Tuesday, May 16, 2006


BSD on the Desktop

The Latest from http://www.linuxdevcenter.com and http://ONLamp.com

Carson Workshops: Getting Started with Rails

Taught by Geoffrey Grosenbach, May 25th 2006, NYC

Learn how to get rockin' with Ruby on Rails
by one of the world's leading Rails developers.



Hello, Linux newsletter readers. If you have an interest in open source
and free software administration, advocacy, development, news, and usage,
read on. (If not, maybe we'll throw in a recipe next time.) Here's what's
new in the ONLamp world this week.

Longtime ONLamp readers know that the *BSD operating systems get good
press, even if they don't necessarily always get their fair share of
desktop users. FreeBSD Basics author Dru Lavigne wants to change that.
This week, she's written "Using PC-BSD" to introduce one of two
user-friendly, desktop-ready FreeBSD distributions. No kidding:


Despite the claims of some web programming toolkits, the database is a
great place to put some types of business logic; not only is it much
faster, but the database keeps these constraints in one place even (and
especially) if multiple applications use the single database. You'd go
crazy if you had to do all of this in SQL, though, so various RDBMS's
support various user-defined function languages. David Wheeler introduces
PostgreSQL's PL/pgSQL and shows how to write simple but powerful
user-defined functions:


In weblogs this week, your editor spent yet more time refactoring the
tests for an aging Perl web application. There is much to learn:


He also reviewed the CPAN module Data::Dump::Streamer:


... and then found a great GDC talk about test-driven game development:


Jeremy Jones reviewed Ubuntu's Dapper Drake Flight 7:


New ONLamp weblogger Curtis Poe pontificated about AI programming:


... then questioned DDJ's new love for Ruby on Rails:


Juliet Kemp growled about an Iptables bug when trying to block brute-force
password attempts:


Geoffrey Grosenbach suggested going solo as a full-time Rails developer:


Derek Sivers found that Ruby's block passing worked just as he expected:


Anton Chuvakin announced a Log Management Summit (and called it "very fun"):


Tom Adelstein reminisced about LDAP to remind administrators that their
jobs are about users:


Wow, that's a lot of stuff. It's a good thing this weekly mail goes out
to help you filter through it all.

One cool upcoming article shows how to build self-healing network services.

Stay cool until then,
- c

Technical Editor
O'Reilly Network

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ONLamp.com and Linux Devcenter Top Five Articles Last Week

1. Rolling with Ruby on Rails
The Ruby community is abuzz about Rails, a web application framework that
makes database-backed apps dead simple. What's the fuss? Is it worth the
hype? Curt Hibbs shows off Rails, building a simple application that even
non-Rubyists can follow.



2. Using PC-BSD
A few user-friendly distributions of FreeBSD have appeared lately. PC-BSD
is one suitable for the corporate and home desktops, even those of users
unfamiliar with Unix. Dru Lavigne walks through the installation and
configuration of PC-BSD to provide a modern, powerful workstation.



3. Ajax on Rails
XMLHttpRequest and Ruby on Rails are two hot topics in web development. As
you ought to expect by now, they work really well together. Curt Hibbs
explains the minimal Ajax you need to know and the minimal Ruby you need
to write to Ajax-ify your Rails applications.



4. Rolling with Ruby on Rails, Part 2
Curt Hibbs introduced Ruby on Rails by building a simple but functional
web application in just a few minutes. Does the ease of use continue? He
thinks so. In the second of two parts, Curt completes his example Rails
application in merely 47 lines of code.



5. Java Runtime Environment Vulnerability
Noel Davis looks at a local root vulnerability in Webmin; a bug in
BSD-based TCP/IP stacks; a vulnerability in the Java Runtime Environment;
buffer overflows in listar, Imlib, and Open Unix and UnixWare 7's
rpc.cmsd; and problems in Netscape, QPopper, PHP's move_uploaded_file()
function, Penguin Traceroute, PHP Net Toolpack, and Mandrake's kdm.



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