Tuesday, June 05, 2007


Open Directory, Haskell, semaphores, and Bacula

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Greetings Readers,

Our first Ignite Boston was a success with more than 200 people
gathered for the four-hour event. You can get PDFs of the presentations
here: http://www.oreillynet.com/ignite/blog. Please keep your ears open for our
second Ignite Boston, which is tentatively scheduled for September 6. We
will be looking for a larger and more acoustic-friendly venue. Our
Managing Editor, Marlowe Shaeffer, did a fantastic job of organizing the
event. Follow these links to see what folks thought and view photos:

-- http://www.flickr.com/photos/tags/igniteboston/
-- http://codeitch.wordpress.com/2007/06/01/ignite-boston-loved-the-format
-- http://slagwerks.com/blog/?p=26
-- http://prog.livejournal.com/751416.html
-- http://www.jonmasters.org/blog/?p=553
-- http://offonatangent.blogspot.com/2007/06/halley-clarence-and-chris.html

There are some interesting reads to be found on the O'Reilly network
this week, including...

Open Directory may be one of Apple's best-kept secrets. In "Discover
the Power of Open Directory," Noah Gift shows how easy it is to use, set up,
and administer an Open Directory Network. Stay tuned to this
page--Noah has two more articles still to come in this three-part
series. If you are interested to see how Open Directory can be used in
both massive corporate installations and small home setups while
managing a heterogeneous environments consisting of Windows, Linux, and
OS X clients, start reading now and check back for the rest of the series.


Adam Turoff makes a bold statement in "An Introduction to Haskell, Part
1: Why Haskell" when he states "if you are a professional programmer,
then Haskell is in your future." So, hearing that, what are you waiting
for? Find out what influences Haskell has on Java, C#, C++, Perl, Python,
and Ruby developers:


The idea of a Unix semaphore has been around for 20 some years, at
least. See how this old, trusted, simple mechanism helps in
synchronizing multithreaded and multiprocess-based applications. In
"Semaphores in Linux," Vikram Shukla takes you through one of the most
important aspects of interprocess communications--Linux semaphores.
You can find it here:


Juliet Kemp's blog on "Backups again - Bacula" caught my eye for a
couple of reasons. First, Bacula is a cool name for back-up solution.
Second, if you've ever lost a filesystem, you know the importance
of a good tool and process built around it. Check out what she has to
say here:


M. David Peterson caught my eye with a subject that I have strong
opinions about--"On DRM and Watermarking." I think he
makes a cogent point when he prods us to back off of extreme reactions.
Think about it. Apple and EMI are doing something groundbreaking and
let's not overreact. Check out what others are saying here:


As part of our continued effort to understand the impact of the
availability of free downloads on book sales, Tim O'Reilly shared some
data on downloads versus sales of our book "Asterisk: The Future of Telephony," by
Leif Madsen, Jared Smith, and Jim Van Meggelen. We released the book as
a free download under a Creative Commons license. Check out Tim's post
here: http://radar.oreilly.com/archives/2007/06/free_downloads.html

You may also be interested in seeing what folks are searching for on the
O'Reilly Network. You can find this by subject area here:


Any comments, ideas, thoughts on features, or content you would like to
see on the O'Reilly Network can be sent to ideas@oreillynet.com. If you
want a response to your email, please indicate that because we do not
reply unless you are expecting it.

Mike Hendrickson
General Manager, The O'Reilly Network

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