Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Just Visualize It
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Hello, readers. Your editor is in a hotel room in Birmingham, England
right now. The UK is lovely, but the same words mean different things;
fries are chips, chips are crisps, and if you want to find an elevator
look for a lift. The same goes for the Linux newsletter: it's about all
things free and open source software. Here's what the O'Reilly Network
said about all of that this past week.
Managing a database full of information can be a lot of work, especially
if trends and statistics are important. The O'Reilly Research department
faces that every day. Exploring the data effectively can save a lot of
time and energy. O'Reilly's Ben Lorica recently reviewed the Tableau
visual analysis and reporting tools; these allow you to generate pivot
tables and cross-tabulations from your database. Ben's opinion? Favorable!
A nice, quiet, small BSD box makes a wonderful Internet device--especially
a low-power, low-noise box in the corner. Yet the FreeBSD handbook's
section on using IPFW for firewalling can be a little dense. This week,
Dennis Olvany has provided the framework for a working, usable firewall
for you to customize and explore:
One of Apple's biggest draws is the iTunes software. One of the biggest
untapped benefits of Mac OS X is that it's scriptable. Should you have to
learn AppleScript to do useful things, however? Of course not! Matthew
Russell demonstrates how to unify and synchronize iTunes libraries across
machines and platforms by using Python:
In this week's "Distributing the Future" podcast, Tim O'Reilly talks to
Brian Behlendorf about lessons from Apache and CollabNet, and Danese
Cooper discusses open source at Microsoft with Bill Hilf:
In weblogs this week, Sam Griffith, Jr. ponders the best personality
traits of developers:
Brad Fuller revealed the name of the device for the OLPC project:
Jason Cole introduced himself and his desire to talk about open source
in education:
Curtis Poe asked people to stop using Perl 3 and its techniques:
Your editor likewise republished Rich Bowen's opinion that ancient
software should just go away:
... then ranted about designing a language to prevent average developers
from making mistakes:
... and found an interesting post about MySQL moving unmaintained storage
engines into plug-ins:
Andy Oram explored the efficacy of using mailing lists for documentation assistance:
Ann Barcomb summarized the Perl 6 activity for the past week:
Andy Lester announced a Chicago Perl hackathon in November:
Ming Chow praised a new release of Lego Mindstorms RCX firmware:
Jeremy Jones tried to return a faulty Dell battery:
Chris Josephes suggested a technique for scheduling Perl scripts outside
of cron:
Anton Chuvakin posted a security tip of the week on log rotation:
Tom Adelstein lamented the Microsofting of Linux administrative tools:
Pat Eyler reviewed RubyConf*MI, a regional Ruby conference:
That's all for this week. It's 2:25 a.m. in your editor's time zone, which
is precisely where he isn't. Tune in next Tuesday to see if he has shifted
west by eight hours successfully.
Probably not,
- c
Technical Editor
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