Monday, August 21, 2006


Files: Not as Simple as You Might Think.

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Greetings, from the piping-hot, late-August Linux newsletter. This weekly
mailing follows a similar pattern, trying to find some weather-related wit
and segue into an explanation of blah blah software blah blah technology
that many of you probably skip over anyway, even if it contains surprising
words such as the Latin recidere. That's OK. Here's the relevant news
from O'Reilly Network this week.

One of the fundamental units of the Unix philosophy is the file, and what
could be simpler? Except: consider different character encodings,
different platform conventions, and suddenly making a simple text file
look like a collection of arbitrary-length lines is anything but simple.
If portability matters to you, you need to know more about how files work.
Xavier Noria walks through foundational information in "Understanding
Newlines" to demonstrate the details of how computers actually store
character information:


Recommendation services are impressively useful (when they work) and
intriguingly difficult to automate effectively. It's no secret that
applying them to artistic matters can bring you plenty of new suggestions
you might really enjoy. Digital media writer Brad Fuller spent some time
with the Pandora web radio team to understand how their music
recommendation service works:


In this week's Distributing the Future podcast, editor Chuck Toporek
discusses Google Code with Brian Fitzpatrick and editor Andy Oram talks
about Linux Certification testing with James Stanger:


In weblogs this week, Andy Oram covered LinuxWorld Expo 2006 in an introduction:


... and a wrap-up of interesting companies and services:


Justin Troutman introduced himself to talk about cryptography:


Curtis Poe suggested that the cost of fixing bugs included good will and morale:


... then reviewed the Jifty web framework by completing its tutorial:


Jeremy Jones pondered Guido van Rossum's Pythonic blessing of the Django
web framework:


... and praised the new Linux desktop playthings of Xgl and compiz:


Your author noted the new Perl development release--5.9.4:


Sam Griffith posted some opinions about Mac OS X Leopard using ZFS:


Dejan Bosanac found useful thoughts on the open source Java roadmap from
actual implementors of actual open source Java implementations:


Caitlyn Martin reported on a suspicious security alert from the Iranian
president's weblog:


Juliet Kemp unentangled SSH/X11 forwarding and shared her findings:


M. David Peterson passed on the IronPython RC2 release announcement:


Tom Adelstein complained about the lack of available, diligent Linux
system administrators:


pat eyler praised the new Ruby profiling tools:


... and interviewed the organizers of a regional Ruby conference. Start
your own!:


Gregory Brown shared his experiences with Google's Summer of Code program:


That's all for this week. Tune in next week for a very special Linux
newsletter written from an entirely different continent. Try to guess
which one!

No, definitely not Canada,
- c

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