Monday, June 11, 2007
Linux Newsletter
The Latest from and
Hard to believe we're already halfway through June, schools are getting out,
and the New Hampshire State Bird (the mosquito) can be seen in the air. As
you laze on the beach with your laptop and your 3G Internet connection, rest
assured that there will be plenty of content from the OFOW* to keep you
informed, unless a big wave comes....
Last week, we continued our commitment to covering Ruby and Ruby on Rails,
because we know there's a ton of interest in it at the moment. Gregory
Brown, one of our two Rails gurus, took a look at the built-in frameworks
for testing in an article entitled "Rails Testing: Not Just For the Paranoid."
We don't neglect our old favorites, however, and we had a nice article
looking at how to implement Single Sign-On in Jifty (Perl), courtesy of
first-time ONLamp author Andrew Sterling Hanenkamp.
This week at The Watering Hole, bickering between the inhabitants takes a
back seat to worrying about a new threat, in The Day of the (Side-Striped)
Blogs, blogs, everywhere there's blogs. The latest victim of chromatic's
lauditory showering is our old friend grep:
Adriano Ferreira tutors us on YAML for Java.
Jonathan Wellons discusses how NOT to run an online political poll.
Code Generation is not Metaprogramming, says chromatic. You can either take
his word for it, or read the blog and find out why.
Andy Oram directs us to O'Reilly author Sam Hiser's analysis of OOXML (the
Microsoft competitor to ODF), and why it doesn't cut it.
Jonathan Wellons pities da fool who still writes his own authentication.
chromatic likes some comments from Mozilla about keeping F/OSS projects healthy.
And Andy Oram reports on Lowell, Massachusetts, a new hotbed of open source
In the Linux DevCenter, Juliet Kemp talks about some gotchas with g77
include files. Yes, people still use Fortran....
Jeremy McAnnally likes Gregory Brown's Ruby Project Spotlight, so he's
starting one for Rails. No word if there will be a lawsuit over theft of
intellectual property.
Mr. Brown, meanwhile, ponders why if Ruby is so hot, there aren't any jobs
for Ruby programmers.
Some mysterious guy named GSoC Proxy announced the latest Google Summer of
Code project, Geocode/R.
And David Fayram says that with multicore processors the new reality in
computing, we need to ask how to make Ruby play nice.
Niel M. Bornstein's essay on how to deal with machine identities in a data
center with dynamic IP addresses completes the blog roundup for the week.
What's on tap for next week? Well, I know what was *scheduled* to run, but
since I don't have either article in hand at the moment, it may be a bit of
a potluck week. Authors, can't live with them, can't replace them with
Turing machines. Hey wait, I'm an author, too.... So check the web site on
Thursday--who knows what may be turning up there?!
* ONLamp Family of Websites, dontcha know?
James Turner
Site Editor,
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