Friday, July 07, 2006
MAKE NEWS No. 41: Take Space Shuttle Pics and Make a Bench
Take photos of the Space Shuttle and make a bench this weekend.
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And with the latest OS2006 software update, you can make internet calls,
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July 07, 2006
As the United States celebrated its 230th birthday (hey, you don't look a day over
218, OK?), the Space Shuttle Discovery STS-121 launched. This mission, the first
after a one-year hiatus for the shuttle program, will supply and service the
International Space Station during its 12-day mission. The astromakers might be
hundreds of miles up, but you can still take their picture. Michael shows you how
to photograph the Space Shuttle Discovery and ISS with a digital camera on a tripod.
MAKE: Video!
Looking for something to do this weekend? Look no further! Clickity click click!
Make Podcasts
Weekend Projects: Make a Workbench
Every week, MAKE's Media Maker Bre Pettis will bring you a project you can make
over the weekend. In this first podcast, learn how to make a workbench for your
garage, studio, or get your priorities straight and put it in your living room!
MAKE: Blog
Can't get enough MAKE? Visit the MAKE blog for a daily dose of all things you
*should* try at home. Each day we post dozens of stories, projects, hacks, and
mods sent in by you, the makers!
This week on the MAKE: Blog
LED voice transmission over 104 miles:
These Tasmanian hams transmitted voice over 104 miles between mountain peaks using
Luxeon LED-powered transmitters. The circuits and pictures of the rigs are described.
Check out the old school handset being used. Of course they were dismayed that U.S.
Army heliograph operators managed 183 miles more than 100 years ago (Morse code).
Now that's old school!
Open source low-cost real-time eye tracking:
openEyes is an open source, open hardware toolkit for low-cost, real-time eye
tracking. The purpose of openEyes is to provide a hardware design and a set of
software tools useful for the analysis of eye movement data. The development of
openEyes stems from the recognition in the eye tracking and human computer
interaction communities that while the cost of hardware for eye tracking has
precipitously dropped in the recent past that the there is lack of freely available
software to implement even long-established eye-tracking methods.
Two-level cat bed made from an old desk chair:
Mark made a two-level cat bed from an old desk chair. We think this is a great use
for an old chair that might get tossed. Here's how you can make your own:
Hpw to make your own Chewbacca puppet:
Kanja shows how to make an awesome Chewbacca puppet.
The trackball telescope:
A ton of makers sent this telescope in. It's called the trackball telescope, and
it's public domain. Jerry writes, "...I searched the U.S. Patent and Trademark
Office database, and came up blank there, too. As near as I can tell, I have come
up with a new design for a mount that not only eliminates the pointing problems of
equatorial mounts and Dobsonian mounts, but also tracks. I call it the 'trackball'
because there's no better name to describe it. Happily, another search of the USPTO
database shows that the term 'trackball' has fallen into the public domain, so
apparently anyone is free to use it as a generic term for this type of telescope.
Many people have urged me to patent the design, but I would much rather put it into
the public domain so anybody can build (and sell) them as they wish..."
MAKE: Flickr Photo Pool
There are over 3,887 photos from 1,396 worldwide makers posting projects, hacks,
mods, and more in the MAKE photo pool.
Where else could you peep a Banana Jr. file server?
Turn on, tune in, and upload your projects.
MAKE Volume 06!
The MAKE team is busy working on Volume 07, set to hit stores the end of August,
so there's still plenty of time to delve into V06 and finish up all those cool
Build a pair of electronic insects. Make some LED throwies. Check out the rodent-
powered nightlight. Try some tensegrity. Build a humane Bug Sucker.
And don't forget, if you're a MAKE subscriber, you can log in right now and see
all of MAKE 06 with MAKE's digital edition.
"When one has finished building one's house, one suddenly realizes that in the
process one has learned something that one really needed to know in the worst
way--before one began."
--Friedrich Nietzsche
Don't buy what you can make, and don't make what you can find!
*The MAKE Team*
Sponsored by Nokia
The Nokia 770 Internet Tablet brings the infinite world of the internet right to
your fingertips. From checking out holiday destinations and receiving the
latest sports and stock updates, to listening to your favorite streaming music,
the 770 Internet Tablet is ready to deliver all the information you love and need.
And with the latest OS2006 software update, you can make internet calls,
chat online, and type on a full screen keyboard too.
Take a closer look at the Nokia 770 Internet Tablet:
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