Tuesday, February 06, 2007


Logs, Blogs, and Games

The latest from http://oreillynet.com

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Greetings reader,

From the article front, we have a very useful article on the Apache
logfiles. When your error log doesn’t give you enough information to
figure out what's going on, Apache 2.x has no shortage of logging
abilities. Check out Rich Bowen's article on "Making Apache httpd Logs
More Useful." For instance, if you need complete output of all headers,
you've got to read this one.

In the final part of the series, Matthew Russell brings
together pieces of what you've learned from the previous two articles on
"Building a Game Engine with Cocoa." It is not quite Unreal Tournament,
but you'll finish up the infrastructure for a Lines of Action [LOA] game.
You'll learn how to implement a game tree search called negamax--
a variant of minimax that uses alpha-beta pruning to
reduce the search space. And at the end of this article, you'll have a
working LOA game, complete with a built-in computer opponent that plays
against you based on a custom heuristic that you define.

From the blog front, we have some very interesting action to check out.
Rick Jelliffe has three of our top 10 blogs for the last few days. You
should probably just check out what he has to say on his page:

Currently though, the most talked about blog is M. David Peterson's blog
on "ODF vs. EOOXML From An Insider Out," found at:
Peterson's blog intrigues readers with "Okay, so this should at least
be enough to peak your interest. As such, I would encourage each and
every one of you to get *THE FACTS* as they truly are, from someone in
whom, like Rick Jelliffe, truly understands what the facts are, as
opposed to what the EOOXML smear campaigners would like for you to
believe." Hmmm... a smear campaign--those are some mighty emotive words.

In the next few weeks we will rollout tag clouds that provide you with
more information about what people are looking for on the O'Reilly
Network. So, from our logs, and in the soon-to-be tag cloud front, the
first term listed below represents about one out of every three searches
for last week, second term being one-quarter of the first term. Obviously
people are still searching for our Google Proxy that allows students and
others to access restricted sites like MySpace:

Here are the top twenty terms:
1) my space, 2) java, 3) perl, 4) linux,
5) ajax, 6) javascript, 7) head first, 8) ruby, 9) open source
10) php, 11) hack, 12) python, 13) css, 14) web 2.0, 15) rails, 16) sql,
17) excel, 18) spring, 19) flex, 20) apache


Mike Hendrickson
General Manager, The O'Reilly Network

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