Thursday, January 18, 2007
Windows Developer Tools Day and More
The Windows DevCenter Newsletter
The latest from
New Course Featuring AJAX O'Reilly/University of Illinois Certificate Series
O'Reilly Learning is proud to announce their new
Client-Side Web Programming Certificate Series, which
provides a complete understanding of front-end web
development, from HTML and CSS, to JavaScript DOM and AJAX.
Beware of Vista "Craplets"
When Windows Vista finally ships in a few weeks, dont expect your PC to
run fast and trouble-free, warns Microsoft officials depending on the PC
you buy, it may be weighed down with "craplets." What can you do about
it? Check my blog for details.
Windows Developer Tools Day: Join the Celebration by Blogging About Your
Favorite Tool
To celebrate the tools that make Windows developers lives easier O'Reilly
has declared January 19th to be Windows Developer Tools Day. Its an ad
hoc and spontaneous effort on our part to draw attention to the growing
number of free and open source software (FOSS) tools that support
developers who do their work on the Windows platforms. Blog about your
favorite tool, post a copy, or describe a tool you want to see, then tell
us about it. For more details, see John Osborn's blog.
Also, O'Reilly is launching a new title, "Windows Developer Power Tools,"
by Jim Holmes and James Avery, which documents more than 170 of the FOSS
tools available today for Windows. Check it out at this URL:
Upgrading a Cheap PC to Windows Vista Ultimate Edition: Surprises Abound!
Think Windows Vista will only run on high-end hardware? Think again. Todd
Ogasawara installed Windows Vista Ultimate Edition on a cheap home PC
that doesn't even have a dedicated video card -- it has a system board
graphics chip set that uses 128 MB of shared video RAM (from the 1 GB RAM
installed). You'll be surprised at what he found out.
See you next week.
Preston Gralla, editor
Join us February 27 for the O'Reilly Emerging Telephony Conference.
ETel compares and contrasts web telephony technology, business, and
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purveyors. ETel gets rid of the hype and conventional wisdom of the past,
presenting a whole new way of looking at the industry for newcomers and established
players alike.
And to ease the winter chill, register today with code etel07fnf40 for a
40% friends and family discount.
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