Friday, June 08, 2007 Newsletter Xtra!
The Email for Subscribers

Dear Reader,

Welcome to another issue of

This week Kurt Cagle begins a new column for; first up, he
argues, rather persuasively, that XQuery has a future as a server-side
programming language for XML-centric applications.

This is an interesting suggestion, since XQuery has become a
full-blown programming language, not just a query language for XML
data, in which XML and XML fragments are first-class entities. That
suggests that, if your project or data is XML-centric, XQuery should
at least be on the server-side language radar.

It also suggests two other possibilities: first, XQuery is too late to make
much, if any, difference to XML's future; second, XQuery might cause a
resurgence of interest in and use of XML in application development.

XQuery, the Server Language

The Weekly Tab Sweep

Paul Vixie tours the complexities of DNS:

JoCaml is OCaml extended with the join calculus:

If OCaml's syntax weren't so damn grotty (well, to my Pythoneer's
eyes, anyway), I'd use it a lot more often.

I want a WiFi Slurper:

Theo Jansen builds very cool kinetic sculpture:

Which reminds me that if I had to live somewhere other than the US,
I'd probably choose the Netherlands, where it seems that everyone
speaks English, works hard, and is terribly smart and liberal. Every time
I've been there, it just seems like such a godawfully civilized place.

Final Destination: Why do the archives of so many great writers end up in

Well, land and real estate *is* awfully cheap there, especially
compared to either coast. I've been looking for just about a year for
the perfect office space in Washington, DC, and if my company were in
Austin or Dallas or Houston, I'd have found it in about 12
minutes... -sigh-

Kendall Clark,
Managing Editor,


*** XML News from the XML Cover Pages by Robin Cover ***

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