Thursday, November 09, 2006


Paperless, Analysis, XForms, Hashes

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Hello, Linux newsletter subscribers. Monsoon season has begun full-force
in the lovely Pacific Northwest, so give up on those dreams of painting
your deck before the rains come and, with your new-found free time,
educate yourself with news and ideas from the world of free and open
source software before plopping yourself down on the couch with Galactica
1980 reruns. They're even worse than you might remember.

Here's the better alternative.

Compare your desk to your desktop. Which has larger piles of unfiled
information? When you need a document, do you paw through papers or pull
out find and grep? Jason Hunter realized some time ago that he keeps his
home directory organized, but not his physical documents. Then he created
a system to manage his real-life paperwork, too. Here's how he manages to
keep a paperless home and office:

Finding all of the potential security vulnerabilities in a networked
application is easy; just identify all of the places where you might work
with user input and confirm that you've verified and scrubbed the data
appropriately. Easy, right? Maybe not if you have more than a few
hundred lines of code. Shreeraj Shah demonstrates how to build a static
analysis tool that can identify potential vulnerabilities within your
code--without running it:

The basic HTML widget set and form submission tools have changed little in
the past several years. Though the XForms recommendation has come out,
few people are using it--which means there are few tutorials. It's not
that difficult, however. Paul Sobocinski migrates a PHP application to
use XForms:

Is there a data structure more convenient than the simple associative
array? Perhaps occasionally, but the basic hash is powerful and useful.
Perl guru Simon Cozens demonstrates several patterns of hash usage to
review and renew your thinking of this fundamental tool:

In recent podcasts, Phil Torrone launches pumpkins and other vegetables:

John Battelle, Tim O'Reilly, Barry Diller, Bran Ferren, and Philip
Rosedale set the stage for Web 2.0:

In related news, Perlcast spoke to Bill Odom, president of The Perl Foundation:

... as well as Kirsten Jones of Socialtext about developing a REST API:

In weblogs this week, Tim O'Reilly analyzes the state of the computer book
market in Q3 2006:

Brady Forrest found interesting characterizations of search engine optimizers:

Allison Randal evaluated an email service called Alien Camel:

Nat Torkington predicted a plague of advertising-related HTML floats:

Curtis Poe announced The Perl Foundation's most recent call for grant proposals:

Your editor experienced the pain of building cross-platform and
cross-compiler shared libraries:

... and pondered one simple, striking change to software patents:

Jeremy Jones installed Ubuntu Edgy on old hardware:

Chris Tyler pointed to videos of a Free Software and Open Source Symposium:

Ann Barcomb summarized the week in Perl 6 development:

Geoffrey Grosenbach shared a few Ruby testing tidbits:

Anton Chuvakin released a poll about security conferences:

Brian Jones also polled system administrators about synchronizing files
cross systems:

Your editor and Andy Oram are still looking for technical writing
professors at colleges and universities to discuss a project that will
benefit all users and developers of free and open source software.
Perhaps we could find you a T-shirt if you help.

That's one more day between laundry runs,
- c

Technical Editor
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