Friday, June 30, 2006


MAKE NEWS No. 40--Happy 4th of July from MAKE!

MAKE NEWS No. 40 -- Happy 4th of July from MAKE!

O'Reilly 2006 Photoshop Cook-Off

Announcing the 2006 O'Reilly Photoshop Cook-Off:
a contest open to U.S. residents who use Adobe
Photoshop. Win great prizes and get your work in
front of the industry's A-list judges.
Entries accepted from May 15 until August 15, 2006.
Enter now to win!


June 30, 2006
Happy 4th of July from MAKE!

"Freedom is nothing else but a chance to be better."
--Albert Camus

MAKE: Video Podcast!
MAKE's Media Maker Bre Pettis is filming up a storm! Here are some of the latest
videos from the MAKE video podcast:

Make Podcast: Tikva Report -- Reconnect Sweatshirt >>
Kate Hartman made a sweatshirt that vibrates when you complete a wearable circuit.

Make Podcast: I-Wei Huang's Steambots >>
After interviewing I-Wei, I told him that his robots reminded me of Miyazaki's
animation work, and he told me that he was in fact an animator by day and
steam-roboteer at night. He also said he found inspiration with Miyazaki's work.

Make Podcast: CPT's Arca Musarithmica Experimental Musical Instrument and Artbot >>
I found CTP in the artbot section of Robogames with his Arca Musarithmica. Check
out his photoset of it and watch the video.

Make Podcast: Survival Research Labs Walkthrough >>
While in San Francisco, I was invited to videotape a walkthrough of the Survival
Reasearch Labs. SRL has been making industrial-sized remote-control machines and
performing with them around the world since 1978.


MAKE, Volume 06!
MAKE, Volume 06 -- Build a pair of electronic insects. LED throwies. Rodent-powered
nightlight. Floating tower structure. Bug Sucker.

Mulitimedia for this volume includes the PowWow from Made On Earth at:

New from the MAKE Store
Build Your Own Electronic Game Kit >>
Originally designed for the Maker Faire by Grand Idea Studio, the Build Your Own
Electronic Game Kit is a custom-created kit intended to introduce you to the world
of electronics and soldering. When successfully assembled, the kit becomes a version
of the popular memory game, Simon, with a few optional twists.

MiniPOV v2 Kit >>
With this kit, you can build a simple, low-cost "persistence-of-vision" toy; a simple
microcontroller blinks 8 LEDs on and off so that when waved through the air, an image
or message appears to float in front of the viewer. This version comes preprogrammed
to say "Makezine," but requires a PC with parallel port to reprogram.



Don't buy what you can make, and don't make what you can find!

*The MAKE Team*

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