Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Lightroom Adventure in Iceland
The latest from http://oreillynet.com
Sponsored by Nokia
The Nokia 770 Internet Tablet brings the infinite world of the internet
right to your fingertips. From checking out holiday destinations and
receiving the latest sports and stock updates, to listening to your
favorite streaming music, the 770 Internet Tablet is ready to deliver all
the information you love and need. And with the latest OS2006 software
update, you can make internet calls, chat online, and type on a full
screen keyboard too.
Take a closer look at the Nokia 770 Internet Tablet:
Dear Reader,
We've been quite interested in Lightroom, Adobe's beta photo management
application designed to complement Photoshop. Lightroom fascinates me
because it enables me to think like a photographer while working with my
images at the computer. Tasks that I used to do in the old days, such as
sort slides on a light box and mark the best ones with a felt tip pen, are
now achievable on a laptop.
We thought that the ultimate test for this software would be to see how it
performs in the field, under true location photography conditions. That
seed of an idea has blossomed into the "Adobe Lightroom/Photoshop
Adventure: Destination Iceland."
Later this month, I'll be joining a team of ambitious photographers
traveling to the pristine Icelandic landscape. We'll be working during 22
hour-long days bathed in horizontal light. Since each of us must work
around the clock, we thought this would be the perfect testing environment
for laptops running Lightroom. With this application, we can upload, sort,
keyword, adjust, and output our Raw images while still working in the
O'Reilly has launched a new site dedicated to the preparation for, and
activities during, this experiment--The Adobe Lightroom Adventure Site:
I'll be posting blogs on the site as I prepare for Iceland, and will share
the images, conversations, and even some video from the great north during
the adventure itself. If you are interested in how professional
photographers prepare for and succeed at these types of assignments, I
encourage you to visit the site.
Until next week,
Derrick Story
O'Reilly Network Editorial Director
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*** Featured Articles ***
What Is Vim (It's Easier than You Think)
If you've had a less than agreeable experience with Vim in the past and
are willing to give it another shot, please ponder these points: 1)
There's generally a learning curve involved with any powerful tool, 2) Vim
is much more than just your run-of-the-mill text editor, and 3) the effort
required to become a proficient Vimmer isn't as much as you'd think: it's
comparable to that of learning to touch type. Matthew Russell explains.
Build a Virtual Routed Network
Building a multi-domain, multi-site testbed network with a workstation in
each domain and at each site can take about half a dozen machines...unless
you follow Mitch Tulloch's advice, and build a virtual routed network on
one PC with Virtual PC.
Great Location Hacks
We're featuring three sessions from the second day of the Where 2.0
conference. Chris Spurgeon presents the best geo hacks of the last 2000
years, Gary Lang looks at the possibilities that arise from APIs and Open
Source Code, and Tim O'Reilly moderates a panel on the future of the data
industry. (DTF 07-10-2006: 32 minutes 15 seconds)
What Is a Wiki (and How to Use One for Your Projects)
Wikis are becoming known as the tool of choice for large,
multiple-participant projects because jumping in and revising the pages of
a wiki is so easy for anyone to do. This article covers how to effectively
use a wiki to keep notes and share ideas among a group of people, and how
to organize that wiki to avoid lost thoughts, and encourage serendipity.
Matt Webb and Tom Stafford co-authored this article using a wiki, as they
did their book, Mind Hacks.
Nat Torkington previews OSCON 2006
OSCON program chair Nat Torkington looks ahead to this year's O'Reilly
Open Source Conference in Portland, Oregon July 24-28. (5 minutes, 47
Rethinking Community Documentation
Good documentation makes good software great. Poor documentation makes
great software less useful. What is good documentation, though, and how
can communities produce it effectively? Andy Oram explores how free and
open source software projects can share their knowledge with users and how
publishers and editors fit into the future of documentation.
JSON on the Web, or: The Revenge of SML
Simon St. Laurent looks back to see if we can all learn a lesson or two:
were there signs early on in the life of XML that something like JSON
would eventually do very well as a Web data format?
The Long View of Identity
Who are you online? Your digital identity is a complex bundle of
information--not just what you say about yourself, but what other people
say about you and how trustworthy they are. O'Reilly editor Andy Oram
recently attended the Identity Mashup conference at Harvard Law's Berkman
Center and reports on one of the most vital issues of privacy and
usability on the internet.
What's New in Eclipse 3.2 Java Development Tools
The popular Eclipse IDE's latest release, version 3.2, is the cornerstone
of an ambitious release of ten Eclipse-branded projects on the same day.
But what's in it for you? Ed Burnette takes a look at the new features in
Eclipse's Java Development Tools and shows you how they'll make your
development much easier.
*** New Books from O'Reilly Media ***
Ajax Design Patterns
Digital Photography: The Missing Manual
*** New PDFs from O'Reilly Media ***
FileMaker 8.5: Integrating the Web
Sponsored by Nokia
The Nokia 770 Internet Tablet brings the infinite world of the internet
right to your fingertips. From checking out holiday destinations and
receiving the latest sports and stock updates, to listening to your
favorite streaming music, the 770 Internet Tablet is ready to deliver all
the information you love and need. And with the latest OS2006 software
update, you can make internet calls, chat online, and type on a full
screen keyboard too.
Take a closer look at the Nokia 770 Internet Tablet:
Visit our Sponsored Developer Resource Pages and learn about cool
stuff from our sponsors!
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