Friday, December 01, 2006


Reclaiming the Web update
The Email for Subscribers

Web 2.0 Audio and Video Podcasts now available

Listen in to what some of the internet industry's leading thinkers and
innovators have to say about the future of Web 2.0. Podcasts and
screencasts of select Web 2.0 Summit presentations will be updated weekly.

This week: Web 2.0 - A conversation with Barry Diller and Arthur Sulzberger:


Hello, camelid tamers. You're reading the biweekly newsletter, so
without further kerfuffle, here's what's new in the world of Perl.

* Perl Events launched the website for YAPC::Europe 2007:

Midwestern Perl mongers near Madison, Wisconson, keep next Wednesday free;
Chris Dolan and Andy Lester will speak about Perl::Critic:

If Wisconsin is too far to drive, consider visiting Dallas/Fort Worth
instead to see Patrick Michaud, the Perl 6 pumpking, discuss the state of
the Perl 6 compiler:

Will you be near Germany in January? Are you a Perl web guru? The
Plat_Forms contest needs a few more Perl-wielding teams to demonstrate
that Jifty, Catalyst, CGI::Application, and our other lovely tools are
still alive and well:

* Perl News

The Catalyst team have begun their 2006 Catalyst Advent Calendar:

The 2006 Perl Advent Calendar is also available:

brian d foy created a community events calendar:

David Landgren has summarized the weeks in Perl 5:

Ann Barcomb has summarized the weeks in Perl 6:

Your editor has minuted the Perl 6 design meetings:

Dave Cross, bless his refs, has reviewed "Perl Hacks:"

* Perl Development Tasks

The Pugs and Parrot projects each maintain a small list of tasks for
programmers interested in spending an hour or two helping out. You often
don't have to know much about either project or much beyond Perl 5.

For Pugs and Perl 6 hackers, this fortnight's task is to log onto the IRC
channel #perl6 in and talk to Flavio S. Glock (fglock)
about how you can help him with MiniPerl6. This is a cut-down set of
features of Perl 6 that can bootstrap the full version of Perl 6.
MiniPerl6 right now compiles to Perl 5 as well as Parrot and can run at
almost full speed on a standard Perl 5 installation. Some general code
cleanup is in order.

Perl 5 hackers and people who know or are willing to learn Perl 6 can help
refine the code.

For Parrot hackers, there are plenty of Perl 5 tasks and minor C tasks.
This week's task is to download and compile Parrot, run the test suite,
and choose a file with one or more skipped tests. Investigate to see if it
passes or needs a TODO marker, and then submit a patch.

If that's not your style, see the list of open tickets at or check in on IRC in #parrot on

* Perl on ORN

HTML::Template is a long-lived and well-recommended mechanism for
separating the presentation of web sites from the business rules that
govern the templated data. Its simplicity gives it a lot of power.
However, simplicity doesn't always scale linearly to address complex
tasks. Philipp Janert demonstrates new features of HTML::Template that
allow you to reclaim simplicity and retain a strict separation of concerns:

Creating dynamic web sites is easy with Perl, mod_perl, and Apache httpd.
They're not always as efficient as static sites, however. That's fine;
mod_cache can serve data even faster than flat files sometimes--you just
have to know how to configure it. Rich Bowen explains exactly that:

Your editor learned about Perl::Critic plugins for Vim and BBEdit:

... and used some Perl metaprogramming to taunt ActiveRecords:

Victor Rodriguez interviewed Josh McAdams, the voice of Perlcast:

Jonathan Wellons postulated the "Hello, World!" of CGI programming:

December already?!,
- c
Editor,, et cetera

Register for ETel by January 8th and save

Registration is now open for the 2007 Emerging Telephony Conference.
Explore the strategies for taming disruption and exploit opportunities
being created by web telephony innovations.

Register by January 8th and save!


*** Featured Articles ***

Advanced HTML::Template: Filters
HTML::Template is a templating module for HTML made powerful by its
simplicity. Its minimal set of operations enforces a strict separation
between presentation and logic. However, sometimes that minimalism makes
templates unwieldy. Philipp Janert demonstrates how filters help you
regain simplicity and separation of concerns.


Hash Crash Course
Most explanations of hashes use the metaphor of a dictionary. Most
real-world code uses hashes for far different purposes. Simon Cozens
explores some patterns of hashes for counting, uniqueness, caching,
searching, set operations, and dispatching.


Rapid Website Development with CGI::Application
Perl has a wealth of good web frameworks. One of the season's toolkits,
CGI::Application, has recently seen a bout of new development to make
building web apps faster and much easier. Mark Stosberg demonstrates these
new features and how to use them.


The State of the Onion 10
In Larry Wall's tenth annual State of the Onion address, he talks about
raising children and programming languages and balancing competing
tensions and irreconcilable desires.


Generating UML and Sequence Diagrams
Sometimes a picture can save you thousands of words of description--and
debugging. A sequence diagram shows the flow of methods and function calls
between modules. Perl lets you generate these almost automatically for
Perl code--or even Java. Phil Crow shows how to use UML::Sequence.


Still More Perl Lightning Articles
Perl lightning articles are short, direct, and full of electrifying
practical information. This time, Steven Philip Schubiger demonstrates how
to convert crufty MakeMaker installation scripts into shiny pure-Perl
installers, Phil Crow demonstrates the use of Java's powerful Swing UI
toolkit from Perl, Joshua McAdams explains how to turn any module into a
script, and chromatic removes duplication from test suites.

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