Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Why Has Microsoft Abandoned the Power User?
The Windows DevCenter Newsletter
The latest from
The Future of Multi-Core Applications is Here!
Do your applications perform at the highest levels? Using cross-platform
APIs and advanced multi-threading development tools you can ready you
application, AND your development skills, or today's platforms. (for FREE!)
Why Has Microsoft Abandoned the Power User?
The upcoming final releases of Windows Vista and Internet Explorer 7 make
one thing exceedingly clear: Microsoft has abandoned the power user,
allowing fewer and fewer customizations and tweaks. Read why I think it's
a disturbing trend.
Creating Visual Studio Project Templates
Visual Studio 2005 offers a great tool for those who create largely
identical projects--custom project and item templates--that automates
project creation and eliminates the need to add the same references,
project items, or even largely identical code to new projects. Ron
Petrusha shows you how.
IIS Overtakes Apache
Well, it's finally happened. Port80 Software reports that IIS 6.0 has now
overtaken Apache for hosting corporate web sites of Fortune 1000
companies. Market share among the different web server platforms is now
27% for IIS 6.0, and 28% for IIS4. Mitch Tulloch provides more details.
See you next week.
Preston Gralla, editor
No More Mac Envy
Don't be fooled by Apple's move to Intel hardware--if you want to run Mac
OS X on your PC, you'll have to run it in an emulator. In this Short Cut,
you'll learn:
- How to install Mac OS X on your PC using PearPC
- The steps to follow to successfully get Mac OS X working
- How to configure additional settings to make Mac OS X functional
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