Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Keeping Up with Where 2.0
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Dear Reader,
The Where 2.0 Conference in San Jose, California is wrapping up (this
event brings together the people, projects, and issues leading the charge
into the location-based technology frontier). An incredible amount of
information has been disseminated over the two-day gathering. I was just
reading the Conference News website, and I am slightly blown away by the
depth and breadth of the posts. Here are just a few examples:
Lauren Gelman on Privacy
Gelman works out of the Center for Internet Society at Stanford University
and she is very knowledgeable about the new technologies being discussed
at Where 2.0, and how they will be pushing the boundaries of existing
privacy law.
A Lot There at the Where Fair
After a mind-bending day of talks and demos, and then a lively and packed
exhibitor hall reception, the hands-on Where Fair event still did not disappoint.
Zopto: An Addressing Scheme That Makes Sense
Ben Nolan from Projectx Technology showed off the company's unique and
simple Zopto location addressing scheme to a very favorable response at
the Where 2.0 conference.
And it goes on and on from there. If you couldn't attend the event in
person, I highly recommend you stop by Conference News to get up to speed.
Until next time,
Derrick Story
O'Reilly Network Editorial Director
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*** Featured Articles ***
The Ultimate Free Windows Toolkit
You don't have to spend a bundle if you want to keep your network and its
servers in tip-top shape. Mitch Tulloch gives you the rundown on the best
free tools you can find for system administrators.
Pixie Hunt: A High-Tech Scavenger Hunt
Teams of Where 2.0 attendees hit the streets of San Jose last night on a
high-tech scavenger hunt. They carried camera phones and GPS pucks as they
raced to complete their tasks quickly and creatively. (4 minutes, 22
Natural Language Game Programming with Inform 7
Natural language programming is a huge goal of certain programming
language communities. Unfortunately, it once gave the world COBOL. Graham
Nelson's latest version of the Inform language for writing interactive
fiction resurrects the idea of natural language. Liza Daly demonstrates
how writing code can be a truly literary experience.
Design Tips for Building Tag Clouds
To give you a sampling of what you'll find in Building Tag Clouds in Perl
and PHP, a new, downloadable PDF from O'Reilly, we've excerpted this
section on tips for designing the most effective tag clouds.
Aging PowerBook Upgrade by a Linux/OS X Geek
Many Mac users railed against chromatic's recent article, Switching Back
to Desktop Linux. When Philip Hollenback, a Linux fan himself, needed to
upgrade his aging PB 667 from Panther to Tiger, he used an approach that
kept costs down and value high, while preserving his Linux/OS X frame of
mind. Here's how he did it.
Object-oriented JavaScript
Greg Brown explains how to use basic object-oriented techniques to build
more robust AJAX applications.
Achieving Inversion of Control with Eclipse RCP
Eclipse RCP uses a popular plugin scheme for extending the capabilities of
the core platform. Meanwhile, the Inversion of Control pattern is a
popular means of having a runtime container provide an implementation of
some needed service. Put them together and effectively, you're plugging in
the implementation of your plugin. Riccardo Govoni shows how a little
bytecode manipulation makes this possible.
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Add Tag Clouds to Your Site
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your own tag clouds. You can use these techniques to create other kinds
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In this PDF you'll learn:
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