Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Breaking Into the IT Field

The latest from http://oreillynet.com

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Dear Reader,

I don't know if you've explored the Courses link on the O'Reilly website
navigation bar, but there's some interesting stuff in there. One gem that
I recently discovered is the "Dear Trish" column that runs monthly. Tricia
Mills Gray is the Senior Development Manager of the O'Reilly Learning
Center, where she publishes business content as it relates to technology.

In her latest column, Trish tackles this question from Simone: should I
consider online classes to help break into the IT field, or is a CS degree
necessary? Even though Tricia is a manager for the O'Reilly Learning
Center, her advice is balanced and useful. As you might guess, she's a big
fan of online certification programs -- but her reason why is compelling.


Trish's column is well-written, informative, and provides food for thought
for those interested in adding skills to their IT resumes, or as in
Simone's case, breaking into the field. You might want to take a look at
what she has to say.

Until next week,


Derrick Story
O'Reilly Network Editorial Director

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*** Featured Articles ***

Email Protocols: Where Do We Go Now?
Having established that email has a complicated history, tends to drive
people crazy, has had entire books written about keeping it under control,
and is broken beyond all repair for some people, let's try to work out
what we can do -- practically speaking -- to make using it less of a
hassle. Giles Turnbull explores our state of email and provides a few
glimmers of where we may be headed.



Building Photo Uploaders with XAML
Who says Windows can't place nice with open source applications? Jack
Herrington uses the XAML technology on Windows Vista to create a visually
appealing and user-friendly image uploading application for getting
pictures into a PHP web application.



Visualizing Database Information with Tableau
Although there are several tools available to help users efficiently and
easily create pivot tables or cross-tabulations, being able to visualize
the cross-tabulations in real time is much more useful. Ben Lorica and the
O'Reilly Research team recently tried a visual analysis and reporting tool
called Tableau. It worked well for them; might it work in your data



Using IPFW Rulesets with BSD Firewalls
The IPFW firewall comes with FreeBSD, but its documentation isn't entirely
clear. Dennis Olvany demonstrates how to create and maintain IPFW rulesets
to keep you secure but also to prevent network outages during updates.



The XSLDataGrid: XSLT Rocks Ajax
Lindsey Simon describes XSLDataGrid, an approach to dynamic display of
tabular data using XSLT and Ajax.



Eclipse RCP: A Platform for Building Platforms
Where do you start when building a Java desktop application? All Java
gives you by default is public static void main (String[]); it's up to you
from there. Eclipse's Rich Client Platform (RCP) offers a tested design,
commonly-needed widgets, a standardized component model, pervasive
extensibility, and more. Wayne Beaton has an introduction to get you up to
speed with RCP-based development.



*** New Books from O'Reilly Media ***

CSS: The Missing Manual

Programming Python, 3rd Edition

PHP Cookbook, 2nd Edition

The Relational Database Dictionary

*** New Short Cuts from O'Reilly Media ***

Scripting InDesign with JavaScript

Meet Phil Bogle

O'Reilly learning Student of the Month Phil Bogle has inspired us. "Using
the tools I learned at O'Reilly Learning, I believe I can help small
charitable organizations save as much as 30% of their gross revenue. All
of this translates into more money for programs for the genuinely needy."

Read more of Phil's story here:


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Rackspace Managed Hosting: http://www.onlamp.com/onlamp/zones/rackspace/

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