Friday, January 26, 2007


Modding Apple Sample Code

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Dear readers,

This week we've published the first article in what I hope will be a
great series on modifying Apple sample code.

Erica Sadun dug into the Apple sample code archive and she likes what
she's found. In this first article, "Modding Apple Sample Code"
Erica uses the MovieVideoChart application to demonstrate how to take a structured
approach to modifying the sample apps provided by Apple to make them
more interesting and useful. There's a wealth of potential projects
lurking in those sample code archives and we've just started to scratch
the surface. If you're interested in what can be done with Apple's
sample apps or have modified them in the past for your own use, please
stop by and give this article a read and add your comments to the

As usual, our bloggers are keeping things lively as well.

Don't miss the insightful discussions going on there around topics like
the LUN masking feature being removed from Xserve RAID, EyeTV, DRM, and the
always popular lust for the latest gadgets:

Thanks for reading,

Bruce Stewart
Mac DevCenter Editor

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