Monday, September 25, 2006
The 20-Year Onion Project
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Hello, readers. This is the Linux newsletter, a once-a-week mailing
intended to keep you up to date with the latest publishings on the
O'Reilly Network related to open source and free software. (If you're the
person who keeps reloading the page obsessively, first--thank you! and
second, please click on an ad now and then!)
Here's what's new.
Guiding a project or a community is like raising a child. At least,
that's what Larry Wall says (and he's done both, so he ought to know). In
his tenth annual State of the Onion address, Larry explains how Perl 5 is
growing up into Perl 6, as she turns 19 and heads into adulthood. Here's
the complete text and all of the images from his popular talk:
Are you ever away from your main phone? Do you have a complex set of
locations and lists of people who you do want to talk to sometimes and who
absolutely must not ever disturb you other times? Of course Asterisk can
handle this call routing, but setting up these rules can be cumbersome.
That's OK. Matthew Gast has fixed it for himself, and now he shares his
clever solution with you in "Out-Of-Office Processing with Asterisk":
The Bluetooth protocol for almost-frictionless small device networking is
popular, but never quite took off among hackers. It's a pity too; there
are plenty of clever ideas awaiting discovery and exploitation. In the
first or two articles, Gulyhem Aznar walks through the installation and
configuration of a Bluetooth device and a Linux machine, explaining the
protocol and its ideas along the way. This sets the stage for some
clever, highly expandable fun:
For every dominant programming paradigm, one or two languages exemplify
its purest form. Smalltalk is probably the pinnacle of object-oriented
purity. Though it dates back over a quarter century, it's still a powerful
language for getting things done and stretching your brain in new
directions. Learning Smalltalk well can make you a much better
programmer. Keith Fieldhouse demonstrates how programmers can easily
become productive with the open source Squeak environment:
This week's Distributing the Future podcast is entirely Eben Moglen's
outstanding closing address from OSCON 2006. There is nothing to say
other than "If you care about free culture, this deserves your attention."
(Your editor was there. He knows.)
In weblogs this week, Ann Barcomb summmarized the Perl 6 mailing lists and
found some Beatles' references:
Jeremy Jones pondered how his recent Django apps enabled code re-use
through pluggability:
Your editor argued that the difference between good and great coders is
the ability to read code:
... and then postulated the existence of a mysterious factor that affected
the productivity of a language or platform:
Carla Schroder analyzed several Linux distributions suitable for
installation on tiny, cheap WAP boxes:
Paddy Sreenivasan introduces the idea of selective database recovery for MySQL:
Chris Josephes gives tips on writing the perfect letter of complaint (to
get the results you want, not just to vent):
In other news, happy spring or fall everyone!
- c
Technical Editor
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