Friday, April 28, 2006


Microformats in Context Xtra!
The Email for Subscribers

Sponsored by Internet Systems Consortium, Infoblox, and O'Reilly

On May 11th, Internet Systems Consortium, Infoblox, and O'Reilly present
"The Next Chapter in DNS and BIND: A Book Release Webinar on Advanced
Topics in DNS Technology and Architecture". All webinar participants will
receive an electronic copy of the architecture chapter from DNS and BIND,
5th Edition. In addition, 20 lucky attendees will be drawn at random to
receive a free autographed copy of DNS and BIND, 5th Edition!

Register Now.


Dear Reader,

Welcome to another issue of

Uche Ogbuji, proprietor of the Agile Web column, asks some tough questions
about microformats this week. He finds both good and bad aspects and
concludes that with some changes and tweaks, microformats could become
even more useful and, as important, legible.

Microformats in Context

Also worth a look this week:

Rick Jelliffe, The Super Fat Client: I like it!

M. David Peterson, SVG in IE7?

As always, thanks for reading.

Kendall Clark
Managing Editor,

O'Reilly's latest PDF, "What Are Syndication Feeds," provides everything
you need to know about the elements that make up a feed, the different
formats (RSS 1.0, RSS 2.0, Atom), and the tools you need to manage
incoming and outgoing feeds.

Buy this PDF for just $7.95 now!

Visit our Sponsored Developer Resource Pages and learn about cool
stuff from our sponsors!

Downloads - Free Training - Webinars - Updates

Altova's Developer Zone: 2.0 Training Center:
Driver Agents Driver Updates:
GoToMyPC(R) Remote Access:

Coming soon:
Stylus StudioTutorials from DataDirect!
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Thursday, April 27, 2006


You've got your script in my Java!

The Independent Source for Enterprise Java

Advance Your IT Career with O'Reilly Learning

"I can now go into the Unix program on the Apache server and customize the
Metalib program so it works for our library. Wow! :-) It feels great."
-Ingrid Mifflin, Systems Librarian

Since 2004, Systems Librarian Ingrid Mifflin has enrolled in 11 O'Reilly
Learning courses, and has already earned two University of Illinois
Certificates! We're proud of Ingrid--she ramped up her career, and so
can you.

Now, until April 30th, use code APRIL2006 and save 15%.



The long run of the Mustang is almost over: the beta of Java SE 6 has been
out for a while now, and it's expected to go final later this year,
probably after another beta. Granted, this release isn't forcing
developers to update their skillsets, like J2SE 5.0 did with its generics,
enums, enhanced for, and so on. In fact, by comparison, some people have a
hard time pointing out just what's so new in Mustang. Perhaps the most
interesting feature isn't really a Java feature at all; it's the ability
to integrate scripting languages into your Java code. This week, we'll
take a first look at this interesting new feature.

"Using scripting languages from Java can be useful in many situations,
such as providing extensions to your Java application so that users can
write their own scripts to extend or customize the core functionalities.
Scripting languages are both simpler to understand and easier to write, so
they can be ideal to give (technical) end users the possibility to tailor
your product to their needs." In "The Mustang Meets the Rhino: Scripting
in Java 6," John Ferguson Smart looks at how the integration of scripting
languages and Java actually works.


It's not unreasonable for an enterprise project to start with MySQL and
simply stick with this database as the project grows, ultimately moving up
to MySQLCluster for higher availability and performance. But replication
can be a problem, due to the differences between masters and slaves in the
cluster. In "Advanced MySQL Replication Techniques," Giuseppe Maxia
writes, "using features introduced in MySQL 5.0 and 5.1, it is possible to
build a replication system where all nodes act as master and slave at the
same time, with a built-in fail-over mechanism."


The point of AJAX is to work on just a small part of a page instead of
reloading the whole thing, so it's only natural that developers would want
to combine AJAX with Portlet technology, building their pages with
smaller, smarter pieces. "Through the use of standard technologies and
some best practices, you can take a lot of the pain out of AJAX and start
creating highly interactive, user-driven websites that set you apart from
the competition." John Margaglione shows how to achieve this in the
dev2dev article "AJAX Programming in BEA WebLogic Portal 8.1, Part 2."


In this week's feature article from, David Walend redefines some
commonly misunderstood SOA concepts in "Understanding Service Oriented
Architecture." "I started working with distributed messaging systems in
1995 and can understand most of the articles, but I find the volume of
hype daunting and largely irrelevant. This article focuses on what you can
get out of SOA to make developing and maintaining software easy, and help
your businesses run better."


Recent O'Reilly Network weblogs of interest to Java developers:

Timothy M. O'Brien - Free Maven 2.0 Book Available from Mergere

Paul Browne - The Second Most Useful Java-Oracle Tool for 2006

Timothy M. O'Brien - Network Neutrality Hearing on C-SPAN 3

Steve Anglin - Java Should Endure...

Timothy M. O'Brien - Ellison's Interview: Taking Swipes at Red Hat/JBoss

Check out more O'Reilly Network Java weblogs at:

Please join us again next week.

Chris Adamson, Editor


Take advantage of O'Reilly's "Buy 2 Books, Get 1 Free" offer by cutting
and pasting code "OPC10" into our shopping cart. Any orders over $29.95
also qualify for free shipping in the US.


*** Java News and Weblogs *** Weblogs

O'Reilly Network Java Weblogs

Other Java News (channel -- LANG: JAVA)

Java Cookbook Recipe of the Day

Java Events

Sponsored by Internet Systems Consortium, Infoblox, and O'Reilly

On May 11th, Internet Systems Consortium, Infoblox, and O'Reilly present
"The Next Chapter in DNS and BIND: A Book Release Webinar on Advanced
Topics in DNS Technology and Architecture". All webinar participants will
receive an electronic copy of the architecture chapter from DNS and BIND,
5th Edition. In addition, 20 lucky attendees will be drawn at random to
receive a free autographed copy of DNS and BIND, 5th Edition!

Register Now.


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Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Ensuring Application Compatibility in Vista

The Windows DevCenter Newsletter
The latest from

Run Windows on Your Intel Mac!

"Running Boot Camp" guides you through the entire installation process
including how to:

* Upgrade your Mac Firmware
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Ensuring Application Compatibility in Vista
What should you do if your enterprise has mission-critical,
line-of-business apps that simply must continue running properly once
you've upgraded your desktops to Vista? Mitch Tulloch, author of "Windows
Server Hacks," offers insight and advice.

From the Windows DevCenter Blogosphere
Should Microsoft Throw in the Towel for Search?
According to the Nielsen/NetRatings, Google's share of the search market
grew from 47 to 49 percent in March, while MSN Search dived from 14 to 11.
Should Microsoft give up MSN Search? See my blog for details.

Express Now Free as in "Free"
Good news for coders, the Visual Studio Express & Coding4Fun Team at
Microsoft has posted an announcement on the ASP.NET Forums that the
Express Editions of Visual Studio 2005 will be free till the end of time.
Mitch Tulloch clues you in.

First Official Beta of Opera 9.0 Now Available
Widgets, BitTorrent, content blocking: Opera 9 Beta has that and more. M.
David Peterson has details.

Check Out the ASP.NET 2.0 Training Center
O'Reilly, CMP's Dr. Dobbs Journal, and Microsoft have launched a new site,
the ASP.NET 2.0 Training Center, which offers a comprehensive set of
development tools, how-to's, and training to help programmers master
ASP.NET 2.0.

You'll find articles from your favorite O'Reilly authors, such as Jesse
Liberty and others, and articles from Dr. Dobbs Journal. And there is an
excellent webcast series to help you get more out of ASP.NET 2.0 as well.
Sign up for the site's webcast series and you also get more than $400 in
tools and information, including Visual Studio(R) 2005 Standard Edition.
Visit the site at <>, sign up for the webcasts, and
get more than $400 in goodies at

See you next week.
Preston Gralla, editor

Deploying Your Windows Apps Is Just a Click Away

"Use ClickOnce to Deploy Windows Applications,"
a new PDF from O'Reilly, covers how to:

-Distribute Windows apps quickly and easily
-Add security to your distributions
-Update COM files without corrupting DLLs

Manage your productivity better with ClickOnce and
O'Reilly's latest PDF.

Buy It Today for Just $7.99


*** Top Five Windows and .NET Articles Last Week ***

1. Run Mac OS X on a PC
You can get the best of both worlds--you can run the real Mac OS X on your
own PC. Wei-Meng Lee shows you how to run the Mac operating system on an
emulator called PearPC.



2. Windows Server Hacks: Remotely Enable Remote Desktop
What to do when you need to enable Remote Desktop on a remote server?
Mitch Tulloch, author of Windows Server Hacks, walks you through the



3. Getting Your Bluetooth Headset to Work in XP
With Bluetooth support built into SP2, getting a Bluetooth headset to work
should be a breeze. But it ain't necessarily so. Wei-Meng Lee shows you
how to do it.



4. Enhancing ASP.NET Pages with JavaScript
A sprinkling of JavaScript code can enhance the reach and responsiveness
of your ASP.NET web pages without sacrificing ASP.NET's secure,
server-based model for your coding. Matthew MacDonald, coauthor of ASP.NET
in a Nutshell, 2nd Edition, shows you how to use JavaScript in an ASP.NET
web page to perform three common tasks: showing a pop-up window, changing
control focus, and handling frame navigation. You can use these tricks to
quickly solve problems that have no native .NET solution.



5. ASP.NET File Uploading
File upload and download are much simpler tasks in ASP.NET than in classic
ASP, thanks to the extensive .NET Framework class library. While file
upload in ASP.NET is as easy as retrieving an HTML form value, file
download is still a bit tricky.



Visit our Sponsored Developer Resource Pages and learn about cool
stuff from our sponsors!

Downloads - Free Training - Webinars - Updates

Altova's Developer Zone: 2.0 Training Center:
Driver Agents Driver Updates:
GoToMyPC(R) Remote Access:

Coming soon:
Stylus StudioTutorials from DataDirect!
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email us at for rate and availability
information. Thank you!
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1005 Gravenstein Highway North
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Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Maker Faire Photo Extravaganza

The latest from

Your Skills Are in Demand. More Skills. More Demand.

Choose from 45 webcasts organized by track--JSP, PHP, and ColdFusion. Each
track has been designed to take advantage of your existing Web development
skills and includes insightful content contributed by Dr. Dobb's and O'Reilly.


Dear Reader,

The recent Maker Faire, otherwise known as The DIY Jolt for the Senses,
was a huge hit last weekend at the San Mateo Fairgrounds in Northern
California. One of the most overheard comments was "When are you going to
do this again?" What kind of activities generated such enthusiasm from
thousands of attendees? I'll let the pictures tell the story. First, take
a look at the Flickr Make Pool:


There are more than 2,000 photos posted, and I'm guessing we'll still see
more. OK, how about a short video of Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak
scoring a goal while playing a friendly game of Segway polo?


And of course, there's the official Maker Faire site itself:


I'll let you know the next time the Faire rolls into town. You might want
to stop by for a serious DIY fix.

Until next time,


Derrick Story
O'Reilly Network Editorial Director

Deploying Your Windows Apps Is Just a Click Away

"Use ClickOnce to Deploy Windows Applications,"
a new PDF from O'Reilly, covers how to:

-Distribute Windows apps quickly and easily
-Add security to your distributions
-Update COM files without corrupting DLLs

Manage your productivity better with ClickOnce and
O'Reilly's latest PDF.

Buy It Today for Just $7.99


*** Featured Articles ***

Ensuring Application Compatibility in Vista
What should you do if your enterprise has mission-critical
line-of-business apps that simply must keep running properly once you've
upgraded your desktops to Vista? Mitch Tulloch, author of Windows Server
Hacks, offers insight and advice.



Women in Open Source and Emergent Gaming Behavior
How do we go about attracting more women to write open source code? Danese
Cooper has been looking at different models that work and is trying to
spread the word. We also continue our conversation with Jane McGonigal
about super gaming. This week she talks about the community that surrounds
some of her games and some of the emerging patterns that she has noted.
(DTF 04-24-2006: 21 minutes 40 seconds)



From Weblog to CMS with WordPress
Weblog software is now so easy to use that almost anyone can keep a weblog
up-to-date. In some cases, it's almost powerful enough to replace a more
traditional content management system. John McCreesh describes how he
replaced his CMS with WordPress to run a community site.



Putting REST on Rails
Rails is as hot as any web technology, and REST is heating up again. Dan
Kubb demonstrates his Rails plugin for building RESTful web apps and



Database Connection Pooling with Tomcat
You know how to open and use database connections for each user, but what
about optimizing for many concurrent users? Rather than creating and
destroying connections over and over again, established practice calls for
use of a pool of connections that can be reused. Kunal Jaggi shows how to
implement this strategy in Tomcat.



Aperture 1.1--Apple Listens
With Aperture's new features, bug fixes, and universal compatibility with
PowerMacs and Intel Macs, it's now a serious contender for top digital
photo software. Scott Bourne reviews Version 1.1.



*** New Books from O'Reilly Media ***

iPod & iTunes: The Missing Manual, Fourth Edition

Flash 8: The Missing Manual

Ajax Hacks

XAML in a Nutshell

MySQL Stored Procedure Programming

Head Rush Ajax

Take Your IT Career to the Next Level with O'Reilly Learning

"I can now go into the Unix program on the Apache server and customize the
Metalib program so it works for our library. Wow! It feels great."
-Ingrid Mifflin

Since 2004, Ingrid Mifflin, a Systems Librarian from WSU Libraries, has
enrolled in 11 O'Reilly Learning courses, has completed 9 of them, and has
already earned 2 University of Illinois Certificates! We're proud of
Ingrid--she ramped up her career, and so can you.

Learn more: <>


*** O'Reilly Network Top Five Articles Last Week ***

1. What Is Web 2.0
Defining just what Web 2.0 means (the term was first coined at a
conference brainstorming session between O'Reilly and MediaLive
International, which also spawned the Web 2.0 Conference), still engenders
much disagreement. Some decry it as a meaningless marketing buzzword,
while others have accepted it as the new conventional wisdom. Tim O'Reilly
attempts to clarify just what we meant by Web 2.0, digging into what it
means to view the Web as a platform and which applications fall squarely
under its purview, and which do not.



2. Rolling with Ruby on Rails
The Ruby community is abuzz about Rails, a web application framework that
makes database-backed apps dead simple. What's the fuss? Is it worth the
hype? Curt Hibbs shows off Rails, building a simple application that even
non-Rubyists can follow.



3. From Weblog to CMS with WordPress
Weblog software is now so easy to use that almost anyone can keep a weblog
up-to-date. In some cases, it's almost powerful enough to replace a more
traditional content management system. John McCreesh describes how he
replaced his CMS with WordPress to run a community site.



4. Ajax on Rails
XMLHttpRequest and Ruby on Rails are two hot topics in web development. As
you ought to expect by now, they work really well together. Curt Hibbs
explains the minimal Ajax you need to know and the minimal Ruby you need
to write to Ajax-ify your Rails applications.



5. Aperture 1.1--Apple Listens
With Aperture's new features, bug fixes, and universal compatibility with
PowerMacs and Intel Macs, it's now a serious contender for top digital
photo software. Scott Bourne reviews Version 1.1.


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Monday, April 24, 2006


REST, Replicate, and Repurpose

The Latest from and

Your Skills Are in Demand. More Skills. More Demand.

Choose from 45 webcasts organized by track--JSP, PHP, and ColdFusion. Each
track has been designed to take advantage of your existing Web development
skills and includes insightful content contributed by Dr. Dobb's and O'Reilly.


Greetings, readers. This week your editor is at the MySQL User's
Conference learning how to be a database administrator. (It's not that
your editor wants to be a database administrator, but he finds it valuable
to know how database administrators think. So far, they seem justifiably
paranoid about losing data.)

Psychology aside, this is the Linux newsletter, a weekly recap of open
source and free software tutorials, opinions, and news as seen on the
O'Reilly Network.

Sister site talks occasionally about good web design practices.
(There's something about standards that makes life easier.) One such
article is "Putting REST on Rails." Dan Kubb explains how sticking with
the standards of HTTP conventions give you benefits such as caching and
scalability. Ruby on Rails does too. Here's how to make Rails
RESTful--and work with the system, not against it:


If writing your own website isn't your idea of a good time, and if a CMS
is more work than you want, why not run your site as a weblog? OK, the
default chronological weblog-like view may not be what you want, but you
can customize what you get with ease. John McCreesh recently replaced a
CMS with WordPress. He bets you can't tell what actually runs the site.
He can--it's so much easier to update:


Database replication and clustering are both good ways to provide high
availability and better scalability as your application needs increase.
If you run MySQL, MySQL Cluster isn't your only approach. Nor is it
necessarily the best approach even as of MySQL 5.0. Undeterrable hacker
Giuseppe Maxia has uncovered a way to produce a multi-master, recoverable,
high-availability replication system with MySQL 5.0 that can work reliably
today. Even better, he has a downloadable example system you can test.
Here's "Advanced MySQL Replication Techniques":


In weblogs this week, Austin Ziegler announced a Ruby hackathon in Toronto:


Gregory Brown marveled at the language extensions possible with Ruby's
OOness, open classes, and duck typing:


Dave Cross apologized for helping to write the Template Toolkit book,
which apparently is useful even to spammers:


Your editor demonstrated how to port procedural Perl tests to the reusable
Test::Class style:




He also repeated an announcement of Perl's new Artistic License 2.0 (at
least the draft):


Sam Smith, as do many people, wondered why large companies that use
OpenSSH are reluctant to help fund OpenSSH development:


Caitlyn Martin published her first impressions of Fedora Core 5:


Keep looking on the site for information about the MySQL conference as the
week goes on.

See you next time,
- c

Technical Editor
O'Reilly Network

Take Your IT Career to the Next Level with O'Reilly Learning

"I can now go into the Unix program on the Apache server and customize the
Metalib program so it works for our library. Wow! It feels great."
-Ingrid Mifflin

Since 2004, Ingrid Mifflin, a Systems Librarian from WSU Libraries, has
enrolled in 11 O'Reilly Learning courses, has completed 9 of them, and has
already earned 2 University of Illinois Certificates! We're proud of
Ingrid--she ramped up her career, and so can you.

Learn more: <>

================================================================ and Linux Devcenter Top Five Articles Last Week

1. From Weblog to CMS with WordPress
Weblog software is now so easy to use that almost anyone can keep a weblog
up-to-date. In some cases, it's almost powerful enough to replace a more
traditional content management system. John McCreesh describes how he
replaced his CMS with WordPress to run a community site.



2. Ajax on Rails
XMLHttpRequest and Ruby on Rails are two hot topics in web development. As
you ought to expect by now, they work really well together. Curt Hibbs
explains the minimal Ajax you need to know and the minimal Ruby you need
to write to Ajax-ify your Rails applications.



3. Building a FreeBSD Build System
Keeping a single BSD system up to date is relatively easy. Keeping a whole
business full of servers fresh with patches and new applications and
updates is more work--unless you take advantage of the ports system. Bjorn
Nelson walks through the design and implementation of a build system
usable to push fresh binaries to as many servers as you have.



4. PHP Form Handling
If your PHP program is a dynamic web page (and it probably is) and your
PHP program is dealing with user input (and it probably is), then you need
to work with HTML forms. David Sklar, author of Learning PHP 5, offers
tips for simplifying, securing, and organizing your form-handling PHP



5. Installing Software on Debian
Debian GNU/Linux is a powerful and popular community-developed Linux
distribution--and the basis for several other useful and usable
distributions. One of the reasons for its popularity is the ease of
installing and maintaining software. Edd Dumbill, Debian developer and
GNU/Linux advocate, shows how to use Debian's tools to find and install
software packages.



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information. Thank you!
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O'Reilly Media, Inc.
1005 Gravenstein Highway North
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Thursday, April 20, 2006


Putting REST on Rails Xtra!
The Email for Subscribers

Go beyond AJAX
with Adobe Flex
2.0 beta.

Download your
copy now.


Dear Reader,

Welcome to another issue of

Dan Kubb has written a plugin for Ruby on Rails that makes the development
of RESTful web apps and services much simpler and more elegant than it
would otherwise be. As you probably know by now, Rails is about as hot as
a web programming framework can get. REST has had a different uptake
profile, more like a slow simmer. It's good to get more help on combining
these two approaches.

Putting REST on Rails

Also worth a look this week:

Rick Jelliffe, Reconciling XSD and RELAX NG

As always, thanks for reading.

Kendall Clark
Managing Editor,

O'Reilly's latest PDF, "What Are Syndication Feeds," provides everything
you need to know about the elements that make up a feed, the different
formats (RSS 1.0, RSS 2.0, Atom), and the tools you need to manage incoming
and outgoing feeds.

Buy this PDF for just $7.95 now!

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So, let me take an aggregate guess. While every Java developer is
different, I'll bet a lot of you:
1. work with databases
2. use Tomcat
3. use Solaris
Not everyone. In fact, the group that matches all three of these is
probably fairly small. But in general terms, most of us in the Java realm
are doing enterprise work, which almost always involves touching a
database. Many of us use Tomcat because its reference implementation for
servlets and JSP is all but a standard, and lots of us use Solaris because
it's always been a popular choice as an enterprise server. So this week's
ONJava plays to our strengths, as we feature database strategies for the
Tomcat-based web app, and some configuration tips to keep Solaris humming.
We also feature an introduction to EJB 3.0 and its many changes, and
throw a bone to the Swing developers with a nifty multi-split pane that
just might bring a few of you back to desktop Java.

Beginning and intermediate developers may have heard of object pooling
(keeping reusable objects around in a "pool" instead of frequently
creating and destroying objects) without having had an opportunity to put
the concept to work. It's critically important in database work, given
the expense of creating and destroying database connections, and Kunal
Jaggi walks through an application of the idea in "Database Connection
Pooling with Tomcat," in which he shows how to use JNDI to allow your
components to find and use the pool.


Do you have a stake in the startup scripts of the server your app runs on?
Well, it depends--do you want your application to run fast, and to have
expected services present? Ah, now I've got your attention. Chris
Josephes writes "In most Unix environments, the startup process consists
of a handful of autonomous boot scripts. They act independently of one
another; unaware of what scripts have already run or which ones will run
after them. When they are invoked, there is no serious error checking and
no recourse if the script fails." In "Using Solaris SMF," he introduces
Solaris 10's Service Management Facility (SMF), which "addresses the
shortcomings of startup scripts and creates an infrastructure to manage
daemons after the host has booted."


EJB brings scalability, security, and support for transactions, but
traditionally it has also required a pedantic assortment of deployment
descriptors, implementation of rarely used callbacks, and the resulting
code is ill-suited to testing outside of a container. EJB 3.0 addresses
these complaints in a major reworking of the framework, and these changes
are described by Vimala Ranganathan and Anurag Pareek in the dev2dev
article "An Introduction to the Enterprise JavaBeans 3.0 Specification."


In our feature article from, Hans Muller introduces a compelling
JSplitPane replacement in "MultiSplitPane: Splitting Without Nesting."
"MultiSplitPane is not a general-purpose docking framework. It's a Swing
container that just supports a resizable tiled layout of arbitrary
components. It's intended to be a generalization of the existing Swing
JSplitPane component, which only supports a pair of tiles. The
MultiSplitLayout layout manager recursively arranges its components in row
and column groups called 'splits.' Elements of the layout are separated by
gaps called 'dividers' that can be moved by the user, in the same way as
JSplitPane. The overall layout is defined with a simple tree-structured
model that can be stored and retrieved to make the user's layout
configuration persistent. The initial layout, before the user has
intervened, is defined conventionally, in terms of the layout model and
the component's preferred sizes."


Recent O'Reilly Network weblogs of interest to Java developers:


Check out more O'Reilly Network Java weblogs at:

Please join us again next week.

Chris Adamson, Editor

Advance Your IT Career with O'Reilly Learning

"I can now go into the Unix program on the Apache server and customize the
Metalib program so it works for our library. Wow! :-) It feels great."
-Ingrid Mifflin, Systems Librarian

Since 2004, Systems Librarian Ingrid Mifflin has enrolled in 11 O'Reilly
Learning courses, and has already earned two University of Illinois
Certificates! We're proud of Ingrid--she ramped up her career, and so
can you.

Now, until April 30th, use code APRIL2006 and save 15%.


*** Java News and Weblogs *** Weblogs

O'Reilly Network Java Weblogs

Other Java News (channel -- LANG: JAVA)

Java Cookbook Recipe of the Day

Java Events


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The latest from

Your Skills Are in Demand. More Skills. More Demand.

Choose from 45 webcasts organized by track--JSP, PHP, and ColdFusion. Each
track has been designed to take advantage of your existing Web development
skills and includes insightful content contributed by Dr. Dobb's and



"Programming Word from .NET"
Using .NET with Word can be a potent combination. Jesse Liberty shows you
how to take advantage of Word's formatting features and add the power of
.NET's programmability.

From the WindowsDevCenter Blogosphere
"Why Do People Hate Microsoft?"
A Forrester Research survey found that Microsoft came in almost dead last
when it comes to what technology brands people trust. What is it about
Microsoft that consumers distrust? Check out my blog for details.

"Microsoft, Google, and the Death of the Internet"
A few weeks ago, PressPass ran an article called "Microsoft Developing
Web's Largest Advertising Network." Mitch Tulloch explains why he's
nervous about this development.

Check Out the ASP.NET 2.0 Training Center
O'Reilly, CMP's Dr. Dobb's Journal, and Microsoft have launched a new
site, the ASP.NET 2.0 Training Center, which offers a comprehensive set of
development tools, how-tos, and training to help programmers master
ASP.NET 2.0. You'll find articles from your favorite O'Reilly authors,
such as Jesse Liberty and others, and articles from Dr. Dobb's Journal.
And there is an excellent webcast series helping you get more out of
ASP.NET 2.0 as well. Sign up for the site's webcast series you also get
more than $400 in tools and information, including Visual Studio(R) 2005
Standard Edition.

Visit the site at <>, and sign up for the webcasts
and get more than $400 in goodies at

See you next week.
Preston Gralla, editor

Deploying Your Windows Apps Is Just a Click Away

"Use ClickOnce to Deploy Windows Applications," a new PDF from O'Reilly,
covers how to:

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Manage your productivity better with ClickOnce and O'Reilly's latest PDF.

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*** Top Five Windows and .NET Articles Last Week ***

1. Run Mac OS X on a PC
You can get the best of both worlds--you can run the real Mac OS X on your
own PC. Wei-Meng Lee shows you how to run the Mac operating system on an
emulator called PearPC.



2. Windows Server Hacks: Remotely Enable Remote Desktop
What to do when you need to enable Remote Desktop on a remote server?
Mitch Tulloch, author of Windows Server Hacks, walks you through the



3. Getting Your Bluetooth Headset to Work in XP
With Bluetooth support built into SP2, getting a Bluetooth headset to work
should be a breeze. But it ain't necessarily so. Wei-Meng Lee shows you
how to do it.



4. Enhancing ASP.NET Pages with JavaScript
A sprinkling of JavaScript code can enhance the reach and responsiveness
of your ASP.NET web pages without sacrificing ASP.NET's secure,
server-based model for your coding. Matthew MacDonald, coauthor of ASP.NET
in a Nutshell, 2nd Edition, shows you how to use JavaScript in an ASP.NET
web page to perform three common tasks: showing a pop-up window, changing
control focus, and handling frame navigation. You can use these tricks to
quickly solve problems that have no native .NET solution.



5. ASP.NET File Uploading
File upload and download are much simpler tasks in ASP.NET than in classic
ASP, thanks to the extensive .NET Framework class library. While file
upload in ASP.NET is as easy as retrieving an HTML form value, file
download is still a bit tricky.



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Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Optimizing for Intel

The latest from


Take advantage of O'Reilly's "Buy 2 Books, Get 1 Free" offer by cutting
and pasting code "OPC10" into our shopping cart. Any orders over $29.95
also qualify for free shipping in the US.


Dear Mac Reader,

We've been testing the new MacBook Pro with the latest version of
Aperture, iLife 06, and Boot Camp, and it's clear that Apple knows how to
write software for the new Intel architecture. Clearly the move to Intel
is going to produce the performance that Steve Jobs has wanted in his
laptops for a long time. When the next version of Mac OS X is released,
Leopard, I'm sure we'll see the dream fully realized.

If you're working with a MacBook Pro right now, you may be interested in
our latest PDF: "Running Boot Camp, A Step-by-Step Guide to a Pitfall-Free
Installation of Windows XP on a Mac." You can download it from the
O'Reilly Store for $7.99 USD.


We've also just published an in-depth review of Aperture 1.1, the latest
release of Apple's pro-level photo management software. I think the most
important aspects of this release are that it's now Universal Binary so it
can run on Intel machines as well as G5s, and there's better RAW decoding
that includes the new RAW Fine Tuning adjustment window.


This is just a peek of things to come. With more new software and hardware
appearing in the second half of 2006, we're going to have lots to cover on
Mac DevCenter. Stay tuned!

Until next time,


Derrick Story
O'Reilly Network Editorial Director

Run Windows on Your Intel Mac!

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including how to:

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*** Featured Articles ***

Aperture 1.1--Apple Listens
With Aperture's new features, bug fixes, and universal compatibility with
PowerMacs and Intel Macs, it's now a serious contender for top digital
photo software. Scott Bourne reviews Version 1.1.



Mac FTP: A Guided Tour
(S)FTP has a valuable place in the hearts of web builders and developers,
and is still one of the most practical methods of getting files from one
place to another in a secure manner. In this article, Giles Turnbull
surveys six FTP clients for the Mac platform and shows you the major
characteristics of each.



Macintosh Home Monitoring
Want to learn a few simple home automation techniques to have your Mac
send you a message when your mail is delivered, your kids come home, or
your dog uses the pet door to go into the backyard? Gordon Meyer shows you



Bringing Ruby on Rails with FastCGI into Mac OS X Server
Most of the Ruby on Rails documentation on deployment for Mac OS X glosses
over key parts of the plumbing. In this article, Luke Burton walks you
through a Rails installation on Mac OS X Server.



*** Mac Devcenter Top Five Articles Last Week ***

1. Mac FTP: A Guided Tour
(S)FTP has a valuable place in the hearts of web builders and developers,
and is still one of the most practical methods of getting files from one
place to another in a secure manner. In this article, Giles Turnbull
surveys six FTP clients for the Mac platform and shows you the major
characteristics of each.



2. iPod shuffle Tips and Tricks
The iPod shuffle is the easiest-to-use iPod to date. But that doesn't mean
you can't customize how you listen and upload music. Scott Knaster shows
you some very handy tips and tricks for the shuffle and iTunes 4.7.1.



3. Top Ten Digital Photography Tips
You have a digital camera and have taken the typical shots of family and
friends. Now what? Here are ten tips to make your next batch of digital
images so impressive that people will ask: "Hey, what type of camera do
you have?" Guess what? It's not the camera.



4. Screenshot Hacks for Mac OS X
You can use a variety of built-in tools in Mac OS X to grab images from
your screen and save them to your hard drive. But what if you want to
capture drop shadows, or include the cursor, or even capture full-motion
DVD video with sound? This article shows you how, using some nifty tools.



5. Getting the Video out of Your New iPod--for Cheap!
Yes, you can spend extra dollars for Apple's sleek white video cable for
TV connectivity, or you can hack your own together for cheap. Erica Sadun
shows you how.


Take Your IT Career to the Next Level with O'Reilly Learning

"I can now go into the Unix program on the Apache server and customize the
Metalib program so it works for our library. Wow! It feels great."
--Ingrid Mifflin

Since 2004, Ingrid Mifflin, a Systems Librarian from WSU Libraries, has
enrolled in 11 O'Reilly Learning courses, has completed 9 of them, and has
already earned 2 University of Illinois Certificates! We're proud of
Ingrid--she ramped up her career, and so can you.

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Tuesday, April 18, 2006


Ajax, Startup Your Build!

The Latest from and

Your Skills Are in Demand. More Skills. More Demand.

Choose from 45 webcasts organized by track--JSP, PHP, and ColdFusion. Each
track has been designed to take advantage of your existing Web development
skills and includes insightful content contributed by Dr. Dobb's and O'Reilly.


Hello, everyone. Welcome to the weekly Linux newsletter, a
thin-but-convenient ploy to get you to visit the O'Reilly Network to learn
more about open source and free software administration, usage, advocacy,
and development. Here's what we have to offer this week.

Keeping a series of similar machines up to date can be easy or it can be
difficult. If you use a source-based operating system such as FreeBSD,
building your own packages as necessary with the proper compilation
options may seem easy for one machine, but try replicating that build
across your entire farm. Bjorn Nelson did. In his "Building a FreeBSD
Build System," he explains how he automated the update process on one
machine and pushes the updates out to the other machines. He's done the
hard part. Now you can enjoy the benefits. (Note that similar processes
apply to other operating systems.)


Solaris 10 changes a lot of things. One of the earliest and most visible
changes is to the startup process. While other Unixes use one or many
autonomous shell scripts, Solaris 10 introduced a new process called the
Service Management Facility. It has several advantages, but it's
different. Fortunately, Chris Josephes has written "Using Solaris SMF" to
explore the new system and to explain how it works, how to use it, and how
to add your own processes.


How do the editors of the O'Reilly Network choose what to publish? How do
they identify good new subjects while giving solid established subjects
enough attention? Where can you learn practical information about AJAX?
Your editor answered all three questions at once (let no one say he has
little ambition!) in a recent weblog addressing our editorial policy:


In other weblogs this week, brian d foy laments the closing of The Perl Journal:


Your editor continues his series on refactoring a legacy web application:




Juliet Kemp enables Vim keybindings in Firefox 1.5:


Lyx Krumbach explores her favorite text-based communication applications
for Linux:


Gregory Brown explains Ruby hash initialization and the memory
implications of using Symbols:



Note that the great weblog improvement has continued, with an update to
the venerable <> page showing a better
overview of exactly what we talk about.

See you at the MySQL UC next week,
- c

Technical Editor
O'Reilly Network

Take Your IT Career to the Next Level with O'Reilly Learning

"I can now go into the Unix program on the Apache server and customize the
Metalib program so it works for our library. Wow! It feels great."
-Ingrid Mifflin

Since 2004, Ingrid Mifflin, a Systems Librarian from WSU Libraries, has
enrolled in 11 O'Reilly Learning courses, has completed 9 of them, and has
already earned 2 University of Illinois Certificates! We're proud of
Ingrid--she ramped up her career, and so can you.

Learn more: <>

================================================================ and Linux Devcenter Top Five Articles Last Week

1. Building a FreeBSD Build System
Keeping a single BSD system up to date is relatively easy. Keeping a whole
business full of servers fresh with patches and new applications and
updates is more work--unless you take advantage of the ports system. Bjorn
Nelson walks through the design and implementation of a build system
usable to push fresh binaries to as many servers as you have.



2. Ajax on Rails
XMLHttpRequest and Ruby on Rails are two hot topics in web development. As
you ought to expect by now, they work really well together. Curt Hibbs
explains the minimal Ajax you need to know and the minimal Ruby you need
to write to Ajax-ify your Rails applications.



3. Installing Software on Debian
Debian GNU/Linux is a powerful and popular community-developed Linux
distribution--and the basis for several other useful and usable
distributions. One of the reasons for its popularity is the ease of
installing and maintaining software. Edd Dumbill, Debian developer and
GNU/Linux advocate, shows how to use Debian's tools to find and install
software packages.



4. PHP Form Handling
If your PHP program is a dynamic web page (and it probably is) and your
PHP program is dealing with user input (and it probably is), then you need
to work with HTML forms. David Sklar, author of Learning PHP 5, offers
tips for simplifying, securing, and organizing your form-handling PHP



5. Regular Expressions in C++ with Boost.Regex
Searching and parsing text can be a messy business, especially in C++.
Instead of building your own token-based state machine, spend an hour
learning regular expressions and use a good package such as the regular
expression library from the Boost library. Ryan Stephens demonstrates how
to match, search, and parse text with Boost.Regex in C++.



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also qualify for free shipping in the US.

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email us at for rate and availability
information. Thank you!
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1005 Gravenstein Highway North
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Friday, April 14, 2006


Debugging Your Pumpkings update
The Email for Subscribers

FREE Cross Training For Web Developers

FREE training webcasts, software, and how to's from Dr. Dobb's, O'Reilly
Media, and Microsoft. Choose from more than 40 webcasts, and see if you're
eligible to receive a FREE copy of Visual Studio Standard (NFR).

Complimentary copies of Visual Studio Standard (NFR) are limited, so act


Greetings, Perl fans. You're reading the biweekly Perl newsletter, a skim
through the big subject of Perl as especially seen on the O'Reilly Network
and Here's what happened recently.

* Perl News in the Wild

TPF has announced the opening of nominations for the 2006 White Camel
awards for community participation in Perl:


Parrot pumpking Leo Toetsch released version 0.4.3, "Cold Conure:"


YAPC::Europe announced a call for submissions. Here's your chance to
speak in Birmingham, U.K. this summer:


brian d foy noted the closing of The Perl Journal. (Note that brian
publishes The Perl Review, so don't panic!):


O'Reilly Media announced the Perl track schedule for OSCON 2006, coming in
late July in Portland, Oregon:


Perl 6 pumpking Patrick Michaud checked in the first version of the Perl 6
compiler running on Parrot and using the Parrot compiler tools. He hasn't
announced it as of the time of this writing, so you're getting a scoop.
Note that subsequent check-ins have started to merge the tests from Pugs:


Perlcast published an interview with Bob Walsh about running very small
software companies:


* Perl on ORN

Managing legacy code often requires you to be a detective as well as a
programmer. The more tools you have available to find and analyze
information, the better. One such tool for Perl is the debugger; though
shrouded in mystery and disinformation and emitting an aura of False
Laziness, if you know how to use it you can often track down just what you
need very quickly. Daniel Allen shows how the debugger can make your
coding much easier:


Your editor started a 30-post series (yeah, he's crazy) that documents his
work refactoring a legacy Perl system. Which system? Just the one that
runs Perl Monks....


Nicholas Clark is one of the underpraised heroes of Perl. Not only has he
been the maintperl pumpking for several excellent stable releases of Perl
5.8.x, he was also the Ponie pumpking working to port Perl 5 to Parrot,
and now he is the recipient of a TPF grant to improve Perl 5.8.x and Perl
5.9.x in many diverse and amazing ways. Yet who gives him the respect he
deserves?'s a short interview that explains why:


Another hacker full of good ideas is Eric Wilhelm. He has a vision of
creating a public Subversion repository for the entire CPAN. You can


There are more module reviews and interviews coming--and be sure to catch
the rest of the Refactoring Everything series. Your editor discovered one
amazingly useful technique for test code around day seven.

Amazingly useful indeed,
- c
Editor,, et cetera


Take advantage of O'Reilly's "Buy 2 Books, Get 1 Free" offer by cutting
and pasting code "OPC10" into our shopping cart. Any orders over $29.95
also qualify for free shipping in the US.


*** Featured Articles ***

Unraveling Code with the Debugger
Reading other people's code can be difficult, especially if you have no
idea what happens when and where. Understanding code flow is vital to
maintenance and bug fixes, but littering code with print and debugging
statements is tedious and prone to error. There's another way: use the
debugger! Daniel Allen demonstrates how to pinpoint a problem with Perl's



Using Ajax from Perl
The recently rediscovered Ajax technique makes the client side of web
programming much more useful and pleasant. However, it also means revising
your existing web applications to take advantage of this new power.
Dominic Mitchell shows how to use CGI::Ajax to give your Perl applications
access to this new power.



Advanced Subroutine Techniques
Subroutines seem like a basic building block of code. They're simple and
easy to understand and use, right? That's true--but there are a few
advanced techniques to make your code more maintainable and robust. Rob
Kinyon goes beyond making sense of subroutines to making subroutines work
for you.



Managing Rich Data Structures
Perl is so good at handling plain text files that it's seductively easy to
use them when you need something better. Yet sometimes using a
full-fledged database is just Too Much Work. If only Dave Baker had
written an article on using complex, persistent data structures with



Debugging and Profiling mod_perl Applications
How do you use the debugger on a mod_perl application? How do you profile
an application embedded in a web server, with multiple child processes?
Don't worry. Where there's Perl, there's a way. Frank Wiles demonstrates
how to debug and profile mod_perl applications.



Test-Driving X11 GUIs
Is GUI testing as difficult as it seems? Maybe not, with the right testing
libraries. George Nistorica shows what X11::GUITest can and can't do to
make your Unix and Unix-like applications more robust.



Take Your IT Career to the Next Level with O'Reilly Learning

"I can now go into the Unix program on the Apache server and customize the
Metalib program so it works for our library. Wow! It feels great."
--Ingrid Mifflin

Since 2004, Ingrid Mifflin, a Systems Librarian from WSU Libraries, has
enrolled in 11 O'Reilly Learning courses, has completed 9 of them, and has
already earned 2 University of Illinois Certificates! We're proud of
Ingrid--she ramped up her career, and so can you.

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Thursday, April 13, 2006


Objects, relational databases, and replication

The Independent Source for Enterprise Java

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FREE training webcasts, software, and how to's from Dr. Dobb's, O'Reilly
Media, and Microsoft. Choose from more than 40 webcasts, and see if you're
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Complimentary copies of Visual Studio Standard (NFR) are limited, so act



Talk about unanticipated side effects! This week's first article offers
some real surprises, enabled by the db4o object database and its
replication system. Combined with Hibernate, which maps objects to and
from relational database tables, you can move data interchangeably between
object and relational databases, and even replicate between two relational
databases, using db4o only as an intermediary. It's another case of
connecting dissimilar pieces together in novel and exciting ways.

The db4o database has advantages for certain types of applications, such
as embedded and disconnected applications that need a local data store,
but it can do more than that. As Jim Paterson writes in "Agile Object to
Relational Database Replication with db4o," "the new db4o Replication
System (dRS) now allows you to join together the different worlds of
object and relational databases. Based on Hibernate, it provides the
capability to replicate data between db4o and relational databases such as
Oracle and MySQL. In practice, this means you can synchronize data between
the local db4o database on a partially connected device and an enterprise
RDBMS. It also means that your db4o data becomes available on an
SQL-friendly platform for ad hoc access."


Are you looking to simplify AJAX code? Bruce Perry has some help in
"Prototype: Easing AJAX's Pain," which introduces the "Prototype" library.
Prototype introduces a number of development-easing shortcuts for
JavaScript authors. Further, "Prototype also wraps the functionality of
XMLHttpRequest with its own Ajax.Request and related objects, so that you
don't have to bother with writing code for instantiating this object for
various browsers."


The Java Persistence API (JPA) should provide EJB developers with a
welcome relief from entity beans, but it's not just about EJB's--it can be
used in Java SE, or in other EE containers. Seth White takes a closer
look in the dev2dev article "Using the Java Persistence API with Spring
2.0:" "Spring 2.0, for its part, provides an elegant facility for creating
data access objects that leverage JPA. Spring's data access architecture
makes it easy to switch between different persistence technologies without
the need to rewrite the rest of the application code."


In our feature article from, Krishna Srinivasan introduces the
"Unified Expression Language for JSP and JSF." "This article looks at the
unified expression language (EL), which has been added to the JavaServer
Pages Standard Tag Library (JSTL) specification in order to overcome
problems when integrating the JavaServer Pages (JSP) EL with the
JavaServer Faces (JSF) EL."


Recent O'Reilly Network weblogs of interest to Java developers:

Timothy M. O'Brien - Inheriting/Extending a Web Application

Dejan Bosanac - DWR 2.0

Timothy M. O'Brien - Red Hat buys JBoss: My Mixed Reaction

Dejan Bosanac - Apache XML-RPC adapter continued

Check out more O'Reilly Network Java weblogs at:

Please join us again next week.

Chris Adamson, Editor


Take advantage of O'Reilly's "Buy 2 Books, Get 1 Free" offer by cutting
and pasting code "OPC10" into our shopping cart. Any orders over $29.95
also qualify for free shipping in the US.


*** Java News and Weblogs *** Weblogs

O'Reilly Network Java Weblogs

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Java Cookbook Recipe of the Day

Java Events

Take Your IT Career to the Next Level with O'Reilly Learning

"I can now go into the Unix program on the Apache server and customize the
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--Ingrid Mifflin

Since 2004, Ingrid Mifflin, a Systems Librarian from WSU Libraries, has
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already earned 2 University of Illinois Certificates! We're proud of
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Query Census Data with RDF Xtra!
The Email for Subscribers

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Dear Reader,

Welcome to another issue of

Joshua Tauberer, who runs, is a champion of publishing open
data on the Web, a subject which is near and dear to my heart. Joshua's
found that using RDF is an efficient means of repurposing open data,
particularly from the U.S. federal government. In this week's lead
article, Joshua explains how to query U.S. Census Bureau data with RDF and

Query Census Data with RDF

Also worth a look this week:

M. David Petersen, When to Use XSLT, When to Use XQuery, and Why

Rick Jelliffe, PVL: A Minimal Schema/Stripping Language for XML

Rick Jelliffe, Stimulating Open Source Development Using Competitions

As always, thanks for reading.

Kendall Clark
Managing Editor,

O'Reilly's latest PDF, "What Are Syndication Feeds," provides everything
you need to know about the elements that make up a feed, the different
formats (RSS 1.0, RSS 2.0, Atom), and the tools you need to manage
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