Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Inside Lightroom for Digital Photographers

The latest from http://oreillynet.com

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Dear Reader,

Adobe Lightroom is the innovative photo management application that may
change your photography workflow forever. From upload to output, Lightroom
handles just about every imaging task with utmost ease, even if you're
shooting RAW files.

Our newest O'Reilly site, Inside Lightroom, provides you with a 22-page
downloadable tutorial, podcast interviews, frequent tips, and even the
link to download the free beta copy of Lightroom. We'll bring you up to
speed, then keep you there as this remarkable application evolves.


I'm using Lightroom now to manage my photo shoots and to prepare the
images for clients. The learning curve is gentle. I was comfortable with
Lightroom after just a few short hours. I'm still learning tricks, however,
and will be posting my discoveries in the blog on our new site.

I hope you have a few moments to take a look at Inside Lightroom. And if
you'd like to join our blog about this new application, drop me a line.

Until next time,


PS: If you want to download Lightroom public beta right now, go to:


Designed by photographers for photographers. Adobe Lightroom is being
developed by you to help solve your unique workflow challenges. What can
we do to make it better? Tell us. Experience the Beta. Join the
discussion. Get it now.

Derrick Story
O'Reilly Network Editorial Director

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*** Featured Articles ***

Photoshop Elements 4 for the Mac: Worth the Wait?
There was a minor uproar in the Mac community when Photoshop Elements 4
was released for Windows with no Mac version insight. But Adobe had
rectified the situation with a stellar release of Elements for OS X. Giles
Turnbull takes you on a tour of its highlights.



IIS7 Revealed
Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) has evolved over the years
from a simple web server to a full-fledged application hosting platform.
What's next for IIS? Mitch Tulloch interviews Microsoft IIS Evangelist
Brett Hill, who gives you a roadmap to the future.



Collaboration Constraints
Mitch Kapor says that what makes Wikipedia work isn't the technology; it's
the vision, the values, and the community. Chromatic tells us what his
dream computer language would and would not have, and Chris Adamson
explains why some types of television shows have long-running story arcs
and others are self-contained. (DTF 05-15-2006: 27 minutes 32 seconds)



Writing PostgreSQL Functions with PL/pgSQL
One of the most powerful features of PostgreSQL is its support for
user-defined functions. The language to learn is PL/pgSQL, an
unpronounceable but powerful way to write UDFs. David Wheeler introduces
the language and demonstrates why UDFs are useful.



Real-Time Java: An Introduction
"Real-Time" Java doesn't mean "really fast," but it does mean "really
predictable," and that's especially important in many fields where an
unpredictable response time, usually caused by the Java Virtual Machine's
garbage collector, can cost money or lives. Peter Mikhalenko looks at the
Real-Time Specification for Java and Sun's first implementation of the



ExplorerCanvas: Interactive Web Apps
Dave Hoover returns with an update about canvas-powered web apps, adding
interactivity to the method he described in his Supertrain article.



Creating a Dual-Boot Windows XP and Ubuntu Laptop
Running a Windows-only laptop is hardly ideal for people who do
considerable work in the Linux environment. When Cygwin and ssh aren't
enough, consider at least dual-booting into the free software world. Kevin
Farnham recently converted his new laptop into a half-Windows, half-Ubuntu
GNU/Linux machine. Here's how.



Charting Data at the Bottom of the World
Alex Gough has a curious job. He's the only programmer for 500 miles at a
remote Antarctic research station. His problems are like your problems
too, though--gathering, manipulating, recording, and displaying data.
Here's how he uses several CPAN modules to make pretty charts and graphs
with almost no work.



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*** O'Reilly Network Top Five Articles Last Week ***

1. What Is Web 2.0
Defining just what Web 2.0 means (the term was first coined at a
conference brainstorming session between O'Reilly and MediaLive
International, which also spawned the Web 2.0 Conference), still engenders
much disagreement. Some decry it as a meaningless marketing buzzword,
while others have accepted it as the new conventional wisdom. Tim O'Reilly
attempts to clarify just what we meant by Web 2.0, digging into what it
means to view the Web as a platform and which applications fall squarely
under its purview, and which do not.



2. Rolling with Ruby on Rails
The Ruby community is abuzz about Rails, a web application framework that
makes database-backed apps dead simple. What's the fuss? Is it worth the
hype? Curt Hibbs shows off Rails, building a simple application that even
non-Rubyists can follow.



3. Using PC-BSD
A few user-friendly distributions of FreeBSD have appeared lately. PC-BSD
is one suitable for the corporate and home desktops, even those of users
unfamiliar with Unix. Dru Lavigne walks through the installation and
configuration of PC-BSD to provide a modern, powerful workstation.



4. Real-Time Java: An Introduction
"Real-Time" Java doesn't mean "really fast," but it does mean "really
predictable," and that's especially important in many fields where an
unpredictable response time, usually caused by the Java Virtual Machine's
garbage collector, can cost money or lives. Peter Mikhalenko looks at the
Real-Time Specification for Java and Sun's first implementation of the



5. Ajax on Rails
XMLHttpRequest and Ruby on Rails are two hot topics in web development. As
you ought to expect by now, they work really well together. Curt Hibbs
explains the minimal Ajax you need to know and the minimal Ruby you need
to write to Ajax-ify your Rails applications.



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