Monday, March 19, 2007


Linux Newsletter Four Point Six

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Greetings Programs! No need to adjust your sets--this is the same O'Reilly
Linux newsletter that you've grown to know and love, now under new
management. chromatic has accepted a highly classified position defending
the Earth from a terrible alien threat of kidnapping our open source
developers, and I've agreed to step into his shoes.

Meanwhile, over on the O'Reilly Network, it's been another busy week of
articles and blogs with information you can use. Over on, Andrew
Newman took a look at SPARQL, a W3C standard for marking up the Semantic
Web. There's lots of meat here, but you may want to bone up on the basics
first, as it dives right in.

Mining the blogs, chromatic took time off from assembling his anti-alien
laser rocket to blog on the perils of trusting example code. What do you do
when the examples encourage worst practices instead of best?

He also took time to briefly discuss the semantics of when something is
really a DSL. Busy guy, but Mars Needs Stallman, so he better get back to
constructing his Laser Rocket defense system.

Finally, he took a moment to pay homage to Make, that humble program,
without which we'd be typing "cc -o foo foo.c" endlessly.

Content management systems have been a hot topic for a while. Like most
emerging technologies, the hype sometimes exceeds the reality, and knowing
the rough edges is valuable information. Luckily, we have Spencer Critchley
to illuminate us on the gotchas of Drupal and the CiviCRM module.

Is Microsoft really embracing open source? Is it really just trying to
keep its enemies closer? Todd Ogasawara went into the belly of the beast
and reports that the folks at the Microsoft Open Source Lab are just guys,
you know?

In another mind-twisting blog on Microsoft, Matt Asay reports that the Men
From Redmond have an interesting take on "free software." If people are
going to choose to use it, they'd prefer that it be Microsoft's, even if it
means pirating it.

Matt also provides more in-depth coverage of Microsoft's emerging stance on
open source over at Port 25.

On Thursday, I officially took the reigns of the ONLamp family of products,
and took a second to introduce myself. I also mentioned a few changes that
are planned for the ONLamp/Sysadmin/DB sites in the coming months.

Rounding out the week, brian d foy (who has an upcoming Perl article to look
out for, as well as a book) mentions that the Spring 2007 edition of the
Perl review is out.

That's it for this week. March certainly came in like a lion this week in
the Northeast. In the space of three days, it went from 65-degree weather to a
foot and a half of snow. I predict a plague of locusts next week. Check
next week's newsletter to see if it came true.

James Turner
Freelance Technology Journalist
Site Editor,
Senior Contributing Editor, Linux Planet

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