Friday, March 30, 2007


A Chat with Nobi

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Dear readers,

This week, Mac DevCenter is featuring an exclusive interview with
prominent Japanese Mac journalist Nobuyuki "Nobi" Hayashi and
extensive blog coverage of the latest product coming out of
Cupertino, the Apple TV.

Chris Stone interviewed longtime Japanese Mac journalist Nobuyuki
"Nobi" Hayashi at this year's Macworld conference. Nobi shares his
thoughts on this year's Macworld, gives hints for Mac developers
wanting to cross the Pacific, and explains why Apple TV won't be the
next big thing in Japan but what might instead. And don't miss
reading about the cool digital video recording system Nobi is
currently beta-testing. Your editor is dying to know when these will
be available in the states.

The Mac DevCenter blogs have touched on many topics this week, but
not surprisingly Apple TV is top on the list. As our expert bloggers
get their hands on this coveted device, they naturally have strong
opinions on its design and usefulness. Stay tuned in the coming weeks--we're
working on some detailed Mac DevCenter articles on hacking your Apple TV.

Thanks for reading,

Bruce Stewart
Mac DevCenter Editor

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