Tuesday, May 30, 2006
New PDFs from O'Reilly
The latest from http://oreillynet.com
Unlimited Web Conferencing for One Flat Rate
GoToMeeting(TM) is the easiest and most affordable way to conduct online
meetings with coworkers and clients--without ever leaving your desk. Best
of all, you can meet as much as you want for as long as you want--for one
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Dear Reader,
O'Reilly loves publishing books and articles. But we've noticed that
certain subjects need to reach you faster than book production can
accommodate, yet requires more depth than online articles provide. We've
settled on an agile solution with our PDF publishing program.
I mention this because we've recently released four new PDFs -- Web
Services on Rails, Building Tag Clouds in Perl and PHP, Atlas UpdatePanel
Control, and Search Engine Optimization -- and they're great. Each title
runs between 40 and 56 pages, is downloadable right now, and each costs
just $9.99. They're formatted as standard PDF documents without any of
that annoying DRM stuff, so you can enjoy them in your favorite PDF reader.
We have lots more interesting stuff in the pipeline too. You can see the
latest and greatest by visiting:
Hope you find something you like.
Until next time,
Derrick Story
O'Reilly Network Editorial Director
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*** Featured Articles ***
Windows Vista Beta 2 Up Close and Personal
Vista Beta 2 is finally out. What's good and what's bad? Wei-Meng Lee
takes it for a test drive and gives you the full rundown.
Josh Peterson from the Robot Co-Op
Brady Forrest interviews Josh Peterson, CEO of The Robot Co-op, in this
Where 2.0 preview podcast. Josh talks about his "network of networking
sites," which includes 43 Things, 43 Places, and 43 People. At Where 2.0,
Josh will be presenting 43 Places, where a user can list up to 43 places
they'd like to go during their life. The site allows people to share
stories about places they've been and read stories about places they'd
like to visit. (13 minutes, 38 seconds)
Building a Self-Healing Network
Wouldn't it be nice if your network services could detect their own
failures and gracefully restart? Sure, you could have cron or FAM jobs
always checking them, but that's so unrefined. Instead, consider Greg
Retkowski's solution: building a small Cfengine and NAGIOS combination to
detect and recover from failure.
Telling Stories at JavaOne
JavaOne 2006 left attendees with an incomplete answer to the big question:
will Sun open source Java? The answer was better than a definite maybe,
but not by much. Daniel Steinberg looks back at the conference, its mixed
message, and its many successes outside of the general sessions.
Standardizing Java Persistence with the EJB3 Java Persistence API
Dissatisfaction with entity beans as an "official" means of persisting
Java objects to databases has prompted a number of "unofficial"
approaches, such as the very popular Hibernate. Now EJB3 seems to have
learned its lesson: its new Java Persistence API allows you to persist
plain old Java objects (POJOs) with a minimum of fuss and just a few
annotations. Debu Panda looks at how to put this new standard to work.
*** New Books from O'Reilly Media ***
HTML and XHTML Pocket Reference, Third Edition
The Book of Visual Basic 2005 (No Starch)
Perl Hacks
HTML Utopia, Second Edition (SitePoint)
Statistics Hacks
RFID Security (Syngress)
MAKE: Technology on Your Time, Volume 06
Deploying Your Windows Apps Is Just a Click Away
"Use ClickOnce to Deploy Windows Applications,"
a new PDF from O'Reilly, covers how to:
-Distribute Windows apps quickly and easily
-Add security to your distributions
-Update COM files without corrupting DLLs
Manage your productivity better with ClickOnce and
O'Reilly's latest PDF.
Buy It Today for Just $7.99
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Coming soon:
Stylus StudioTutorials from DataDirect!
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