Wednesday, June 13, 2007 Newsletter

The Windows DevCenter Newsletter
The latest from

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Implementing and Understanding DHCP

Setting up DHCP on tens, hundreds, and even thousands of computers can be
daunting. Chris Sanders shows how to do it easily with Windows Server

Is the Fix In for Microsoft at the Bush White House?
Microsoft may be getting preferential treatment from the Bush
administration's Department of Justice because one of the department's key
lawyers was a top antitrust lawyer for the firm that represented Microsoft
in the lengthy antitrust suit a few years ago. Read my blog for details.

Hello, Windows-based Safari!
M. David Peterson has the goods about the beta of Apple's Safari browser
as it runs on Windows, including a screenshot.

See you next week,

Preston Gralla, editor


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Monday, June 11, 2007


Linux Newsletter

The Latest from and


Hard to believe we're already halfway through June, schools are getting out,
and the New Hampshire State Bird (the mosquito) can be seen in the air. As
you laze on the beach with your laptop and your 3G Internet connection, rest
assured that there will be plenty of content from the OFOW* to keep you
informed, unless a big wave comes....

Last week, we continued our commitment to covering Ruby and Ruby on Rails,
because we know there's a ton of interest in it at the moment. Gregory
Brown, one of our two Rails gurus, took a look at the built-in frameworks
for testing in an article entitled "Rails Testing: Not Just For the Paranoid."

We don't neglect our old favorites, however, and we had a nice article
looking at how to implement Single Sign-On in Jifty (Perl), courtesy of
first-time ONLamp author Andrew Sterling Hanenkamp.

This week at The Watering Hole, bickering between the inhabitants takes a
back seat to worrying about a new threat, in The Day of the (Side-Striped)

Blogs, blogs, everywhere there's blogs. The latest victim of chromatic's
lauditory showering is our old friend grep:

Adriano Ferreira tutors us on YAML for Java.

Jonathan Wellons discusses how NOT to run an online political poll.

Code Generation is not Metaprogramming, says chromatic. You can either take
his word for it, or read the blog and find out why.

Andy Oram directs us to O'Reilly author Sam Hiser's analysis of OOXML (the
Microsoft competitor to ODF), and why it doesn't cut it.

Jonathan Wellons pities da fool who still writes his own authentication.

chromatic likes some comments from Mozilla about keeping F/OSS projects healthy.

And Andy Oram reports on Lowell, Massachusetts, a new hotbed of open source

In the Linux DevCenter, Juliet Kemp talks about some gotchas with g77
include files. Yes, people still use Fortran....

Jeremy McAnnally likes Gregory Brown's Ruby Project Spotlight, so he's
starting one for Rails. No word if there will be a lawsuit over theft of
intellectual property.

Mr. Brown, meanwhile, ponders why if Ruby is so hot, there aren't any jobs
for Ruby programmers.

Some mysterious guy named GSoC Proxy announced the latest Google Summer of
Code project, Geocode/R.

And David Fayram says that with multicore processors the new reality in
computing, we need to ask how to make Ruby play nice.

Niel M. Bornstein's essay on how to deal with machine identities in a data
center with dynamic IP addresses completes the blog roundup for the week.

What's on tap for next week? Well, I know what was *scheduled* to run, but
since I don't have either article in hand at the moment, it may be a bit of
a potluck week. Authors, can't live with them, can't replace them with
Turing machines. Hey wait, I'm an author, too.... So check the web site on
Thursday--who knows what may be turning up there?!

* ONLamp Family of Websites, dontcha know?

James Turner
Site Editor,

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Friday, June 08, 2007


Perl Newsletter update
The Email for Subscribers

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Good localtime(), @perl_newsletter_subscribers. (If that doesn't make
sense to you, this isn't the Precious Gems Newsletter.) Here's what
happened in the previous fortnight of Perl.

* Perl News

Parrot's next Bug Day will be 16 June 2007. Join the Parrot hackers in
#parrot on as they finish the object subsystem, add new
features to the Perl 6 implementation, and fix bugs, port to new
platforms, and help you contribute to the project.

The Perl Foundation has announced its call for venue for YAPC::NA 2008.
This means, in practical terms, that if you want to host a few hundred
Perl programmers in your city or town, you can!

Josh McAdams and Perlcast have returned. The newest episode is a chat with
Curtis "Ovid" Poe, the hardest working Portland expat in London. The
topic? Perl testing, of course:

If you haven't seen Austin Seipp's Dive into Perl 6 yet, your editor
recommends this new weblog for its "I'm a competent programmer just
getting started with Perl 6" approach:

Your editor minuted the Perl 6 design meetings:

* Perl at O'Reilly

Perl programmers rarely have to worry about memory management. Perl's
built-in garbage collection takes most of the pain away from managing
resources. Of course, there are limitations--but a clever technique called
"Resource Acquisition Is Initialization" not only solves those problems
but makes other features even easier. Igor Gariev demonstrates RAII in
Perl and shows how it can simplify your code:

Hate remembering login names and passwords? Single-sign on helps you
manage identity across multiple sites. Sounds complicated, right? (If
you've ever built an SSO system, you know that it is.) Don't worry; there
are nice tools. Andrew Sterling Hanenkamp shows how to use Jifty and
Yale's Central Authentication Service to build a SSO system:

Your editor loves the perldoc utility, but tried a local web-based version
of Perl documentation through Pod::POM::Web. The results--especially after
a quick bugfix--are quite useful:

Dave Cross, another brilliant Perl programmer in the U.K., recently led a
free Teach-in at the BBC in London. It was a success. Here are his own words:

Adriano Ferreira skims the Perl 6 mailing lists for interesting tidbits.
This week, he found a tasty tidbit on the naming of certain Perl data

Your editor also compared the number of assertions in Perl, Python, and
Ruby's core test suites as just a simple point of data:

Finally, what happens when your camel has to testify before Congress?
Someone else might muscle in on her territory:

Didn't see that one coming, did you?
Editor,, et cetera

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------------------------------------------------------------------ Newsletter Xtra!
The Email for Subscribers

Dear Reader,

Welcome to another issue of

This week Kurt Cagle begins a new column for; first up, he
argues, rather persuasively, that XQuery has a future as a server-side
programming language for XML-centric applications.

This is an interesting suggestion, since XQuery has become a
full-blown programming language, not just a query language for XML
data, in which XML and XML fragments are first-class entities. That
suggests that, if your project or data is XML-centric, XQuery should
at least be on the server-side language radar.

It also suggests two other possibilities: first, XQuery is too late to make
much, if any, difference to XML's future; second, XQuery might cause a
resurgence of interest in and use of XML in application development.

XQuery, the Server Language

The Weekly Tab Sweep

Paul Vixie tours the complexities of DNS:

JoCaml is OCaml extended with the join calculus:

If OCaml's syntax weren't so damn grotty (well, to my Pythoneer's
eyes, anyway), I'd use it a lot more often.

I want a WiFi Slurper:

Theo Jansen builds very cool kinetic sculpture:

Which reminds me that if I had to live somewhere other than the US,
I'd probably choose the Netherlands, where it seems that everyone
speaks English, works hard, and is terribly smart and liberal. Every time
I've been there, it just seems like such a godawfully civilized place.

Final Destination: Why do the archives of so many great writers end up in

Well, land and real estate *is* awfully cheap there, especially
compared to either coast. I've been looking for just about a year for
the perfect office space in Washington, DC, and if my company were in
Austin or Dallas or Houston, I'd have found it in about 12
minutes... -sigh-

Kendall Clark,
Managing Editor,


*** XML News from the XML Cover Pages by Robin Cover ***

For more information on any of these stories visit:


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Open Directory and Keyboard Shortcuts for your AppleScripts

The latest from

Dear readers,

This week on Mac DevCenter we're featuring an enlightening
introduction to Apple's powerful directory server, Open Directory,
and an in-depth tutorial on how to use keyboard shortcuts with
AppleScript. And with WWDC right around the corner, you can bet the
MacDevCenter bloggers are talking it up and making their predictions
for what Steve might reveal at next week's keynote in San Francisco.

Open Directory is one of Apple's best-kept secrets. Get the real
scoop on Open Directory, and learn how to configure a very basic Open
Directory system and set up an OS X Open Directory client, in Noah
Gift's "Discover the Power of Open Directory."

AppleScript automation is one of OS X's most useful features, and it
can be made even better with the use of keyboard shortcuts. Jochen
Wolters examines three ways to assign a keyboard shortcut to an
AppleScript, and digs in to FastScripts and Quicksilver in this
detailed tutorial.

The Mac DevCenter bloggers are busy getting ready for WWDC. Drop on
by our blogs to read their predictions and add your own to the mix:

Bruce Stewart
Mac DevCenter Editor


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1005 Gravenstein Highway North
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Wednesday, June 06, 2007


Windows DevCenter Newsletter

The Windows DevCenter Newsletter
The latest from

Sponsored by the O'Reilly School of Technology

O'Reilly School of Technology has opened its virtual doors
with educational offerings and certification for IT students
looking to further their careers or to launch one.


Developing Visual Studio Project Wizards

The real power of Visual Studio project templates becomes evident when
they are combined with Visual Studio wizards. Jim Petrusha shows you the
best way to create them:

Microsoft Backs Municipal Wi-Fi

In the fight over whether towns and cities should be allowed to have their
own Wi-Fi networks, Microsoft has clearly come down on the pro side. Check
out my blog for details:

Freeware/Open Source for Windows Weekly Summary

Todd Ogasawara is back with his weekly roundup of great free Windows
software. This week he looks at a great calculator and the latest version
of the great open source sound editor Audacity, among others:

And The #1 Reason Why Silverlight Rocks...

M. David Peterson tells you all the reasons you need Silverlight. His blog
has the answers:

See you next week,

Preston Gralla, Editor

Early Registration Extended--Save $200!

Join us June 18-20, 2007 in San Jose, California for the first
O'Reilly TOC Conference, and help shape the future of publishing.

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Tuesday, June 05, 2007


Open Directory, Haskell, semaphores, and Bacula

The latest from

Sponsored by the O'Reilly School of Technology

O'Reilly School of Technology has opened its virtual doors
with educational offerings and certification for IT students
looking to further their careers or to launch one.

Greetings Readers,

Our first Ignite Boston was a success with more than 200 people
gathered for the four-hour event. You can get PDFs of the presentations
here: Please keep your ears open for our
second Ignite Boston, which is tentatively scheduled for September 6. We
will be looking for a larger and more acoustic-friendly venue. Our
Managing Editor, Marlowe Shaeffer, did a fantastic job of organizing the
event. Follow these links to see what folks thought and view photos:


There are some interesting reads to be found on the O'Reilly network
this week, including...

Open Directory may be one of Apple's best-kept secrets. In "Discover
the Power of Open Directory," Noah Gift shows how easy it is to use, set up,
and administer an Open Directory Network. Stay tuned to this
page--Noah has two more articles still to come in this three-part
series. If you are interested to see how Open Directory can be used in
both massive corporate installations and small home setups while
managing a heterogeneous environments consisting of Windows, Linux, and
OS X clients, start reading now and check back for the rest of the series.

Adam Turoff makes a bold statement in "An Introduction to Haskell, Part
1: Why Haskell" when he states "if you are a professional programmer,
then Haskell is in your future." So, hearing that, what are you waiting
for? Find out what influences Haskell has on Java, C#, C++, Perl, Python,
and Ruby developers:

The idea of a Unix semaphore has been around for 20 some years, at
least. See how this old, trusted, simple mechanism helps in
synchronizing multithreaded and multiprocess-based applications. In
"Semaphores in Linux," Vikram Shukla takes you through one of the most
important aspects of interprocess communications--Linux semaphores.
You can find it here:

Juliet Kemp's blog on "Backups again - Bacula" caught my eye for a
couple of reasons. First, Bacula is a cool name for back-up solution.
Second, if you've ever lost a filesystem, you know the importance
of a good tool and process built around it. Check out what she has to
say here:

M. David Peterson caught my eye with a subject that I have strong
opinions about--"On DRM and Watermarking." I think he
makes a cogent point when he prods us to back off of extreme reactions.
Think about it. Apple and EMI are doing something groundbreaking and
let's not overreact. Check out what others are saying here:

As part of our continued effort to understand the impact of the
availability of free downloads on book sales, Tim O'Reilly shared some
data on downloads versus sales of our book "Asterisk: The Future of Telephony," by
Leif Madsen, Jared Smith, and Jim Van Meggelen. We released the book as
a free download under a Creative Commons license. Check out Tim's post

You may also be interested in seeing what folks are searching for on the
O'Reilly Network. You can find this by subject area here:

Any comments, ideas, thoughts on features, or content you would like to
see on the O'Reilly Network can be sent to If you
want a response to your email, please indicate that because we do not
reply unless you are expecting it.

Mike Hendrickson
General Manager, The O'Reilly Network

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O'Reilly TOC Conference, and help shape the future of publishing.

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*** New Books from O'Reilly Media ***

bash Cookbook

Flash CS3: The Missing Manual

Learning WCF

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Monday, June 04, 2007


Linux Newsletter

The Latest from and

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Rackspace delivers fully managed windows and linux
hosting solutions,a Zero-Downtime Network™ and 24x7x365
Fanatical Support™.

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Greetings all. We had our first official presidential primary debate of the
2008 season tonight here in the Granite State, a full seven months before the
New Hampshire Primary is currently scheduled (assuming another state doesn't
move theirs up, in which case we could be voting at Halloween the way things
are going...). While you can argue who won the debate, there's no debating
that it was another good week here on the OFOW*

Federico Biancuzzi had an informative and somewhat scary interview with
Joseph Kong, a BSD rootkit savant. If you weren't looking at your hard
drive with suspicion by the end of the article, you should be...

On a less dangerous note, Andrew Sterling Hanenkamp told us about CAS+, a
toolkit for developing Single Sign-On solutions under the Jifty web
framework. SSO is a must-have in enterprise applications, so it's worth a

Over at the Watering Hole, Pearl learned that sometimes it's better to let a
case of mistaken identity stand.

Of course, there were blogs as well. chromatic, always a busy beaver,
started the week with another tool salute, this time to Vim. He continued
on with another blog, expressing his worry at what he sees as a lack of
automated tests in the base Ruby package.

Chris Tyler dropped a line about the demise of the "Core" part of Fedora Core
under the new Fedora 7 release.

If you've ever wondered why we call hashes hashes, Adriano Ferreira pointed
out a recent discussion of the same topic on the Perl mailing list.

Nitesh Dhanjani took a look at the security implications of Google Gears,
the new toolkit designed to let browser applications run offline.

You may remember that a few weeks ago, Dave Cross let us know about an
upcoming Perl teach-in at the BBC. Well, it happened, and he has a report
right here.

Over on the DevCenter blog, chromatic took a look at some Parrot code with
Callgrind, and didn't like what he saw.

Caitlyn Martin reported the addition of GNOME 2.18 support to the Vector
Linux 5.8 package.

How do the Microsoft Permissive License and the Apache 2.0 license compare
when looking at patents? Well, chromatic took a look...

Looking for a good backup solution? Juliet Kemp likes Bacula, and tells us why.

There are two blogs of note over on the Database side of the force, both by Roland
Bouman, and both about offline database support. First he looked at Google
Gears, and then he wondered about offline support under MySQL.

Suppose you had to track down the sender of an email? Where would you look?
Probably at the logfiles, and Anton Chuvakin takes a look at one way to use

It was a quiet week on the Ruby blog (come on folks, let's make some noise out
there). Gregory Brown is looking for innovative Ruby projects to highlight in a
new "Ruby Project Spotlight" series he wants to start. Read the details and drop
him a line.

I have no idea who the 2008 candidates will be, but I do know what's coming
up next week. Swayam Prakasha will take a look at how to optimize Linux
system performance, and Gregory Brown will tell us why Rails testing isn't
just for the paranoid. A new and dire threat confronts the inhabitants of
The Watering Hole, and Blogs Will Be Written.

* Yes, it STILL stands for the ONLamp Family of Websites

James Turner
Site Editor,

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with educational offerings and certification for IT students
looking to further their careers or to launch one.

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