Thursday, August 24, 2006


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Your editor is probably a bit of an odd duck in the Java world for being
more of a desktop developer than a server-side programmer. Oh sure, I've
worked with most of the EE API and written more quick-and-dirty,
HTML-emitting raw servlets than I'd care to admit, but most of what I code
ends up in a desktop window. And it's interesting to note the difference
between the carefully managed environment of application servers to that
of the desktop application. Whether you're writing servlets or some other
kind of server-side code (JSPs, EJBs, Struts actions, Spring, and so on),
you can generally rely on a fairly well-defined application life-cycle,
and the handling of many environmental issues, from threading off separate
requests to inversion-of-control schemes to let the container make
decisions the web app need not be responsible for. But back on the
desktop, what do we have? It's not like AWT or Swing provides an
"Application" class to extend, or a framework to provide consistent
services needed by applications. Instead, you get started from "public
static void main (String[])" and then it's off to the races with whatever
you can pull together from the various Java SE APIs. If that seems
somewhat aimless or potentially anarchic, you might be in need of a
genuine application platform. And this week, we look at one well-known
and well-tested option.

Strip away the syntax-highlighting, incrementally compiling details from
the Eclipse IDE, and at its core, you'll find a platform, the Eclipse Rich
Client Platform to be precise, that could be reused for a wide variety of
applications. In the feature article "Eclipse RCP: A Platform for
Building Platforms," Wayne Beaton says "...although it is actually an
inappropriate use of the term, Eclipse RCP can be considered middleware
for building rich-client applications. It provides the infrastructure that
your application needs, which allows developers to focus on core
application functionality, not the plumbing. Don't reinvent the wheel: use
Eclipse RCP."

Clusters distribute work among their nodes, and the round-robin strategy
is a popular and simple way to allocate work to each node. No wonder it's
the default in WebLogic. But it's not always the right choice, as
Francesco Marchioni points out: "a round-robin scheme is simple and
predictable. However, this strategy does not react according to the
varying loads on the servers. For example, if one server in the cluster is
under heavy load, it still will continue to participate in the
round-robining scheme, like the other members in the cluster, so work may
pile up on this server." In the dev2dev article "Creating Custom
Load-Balancing Schemes Using MBeans," Francesco shows a strategy for
tracking and managing your resources, and using that to allocate tasks
more efficiently.

In this week's feature article from, Brian Agnew takes a look at
"Java Object Querying Using JXPath:" "JXPath is a little-known component
of the Apache Commons library that simplifies querying of sets of Java
objects by using an XPath-based syntax. This article demonstrates how to
use JXPath to replace complex Java code with simple expression-based
queries, and how to make use of this in practical scenarios such as JSPs,
templates (such as Velocity), and monitoring/management applications."

Recent O'Reilly Network weblogs of interest to Java developers:

Paul Browne - Back to the Future with Java and Retroweaver

Dejan Bosanac - Will we have closures in Java 1.7?

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Please join us again next week.

Chris Adamson, Editor

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