Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Maker Faire Photo Extravaganza

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Dear Reader,

The recent Maker Faire, otherwise known as The DIY Jolt for the Senses,
was a huge hit last weekend at the San Mateo Fairgrounds in Northern
California. One of the most overheard comments was "When are you going to
do this again?" What kind of activities generated such enthusiasm from
thousands of attendees? I'll let the pictures tell the story. First, take
a look at the Flickr Make Pool:


There are more than 2,000 photos posted, and I'm guessing we'll still see
more. OK, how about a short video of Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak
scoring a goal while playing a friendly game of Segway polo?


And of course, there's the official Maker Faire site itself:


I'll let you know the next time the Faire rolls into town. You might want
to stop by for a serious DIY fix.

Until next time,


Derrick Story
O'Reilly Network Editorial Director

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*** Featured Articles ***

Ensuring Application Compatibility in Vista
What should you do if your enterprise has mission-critical
line-of-business apps that simply must keep running properly once you've
upgraded your desktops to Vista? Mitch Tulloch, author of Windows Server
Hacks, offers insight and advice.



Women in Open Source and Emergent Gaming Behavior
How do we go about attracting more women to write open source code? Danese
Cooper has been looking at different models that work and is trying to
spread the word. We also continue our conversation with Jane McGonigal
about super gaming. This week she talks about the community that surrounds
some of her games and some of the emerging patterns that she has noted.
(DTF 04-24-2006: 21 minutes 40 seconds)



From Weblog to CMS with WordPress
Weblog software is now so easy to use that almost anyone can keep a weblog
up-to-date. In some cases, it's almost powerful enough to replace a more
traditional content management system. John McCreesh describes how he
replaced his CMS with WordPress to run a community site.



Putting REST on Rails
Rails is as hot as any web technology, and REST is heating up again. Dan
Kubb demonstrates his Rails plugin for building RESTful web apps and



Database Connection Pooling with Tomcat
You know how to open and use database connections for each user, but what
about optimizing for many concurrent users? Rather than creating and
destroying connections over and over again, established practice calls for
use of a pool of connections that can be reused. Kunal Jaggi shows how to
implement this strategy in Tomcat.



Aperture 1.1--Apple Listens
With Aperture's new features, bug fixes, and universal compatibility with
PowerMacs and Intel Macs, it's now a serious contender for top digital
photo software. Scott Bourne reviews Version 1.1.



*** New Books from O'Reilly Media ***

iPod & iTunes: The Missing Manual, Fourth Edition

Flash 8: The Missing Manual

Ajax Hacks

XAML in a Nutshell

MySQL Stored Procedure Programming

Head Rush Ajax

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*** O'Reilly Network Top Five Articles Last Week ***

1. What Is Web 2.0
Defining just what Web 2.0 means (the term was first coined at a
conference brainstorming session between O'Reilly and MediaLive
International, which also spawned the Web 2.0 Conference), still engenders
much disagreement. Some decry it as a meaningless marketing buzzword,
while others have accepted it as the new conventional wisdom. Tim O'Reilly
attempts to clarify just what we meant by Web 2.0, digging into what it
means to view the Web as a platform and which applications fall squarely
under its purview, and which do not.



2. Rolling with Ruby on Rails
The Ruby community is abuzz about Rails, a web application framework that
makes database-backed apps dead simple. What's the fuss? Is it worth the
hype? Curt Hibbs shows off Rails, building a simple application that even
non-Rubyists can follow.



3. From Weblog to CMS with WordPress
Weblog software is now so easy to use that almost anyone can keep a weblog
up-to-date. In some cases, it's almost powerful enough to replace a more
traditional content management system. John McCreesh describes how he
replaced his CMS with WordPress to run a community site.



4. Ajax on Rails
XMLHttpRequest and Ruby on Rails are two hot topics in web development. As
you ought to expect by now, they work really well together. Curt Hibbs
explains the minimal Ajax you need to know and the minimal Ruby you need
to write to Ajax-ify your Rails applications.



5. Aperture 1.1--Apple Listens
With Aperture's new features, bug fixes, and universal compatibility with
PowerMacs and Intel Macs, it's now a serious contender for top digital
photo software. Scott Bourne reviews Version 1.1.


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