Monday, December 18, 2006
Goodbye 2006!
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Greetings, Linux Newsletter fans. This is the final Linux Newsletter of
2006, as there's such a wonderful opportunity to take a few days off to
rest and relax in preparation for the Year of Free Software 2007. It's
not quite time to stop yet, however; here's what's important this week.
Was it really almost two years ago since the world first heard about Ruby
on Rails? Indeed--with Curt Hibbs's "Rolling with Ruby on Rails." As the
name implies, Rails doesn't stand still, and two years later, there's
still room for a great new introduction. Curt joined forces with Bill
Walton to revisit the initial Rails tutorial; here's the best and newest
place to start building really dynamic database-backed web sites with Ruby
and Ruby on Rails:
Clustering sounds big and scary and serious. In reality, it's just
processing a parallel algorithm in parallel. Any workload you can divide
into discrete parts you can cluster--if you have the equipment and some
quick thinking. Raimo Koski demonstrates the idea with an ad-hoc cluster
designed to rip your CDs into digital audio files, with almost no extra
setup required:
As John Littler continues his trek throughout Europe, he continues to play
with the Nokia 770 Internet tablet. This time, he's convinced the
Linux-based device to run VoIP applications, including Asterisk. How does
it work as a phone? How can you turn this cool toy into the only computer
you need? (Well... until you get back home, that is.) John knows:
Sharing information quickly and effectively is important to many disaster
recovery efforts. Social networking systems help humanitarian missions,
but they rely on volunteers and human intelligence. Can merging semantic
web techniques with social networking approaches improve their usefuless?
Soenke Ziesche shares how a semantic wiki can aid disaster relief operations:
In weblogs this week, Ann Barcomb quotes Larry Wall on INTERCAL:
Your editor commemorates the 40th anniversary of the freezing of Walt
Disney's head:
... praises Edubuntu for reviving old computers for disadvantaged children:
... and reviews the fantastically useful XML::Atom CPAN module:
Curtis Poe finds the resignation of a PHP security guru troubling:
Jeremy Jones plays with Guido van Rossum's Python refactoring tool:
Krishna Srinivasan summarizes Java 7's approach to closures:
Caitlyn Martin reviews Xubuntu's Edgy Eft release:
Christian Romney recommends all Ruby users learn about the Facets library:
Anton Chuvakin shares security gems hidden in Apache httpd's error_log:
Don't fret; that's not the end of the year yet. Come back for a rare look
at combining Java with Perl.
Until then,
- c
Technical Editor
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