, Pheme, and something
called Perl 6:


The YAPC::Eu 2006 team announced the official Birmingham conference


The Austrian Perl Workshop 2006 announced its dates: June 8 and 9:


* Perl on ORN

Alex Gough has an odd job. He's the only programmer for about 500 miles.
Yes, there's Perl on every continent--he's in Antarctica. His problems
are about the same as yours though: collecting, analyzing, and charting
data. Here's how Alex uses Perl and the CPAN to make pretty pictures of
weather patterns with very little code:


Data::Dumper is a well-known tool for debugging and serialization. It
has some limitations, though, notably in its handling of subroutines
and closures as well as its all-at-once nature. Data::Dump::Streamer
is a newer module that does many of the same things better. Here's
how it works:


Patrick Michaud is the Perl 6 pumpking. Here's what he has to say about
his job in his own words:


Robert Pratte started his new ONLamp weblog by asking why Perl's
perception has waned for large, mission-critical applications:


Perl Hacks co-author Curtis Poe wondered how to love a framework you've
never used:


Andy Oram praised Volity, an open source platform for multiplayer
interactive games. Volity includes Perl bindings:


Patrick Michaud announced that Perl 6 runs on Parrot:


Dave Cross wondered who uses MVC frameworks in Perl after looking at all
of the frameworks in all of the other languages:


Your editor continued his 30-post series (yep, still crazy), which
documents his work refactoring a legacy Perl system. Which system? Just
the one that runs Perl Monks.

This series quickly turned from "How to improve the code?" to "How to
refactor and improve tests." If you feel comfortable with Test::More and
other procedural test modules but find them less than capable of dealing
with large systems by themselves, Test::Class may prove a helpful
additional abstraction. How do you migrate tests though? Easy....




There will be no Perl newsletter next fortnight, as your editor will be on
holiday and no one in the office felt comfortable replacing him.

Good, bad, your editor is the one with the newsletter,
- c
Editor, Perl.com, et cetera

Carson Workshops: Getting Started with Rails

Taught by Geoffrey Grosenbach, May 25th 2006, NYC
Learn how to get rockin' with Ruby on Rails
by one of the world's leading Rails developers.



*** Featured Articles ***

Charting Data at the Bottom of the World
Alex Gough has a curious job. He's the only programmer for 500 miles at a
remote Antarctic research station. His problems are like your problems
too, though--gathering, manipulating, recording, and displaying data.
Here's how he uses several CPAN modules to make pretty charts and graphs
with almost no work.



Unraveling Code with the Debugger
Reading other people's code can be difficult, especially if you have no
idea what happens when and where. Understanding code flow is vital to
maintenance and bug fixes, but littering code with print and debugging
statements is tedious and prone to error. There's another way: use the
debugger! Daniel Allen demonstrates how to pinpoint a problem with Perl's



Using Ajax from Perl
The recently rediscovered Ajax technique makes the client side of web
programming much more useful and pleasant. However, it also means revising
your existing web applications to take advantage of this new power.
Dominic Mitchell shows how to use CGI::Ajax to give your Perl applications
access to this new power.



Advanced Subroutine Techniques
Subroutines seem like a basic building block of code. They're simple and
easy to understand and use, right? That's true--but there are a few
advanced techniques to make your code more maintainable and robust. Rob
Kinyon goes beyond making sense of subroutines to making subroutines work
for you.



Managing Rich Data Structures
Perl is so good at handling plain text files that it's seductively easy to
use them when you need something better. Yet sometimes using a
full-fledged database is just Too Much Work. If only Dave Baker had
written an article on using complex, persistent data structures with



Debugging and Profiling mod_perl Applications
How do you use the debugger on a mod_perl application? How do you profile
an application embedded in a web server, with multiple child processes?
Don't worry. Where there's Perl, there's a way. Frank Wiles demonstrates
how to debug and profile mod_perl applications.



O'Reilly Learning Web Programming Certificate Special

"I tried to learn this from books but it only seemed like letters and
numbers for me. Now I am dreaming in code. :)"
-William Twiner, Enterpreneur

Will Twiner is enrolled in our University of Illinois Web Programming
Certificate Series, and plans to use his skills to start a small business.
Have you been wanting to start a new I.T. career, but think you can't
learn the skills? Right now, enroll in all six Web Programming courses,
and receive a $300 instant rebate! Enroll today--you just might surprise


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stuff from our sponsors!

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Altova's Developer Zone: http://www.xml.com/zones/altova
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Driver Agents Driver Updates: http://www.oreilly.com/go/driver_updates
GoToMyPC(R) Remote Access: http://www.oreillynet.com/etel/citrix/

Coming soon:
Stylus StudioTutorials from DataDirect!
Interested in sponsoring the Perl.com newsletter? Please email us at
advertising@oreilly.com for rate and availability information.
Thank you!
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Dynamic News Stories

XML.com Xtra!
The Email for XML.com Subscribers

Your Skills Are in Demand. More Skills. More Demand.

Choose from 45 webcasts organized by track--JSP, PHP, and ColdFusion. Each
track has been designed to take advantage of your existing Web development
skills and includes insightful content contributed by Dr. Dobb's and O'Reilly.



Dear Reader,

Welcome to another issue of XML.com.

Adrian Holovaty, one of the main developers of the hot new Python web
framework, Django, has one of the most interesting jobs around. He works
for the Washington Post doing, well, geek journalism. The Post pays him to
build journalistically interesting web applications. How cool is that?

Anyway, Adrian brings us an interesting thought-piece: what if news
publications on the web took the web more seriously and published more
dynamic stories? Adrian suggests several dynamic XML elements to make news
stories on the web more dynamic and more web-sensitive.

Dynamic News Stories

Also worth a look this week:

Rick Jelliffe, Metrics for XML Projects #2: Production Count

As always, thanks for reading.

Kendall Clark
Managing Editor, XML.com

O'Reilly's latest PDF, "What Are Syndication Feeds," provides everything
you need to know about the elements that make up a feed, the different
formats (RSS 1.0, RSS 2.0, Atom), and the tools you need to manage incoming
and outgoing feeds.

Buy this PDF for just $7.95 now!

Visit our Sponsored Developer Resource Pages and learn about cool
stuff from our sponsors!

Downloads - Free Training - Webinars - Updates

Altova's Developer Zone: http://www.xml.com/zones/altova
ASP.net 2.0 Training Center: http://www.oreilly.com/go/ms_aspnet
Driver Agents Driver Updates: http://www.oreilly.com/go/driver_updates
GoToMyPC(R) Remote Access: http://www.oreillynet.com/etel/citrix/

Coming soon:
Stylus StudioTutorials from DataDirect!
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advertising@oreilly.com for rate and availability information.
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Thursday, May 18, 2006


Early dispatch from JavaOne 2006

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JavaOne is not a conference of particularly consistent messages, because
the Java world is so large, it's split into mutually incompatible niches.
This is healthy in many ways, as it encourages innovation and competition
even within the Java community--you say "20 different Ajax frameworks," I
say "a Swing client is still going to be nicer." This does, however, have
the disadvantage that there is little to unify the Java community, and
this really shows up in the JavaOne keynote, which is traditionally a
jumble of mixed messages and demos that appeal to a subset of the audience
while remaining utterly opaque to the rest. This year's opening general
session was no different, with a terrific Swing/Flickr/Google Maps demo
buried behind interoperability and BPEL demos that sent much of the crowd
fleeing (and gave the attendee to my left a chance to nap). Yet as much
as I liked the Swing team's "Aerith" demo, I'm sure there was a web tier
contingent that had utterly no use for it.

The one thing that unifies us is the language itself, so of course, the
big news from the general session was the evolution of Sun's answer to
"are you going to open source Java," with the new answer being "it's not a
question of if, but of how." Well, there's an implicit "when" in there
too; since Java's an open standard and a collection of JSR's, it's still
possible that someone other than Sun will create a free-as-in-speech Java
before Sun does, with Apache Harmony being the most obvious effort
currently underway.

Among the now-final Java EE 5's most prominent features is a new
persistence API defined by EJB 3 that is, in fact, available for use by
any Java SE or EE application. In "Standardizing Java Persistence API
with the EJB3 Java Persistence API," Debu Panda writes: "It simplifies the
use of transparent persistence by using metadata annotations and the
configuration by exception approach. Several application servers,
including Oracle Application Server 10g (10.1.3), Sun's open source
GlassFish Application Server, and JBoss Application Server 4.0, provide
early support for the EJB3 specification. With the Java EE 5.0 and EJB 3.0
specifications finalized, you'll soon see many leading application server
and persistence providers implementing EJB3 Java Persistence API."


Anil Hemrajani says that the established processes of Big Requirements Up
Front (BRUF) and Big Design Up Front (BDUF) seem like a good idea, but in
practice, they often lead to a waste of time and effort, and sometimes
lead to projects failing entirely. In the dev2dev article "Using Agile
Processes and Modeling to Build Enterprise Applications," he looks at the
approach of adapting less verbose and more reactive processes--agile
methodologies--to keep your project on track. "Since agile methods tend
to follow a common set of principles and values, one unpublished benefit
of agile methods is that you have the option to pick and choose from
various techniques and tailor them to your environment."


In this week's feature article from java.net, Mattias Arthursson and Ulrik
Sandberg provide relief for LDAP programmers in "LdapTemplate: LDAP
Programming in Java Made Simple." "LdapTemplate is a framework for
simpler LDAP programming in Java, built on the same principles as the
JdbcTemplate in Spring JDBC. It completely eliminates the need to worry
about creating and closing DirContext and looping through


Recent O'Reilly Network weblogs of interest to Java developers:

Chris Adamson - Blu-Ray is pissing me off. Again.

Robert Cooper - JavaOne Day Two

Robert Cooper - Thoughts on XML and Java.

Robert Cooper - JavaOne Day One

Robert Cooper - Google Web 'kit

Jim Farley - Eclipse Callisto: Retreading J2EE's Steps?

Robert Cooper - NetBeans Day Part 2

Robert Cooper - Notes on NetBeans Day Part 1

Dejan Bosanac - New Java SE distribution program?

Check out more O'Reilly Network Java weblogs at:

One final note this week: you'll notice that ONJava now sports a new page
design, bringing it more in line with the look of other O'Reilly Network
pages. This new design also features our bloggers more prominently, and
brings our newest stuff to the top of the page, so it's easier to find.
We hope you like it, and if you have any feedback, feel free to send me an
email (cadamson [at] oreilly [dot] com).

Please join us again next week.

Chris Adamson, Editor

O'Reilly Learning Web Programming Certificate Special

"I tried to learn this from books but it only seemed like letters and
numbers for me. Now I am dreaming in code. :)"
-William Twiner, Enterpreneur

Will Twiner is enrolled in our University of Illinois Web Programming
Certificate Series, and plans to use his skills to start a small business.
Have you been wanting to start a new I.T. career, but think you can't
learn the skills? Right now, enroll in all six Web Programming courses,
and receive a $300 instant rebate! Enroll today--you just might surprise
yourself. <http://www.oreillylearning.com/promotion/>


*** Java News and Weblogs ***

java.net Weblogs

O'Reilly Network Java Weblogs

Other Java News (channel -- LANG: JAVA)

Java Cookbook Recipe of the Day

Java Events

Carson Workshops: Getting Started with Rails

Taught by Geoffrey Grosenbach, May 25th 2006, NYC

Learn how to get rockin' with Ruby on Rails
by one of the world's leading Rails developers.



*** Other Related O'Reilly Network sites ***

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Wednesday, May 17, 2006


IIS7 Revealed

The Windows DevCenter Newsletter
The latest from http://www.windowsdevcenter.com

Your Skills Are in Demand. More Skills. More Demand.

Choose from 45 webcasts organized by track--JSP, PHP, and ColdFusion. Each
track has been designed to take advantage of your existing Web development
skills and includes insightful content contributed by Dr. Dobb's and



IIS7 Revealed
Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) has evolved over the years
from a simple web server to a full-fledged, application-hosting platform.
What's next for IIS? Mitch Tulloch interviews Microsoft IIS Evangelist
Brett Hill, who gives you a road map to the future.

From the WindowsDevCenter Blogosphere
Firefox Beats IE7
I've been using the beta of Internet Explorer 7 for the last few weeks,
and although it's a big improvement over the existing version of IE, I'm
still sticking with Firefox. Read my blog to find out why.

Group Policy in Windows Vista
In a recent article on WindowsDevCenter, Mitch Tulloch looked at some of
the changes coming in Windows Vista concerning how Group Policy. A reader
points out that Microsoft TechNet now has some good information on it for
enterprise users.

Check Out the ASP.NET 2.0 Training Center
O'Reilly, CMP's Dr. Dobbs Journal, and Microsoft have launched a new site,
the ASP.NET 2.0 Training Center, which offers a comprehensive set of
development tools, how-to's, and training to help programmers master
ASP.NET 2.0.

You'll find articles from your favorite O'Reilly authors, such as Jesse
Liberty and others, and articles from Dr. Dobbs Journal. There is an
excellent webcast series helping you get more out of ASP.NET 2.0 as well.
Sign up for the site's webcast series, and you also get more than $400 in
tools and information, including Visual Studio(R) 2005 Standard Edition.
Visit the site at <http://aspnet.cmp.com/>, and sign up for the webcasts
and get your goodies at <https://www.learn2asp.net/CMP/Default.aspx>.

See you next week.
Preston Gralla, editor

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*** Top Five Windows and .NET Articles Last Week ***

1. Run Mac OS X on a PC
You can get the best of both worlds--you can run the real Mac OS X on your
own PC. Wei-Meng Lee shows you how to run the Mac operating system on an
emulator called PearPC.



2. Windows Server Hacks: Remotely Enable Remote Desktop
What to do when you need to enable Remote Desktop on a remote server?
Mitch Tulloch, author of Windows Server Hacks, walks you through the



3. Getting Your Bluetooth Headset to Work in XP
With Bluetooth support built into SP2, getting a Bluetooth headset to work
should be a breeze. But it ain't necessarily so. Wei-Meng Lee shows you
how to do it.



4. Enhancing ASP.NET Pages with JavaScript
A sprinkling of JavaScript code can enhance the reach and responsiveness
of your ASP.NET web pages without sacrificing ASP.NET's secure,
server-based model for your coding. Matthew MacDonald, coauthor of ASP.NET
in a Nutshell, 2nd Edition, shows you how to use JavaScript in an ASP.NET
web page to perform three common tasks: showing a pop-up window, changing
control focus, and handling frame navigation. You can use these tricks to
quickly solve problems that have no native .NET solution.



5. ASP.NET File Uploading
File upload and download are much simpler tasks in ASP.NET than in classic
ASP, thanks to the extensive .NET Framework class library. While file
upload in ASP.NET is as easy as retrieving an HTML form value, file
download is still a bit tricky.



Visit our Sponsored Developer Resource Pages and learn about cool
stuff from our sponsors!

Downloads - Free Training - Webinars - Updates

Altova's Developer Zone: http://www.xml.com/zones/altova
ASP.net 2.0 Training Center: http://www.oreilly.com/go/ms_aspnet
Driver Agents Driver Updates: http://www.oreilly.com/go/driver_updates
GoToMyPC(R) Remote Access: http://www.oreillynet.com/etel/citrix/

Coming soon:
Stylus StudioTutorials from DataDirect!
Interested in sponsoring the Windows DevCenter newsletter? Please
email us at advertising@oreilly.com for rate and availability
information. Thank you!
To change your newsletter subscription options, please visit

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1005 Gravenstein Highway North
Sebastopol, CA 95472
(707) 827-7000

Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Inside Lightroom for Digital Photographers

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Adobe Lightroom is the innovative photo management application that may
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handles just about every imaging task with utmost ease, even if you're
shooting RAW files.

Our newest O'Reilly site, Inside Lightroom, provides you with a 22-page
downloadable tutorial, podcast interviews, frequent tips, and even the
link to download the free beta copy of Lightroom. We'll bring you up to
speed, then keep you there as this remarkable application evolves.


I'm using Lightroom now to manage my photo shoots and to prepare the
images for clients. The learning curve is gentle. I was comfortable with
Lightroom after just a few short hours. I'm still learning tricks, however,
and will be posting my discoveries in the blog on our new site.

I hope you have a few moments to take a look at Inside Lightroom. And if
you'd like to join our blog about this new application, drop me a line.

Until next time,


PS: If you want to download Lightroom public beta right now, go to:


Designed by photographers for photographers. Adobe Lightroom is being
developed by you to help solve your unique workflow challenges. What can
we do to make it better? Tell us. Experience the Beta. Join the
discussion. Get it now.

Derrick Story
O'Reilly Network Editorial Director

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*** Featured Articles ***

Photoshop Elements 4 for the Mac: Worth the Wait?
There was a minor uproar in the Mac community when Photoshop Elements 4
was released for Windows with no Mac version insight. But Adobe had
rectified the situation with a stellar release of Elements for OS X. Giles
Turnbull takes you on a tour of its highlights.



IIS7 Revealed
Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) has evolved over the years
from a simple web server to a full-fledged application hosting platform.
What's next for IIS? Mitch Tulloch interviews Microsoft IIS Evangelist
Brett Hill, who gives you a roadmap to the future.



Collaboration Constraints
Mitch Kapor says that what makes Wikipedia work isn't the technology; it's
the vision, the values, and the community. Chromatic tells us what his
dream computer language would and would not have, and Chris Adamson
explains why some types of television shows have long-running story arcs
and others are self-contained. (DTF 05-15-2006: 27 minutes 32 seconds)



Writing PostgreSQL Functions with PL/pgSQL
One of the most powerful features of PostgreSQL is its support for
user-defined functions. The language to learn is PL/pgSQL, an
unpronounceable but powerful way to write UDFs. David Wheeler introduces
the language and demonstrates why UDFs are useful.



Real-Time Java: An Introduction
"Real-Time" Java doesn't mean "really fast," but it does mean "really
predictable," and that's especially important in many fields where an
unpredictable response time, usually caused by the Java Virtual Machine's
garbage collector, can cost money or lives. Peter Mikhalenko looks at the
Real-Time Specification for Java and Sun's first implementation of the



ExplorerCanvas: Interactive Web Apps
Dave Hoover returns with an update about canvas-powered web apps, adding
interactivity to the method he described in his Supertrain article.



Creating a Dual-Boot Windows XP and Ubuntu Laptop
Running a Windows-only laptop is hardly ideal for people who do
considerable work in the Linux environment. When Cygwin and ssh aren't
enough, consider at least dual-booting into the free software world. Kevin
Farnham recently converted his new laptop into a half-Windows, half-Ubuntu
GNU/Linux machine. Here's how.



Charting Data at the Bottom of the World
Alex Gough has a curious job. He's the only programmer for 500 miles at a
remote Antarctic research station. His problems are like your problems
too, though--gathering, manipulating, recording, and displaying data.
Here's how he uses several CPAN modules to make pretty charts and graphs
with almost no work.



*** New Books from O'Reilly Media ***

SQL Pocket Guide, Second Edition

JUNOS Cookbook

PGP & GPG: Email for the Practical Paranoid (No Starch)

Programming Excel with VBA and .NET

Learning UML 2.0

Ableton Live 5 Tips and Tricks (PC Publishing)

O'Reilly Learning Web Programming Certificate Special

"I tried to learn this from books but it only seemed like letters and
numbers for me. Now I am dreaming in code. :)"
-William Twiner, Enterpreneur

Will Twiner is enrolled in our University of Illinois Web Programming
Certificate Series, and plans to use his skills to start a small business.
Have you been wanting to start a new I.T. career, but think you can't
learn the skills? Right now, enroll in all six Web Programming courses,
and receive a $300 instant rebate! Enroll today--you just might surprise


*** O'Reilly Network Top Five Articles Last Week ***

1. What Is Web 2.0
Defining just what Web 2.0 means (the term was first coined at a
conference brainstorming session between O'Reilly and MediaLive
International, which also spawned the Web 2.0 Conference), still engenders
much disagreement. Some decry it as a meaningless marketing buzzword,
while others have accepted it as the new conventional wisdom. Tim O'Reilly
attempts to clarify just what we meant by Web 2.0, digging into what it
means to view the Web as a platform and which applications fall squarely
under its purview, and which do not.



2. Rolling with Ruby on Rails
The Ruby community is abuzz about Rails, a web application framework that
makes database-backed apps dead simple. What's the fuss? Is it worth the
hype? Curt Hibbs shows off Rails, building a simple application that even
non-Rubyists can follow.



3. Using PC-BSD
A few user-friendly distributions of FreeBSD have appeared lately. PC-BSD
is one suitable for the corporate and home desktops, even those of users
unfamiliar with Unix. Dru Lavigne walks through the installation and
configuration of PC-BSD to provide a modern, powerful workstation.



4. Real-Time Java: An Introduction
"Real-Time" Java doesn't mean "really fast," but it does mean "really
predictable," and that's especially important in many fields where an
unpredictable response time, usually caused by the Java Virtual Machine's
garbage collector, can cost money or lives. Peter Mikhalenko looks at the
Real-Time Specification for Java and Sun's first implementation of the



5. Ajax on Rails
XMLHttpRequest and Ruby on Rails are two hot topics in web development. As
you ought to expect by now, they work really well together. Curt Hibbs
explains the minimal Ajax you need to know and the minimal Ruby you need
to write to Ajax-ify your Rails applications.



Visit our Sponsored Developer Resource Pages and learn about cool
stuff from our sponsors!

Downloads - Free Training - Webinars - Updates

Altova's Developer Zone: http://www.xml.com/zones/altova
ASP.net 2.0 Training Center: http://www.oreilly.com/go/ms_aspnet
Driver Agents Driver Updates: http://www.oreilly.com/go/driver_updates
GoToMyPC(R) Remote Access: http://www.oreillynet.com/etel/citrix/

Coming soon:
Stylus StudioTutorials from DataDirect!
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email us at advertising@oreilly.com for rate and availability
information. Thank you!
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1005 Gravenstein Highway North
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(707) 827-7000


BSD on the Desktop

The Latest from http://www.linuxdevcenter.com and http://ONLamp.com

Carson Workshops: Getting Started with Rails

Taught by Geoffrey Grosenbach, May 25th 2006, NYC

Learn how to get rockin' with Ruby on Rails
by one of the world's leading Rails developers.



Hello, Linux newsletter readers. If you have an interest in open source
and free software administration, advocacy, development, news, and usage,
read on. (If not, maybe we'll throw in a recipe next time.) Here's what's
new in the ONLamp world this week.

Longtime ONLamp readers know that the *BSD operating systems get good
press, even if they don't necessarily always get their fair share of
desktop users. FreeBSD Basics author Dru Lavigne wants to change that.
This week, she's written "Using PC-BSD" to introduce one of two
user-friendly, desktop-ready FreeBSD distributions. No kidding:


Despite the claims of some web programming toolkits, the database is a
great place to put some types of business logic; not only is it much
faster, but the database keeps these constraints in one place even (and
especially) if multiple applications use the single database. You'd go
crazy if you had to do all of this in SQL, though, so various RDBMS's
support various user-defined function languages. David Wheeler introduces
PostgreSQL's PL/pgSQL and shows how to write simple but powerful
user-defined functions:


In weblogs this week, your editor spent yet more time refactoring the
tests for an aging Perl web application. There is much to learn:


He also reviewed the CPAN module Data::Dump::Streamer:


... and then found a great GDC talk about test-driven game development:


Jeremy Jones reviewed Ubuntu's Dapper Drake Flight 7:


New ONLamp weblogger Curtis Poe pontificated about AI programming:


... then questioned DDJ's new love for Ruby on Rails:


Juliet Kemp growled about an Iptables bug when trying to block brute-force
password attempts:


Geoffrey Grosenbach suggested going solo as a full-time Rails developer:


Derek Sivers found that Ruby's block passing worked just as he expected:


Anton Chuvakin announced a Log Management Summit (and called it "very fun"):


Tom Adelstein reminisced about LDAP to remind administrators that their
jobs are about users:


Wow, that's a lot of stuff. It's a good thing this weekly mail goes out
to help you filter through it all.

One cool upcoming article shows how to build self-healing network services.

Stay cool until then,
- c

Technical Editor
O'Reilly Network

Sponsored by ISC, Infoblox and O'Reilly

On May 11th, Internet Systems Consortium, Infoblox, and O'Reilly present
"The Next Chapter in DNS and BIND: A Book Release Webinar on Advanced
Topics in DNS Technology and Architecture". All webinar participants will
receive an electronic copy of the architecture chapter from DNS and BIND,
5th Edition. In addition, 20 lucky attendees will be drawn at random to
receive a free autographed copy of DNS and BIND, 5th Edition!

Register Now.


ONLamp.com and Linux Devcenter Top Five Articles Last Week

1. Rolling with Ruby on Rails
The Ruby community is abuzz about Rails, a web application framework that
makes database-backed apps dead simple. What's the fuss? Is it worth the
hype? Curt Hibbs shows off Rails, building a simple application that even
non-Rubyists can follow.



2. Using PC-BSD
A few user-friendly distributions of FreeBSD have appeared lately. PC-BSD
is one suitable for the corporate and home desktops, even those of users
unfamiliar with Unix. Dru Lavigne walks through the installation and
configuration of PC-BSD to provide a modern, powerful workstation.



3. Ajax on Rails
XMLHttpRequest and Ruby on Rails are two hot topics in web development. As
you ought to expect by now, they work really well together. Curt Hibbs
explains the minimal Ajax you need to know and the minimal Ruby you need
to write to Ajax-ify your Rails applications.



4. Rolling with Ruby on Rails, Part 2
Curt Hibbs introduced Ruby on Rails by building a simple but functional
web application in just a few minutes. Does the ease of use continue? He
thinks so. In the second of two parts, Curt completes his example Rails
application in merely 47 lines of code.



5. Java Runtime Environment Vulnerability
Noel Davis looks at a local root vulnerability in Webmin; a bug in
BSD-based TCP/IP stacks; a vulnerability in the Java Runtime Environment;
buffer overflows in listar, Imlib, and Open Unix and UnixWare 7's
rpc.cmsd; and problems in Netscape, QPopper, PHP's move_uploaded_file()
function, Penguin Traceroute, PHP Net Toolpack, and Mandrake's kdm.



O'Reilly Learning Web Programming Certificate Special

"I tried to learn this from books but it only seemed like letters and
numbers for me. Now I am dreaming in code. :)"
-William Twiner, Enterpreneur

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