Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Reflections, Relations, and Semantics

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Greetings Readers,
This week we have something new to show you. You will notice that our
top blogs have a new Ajax feature. If you mouse over the image, you
will get a thumbnail of the blog posting. Now you can get a quick scan
of the post without having to click though, unless you choose to.


In "Reflections on Java Reflection," Russ Olsen discusses how
understanding reflection will help you understand the tools that you use
every day. How does Eclipse manage to do all that helpful
autocompletion of method names? How does Tomcat go from a class name in
a web.xml file to a running servlet fielding web requests? And how does
Spring do all of that magic dependency injection stuff? In your own
programs, you can use reflection to write code that is more flexible and
dynamic; your program can cope gracefully with classes
it has never met before.

A good understanding of reflection is what you need to grasp the
workings of some of the more sophisticated tools of the Java world; it
is also what you need to write programs that go beyond what "ordinary"
Java programs can do. Check it out here.


In his article, "A Relational View of the Semantic Web,"
Andrew Newman discusses how people are increasingly coming to believe that Web 2.0
and the Semantic Web have a lot in common: both are concerned with
allowing communities to share and reuse data. The proposed standard for
querying the Semantic Web, SPARQL, can be viewed as an extension of an
existing formalization, the relational model. The standard relational
model is not sufficient, however, and must be extended to support
untyped relations and operations in order to integrate these data
sources. Check out what Andrew has to say on the subject:



The number-one blog this week is Kurt Cagle's "Is XML Doomed?".
Kurt writes, "I've been taken to task recently by Len Bullard for my
unflagging support and belief in open standards in general and XML in
particular." You should read his post and the legion of passionate
responses. Check it out here:


The number-two blog this week (and quickly climbing) is Rick
Jelliffe's post on "The Attacks on ISO."
Rick writes, "I had a nice email from a person involved at the highest
level with ODF yesterday, saying he didn't think I was being extreme in
my recent blogs about contradiction at ISO. Very encouraging and
gentlemanly. He also said, 'Well, the gratuitous comments about people
whipping up passions may have been a bit much but...I was sure you are
as tired of the hype as I am.' Quite so." You should check out the post
and comments:



On the podcast front, we have "Web 2.0 Podcast: Disruption Opportunity - The Pirate and the Suit."
Dan Steinberg has assembled another excellent collection from the Web
2.0 Summit program chair John Battelle. In this podcast, the discussion
centers on the business of remixing music with David Munns, vice
chairman of EMI Music worldwide, and Eric Kleptone, creator of "A Night
at the Hip-Hopera."



You can check out the stats in the form of tagclouds here:


Again, if you have any ideas, comments, or suggestions, we'd love to hear
them. Please send them to ideas@oreillynet.com

Thanks for reading.

Mike Hendrickson
General Manager, The O'Reilly Network

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