Friday, March 16, 2007


Silly Parrot, Tricks Are for PIR update
The Email for Subscribers

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Hello, readers. This is the biweekly Perl Newsletter. It's a simple
e-mail sent out every two weeks to keep you informed about the latest and
upcoming news in the world of Perl. Let's go!

* Perl Events

Tomorrow, 17 March 2007, is the monthly Parrot bug day, in preparation for the
next monthly Parrot release on 20 March. The focus for this bug day is
squishing a series of 20+ bugs. In particular, the Parrot team seeks *BSD
programmers familiar with complex math on their platforms and a couple of
Windows programmers who understand the intricacies of creating and using shared
libraries. Novices are more than welcome, too:

YAPC has made it to South America. YAPC::SA will take place from 11 through 14
April 2007:

YAPC::Europe has moved back a day on the calendar:

ActiveState has announced a contest to create extensions for the Komodo IDE
(very useful for Perl). Get those Mozilla programming tutorials out; the
contest ends on 1 April:

* Perl News

Perlcast continues its interviews with a discussion of how to host a Perl conference:

The Perl Review's Spring 2007 issue came out:

Your editor has minuted the Perl 6 design meetings:

* Yet More News

There are plenty of projects working toward Perl 6.0. Pugs approached the
problem from the top down. Parrot works from the bottom up. They will
eventually meet in the middle, probably in a way no one understands yet.

One common opinion is that Parrot will be the fastest way to run Perl 6, and
it's likely to offer the most interoperability with other languages. Yet it's
still very much a virtual machine in progress, and programming it feels a lot
like programming in assembly language--though a very powerful, flexible
assembly language. Your editor recently took a stupid programming
challenge (the FizzBuzz problem) and solved it in Parrot in two very
different ways, using all of the tools of test-driven development and
high-level design. The result is an introduction to Parrot's native PIR
language and an exploration of Parrot design and features:

Piers Cawley threw a bomb in the world of "Everything is a DSL! Squeee!":

brian d foy updated his ISBN modules:

Roland Bouman characterized stored procedures as good or evil:

What's next? The long-promised B::Concise explanation... then maybe

Until next time,
- c
Editor,, et cetera

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