Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Beat the Heat

The latest from http://oreillynet.com

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Dear Reader,

O'Reilly's Open Source Conference (OSCON) is in full swing in Portland,
OR, attracting software enthusiasts from all over the world. If you're
familiar with this event, then you know it presents the double opportunity
to drill down in your chosen areas of interest while expanding your
horizons into others. You can experience much of OSCON from the comfort of
your fan-cooled office by visiting our Conference News page that includes
photos, weblogs, audio links, and more.


Speaking of learning about new stuff, Daniel Steinberg has posted a great
interview by InfoWorld's Jon Udell of O'Reilly CIO CJ Rayhill about Safari
U and the changing ways in which we teach and learn. Udell says that
podcasting professors should be able to use their actual class time more
effectively. Rayhill advises that we should make sure our children can
type, search effectively, and understand finance before heading off to college.

You can also listen in as photographer and author Mikkel Aaland talks
about capturing images in the RAW format. Aaland knows plenty about this
subject... he wrote the book, "Photoshop CS 2 RAW." It's all there waiting
for you in the latest episode (Going Digital - learning and shooting) of
Distributing the Future.


What a great way to beat the heat.

Until next week,


Derrick Story
O'Reilly Network Editorial Director

The First European RailsConf 2006 - September 14-15 – London

Learn why Ruby on Rails is taking Europe by Storm! Find out what's new
cool and exciting from more than 25 leading web 2.0 experts, incl. David
Heinemeier Hansson - creator of Rails, Pragmatic Programmer Dave Thomas,
Rake author Jim Weirich, Why the Lucky Stiff and more!



*** Featured Articles ***

How Does Open Source Software Stack Up on the Mac?
Apple does a great job of providing elegant software for its platform. But
there are plenty of good offerings beyond the fruits of Cupertino. In this
amazing survey of proprietary and open source software, Matthew Russell
attempts to organize what's available on both fronts, and even dares to
assign grades. Has he missed anything?



An Interview with the Creator of FreeSWITCH
We talk with Anthony Minessale--the developer behind the FreeSWITCH open
source telephony project--about the status of FreeSWITCH, how it compares
to Asterisk, and Minessale's future plans.



Registry Hacks for Servers
Need to bend Windows Server 2003 to your will? Mitch Tulloch offers great
Registry hacks that will help you get more out of your servers.



Going Digital (learning and shooting)
What are the skills that every young person should have before they go off
to college? CJ Rayhill and Jon Udell talk a bit about how schools are
changing. Mikkel Aaland talks about shooting RAW and has some surprising
stories about Ansel Adams. (DTF 07-24-2006: 27 minutes 15 seconds)



Free and Open Source Software at the United Nations
Advances in technology have revolutionized the way people live, but the
digital divide keeps vital technology out of third-world countries. As
part of a series of initiatives to end global poverty by 2015, the United
Nations is using, promoting, and creating free and open source software.
David Boswell gives an overview of the plans and progress.



Linux on the Nokia 770 Internet Tablet
Nokia's 770 Internet Tablet is more than a phone, according to John
Littler. It's a Debian GNU/Linux system. This makes it a prime target for
hackers. Littler explores some of the built-in utilities and some of the
other tricks you can use.



Implementing the Atom Publishing Protocol
Joe Gregorio's latest Restful Web column implements the Atom Publishing
Protocol as a Python web service using WSGI.



What Is Geronimo?
Geronimo is Apache's open source, Java EE-compatible application server,
based on a flexible system of interchangeable components. This makes it
ideal for a wide range of enterprise deployments. In this article, Kunal
Jaggi shows you how to get started with Geronimo.



*** New Books from O'Reilly Media ***

The Internet: The Missing Manual

SUSE Linux

Ruby Cookbook

A Web Apps Only Existence?

Is it possible to survive by web apps alone--with just a browser and a
network connection to do your work? In this PDF you'll learn everything
you need to know, including:

- The best and most innovative web apps available right now
- Security pros and cons for living a web app life
- Tips for backup and data protection

Just $5.99



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