Monday, April 30, 2007
The Email for Subscribers
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Hello, Perl fans. This is the Perl newsletter, a short and quick mailing sent
to tens of thousands of your closest friends in the Perl community. Here's
what's new for your education, entertainment, and edification.
Perl News
Flavio S. Glock (famous among other things for MiniPerl 6) wrote a report
of the YAPC::SA hackathon in Porto Alegre, Brazil:
The videos from YAPC::Asia 2007 are online:
brian d foy requested nominations for the 2007 White Camel awards, which
recognize non-technical achievements in Perl:
Ann Barcomb summarized the week in Perl 6:
Your editor minuted the Perl 6 design meetings:
Perl at O'Reilly
Some of the largest databases and data sets in the world are part of data
warehouses--huge sets of information so poetically mined for trends. This
can lead to pretty charts and graphs, so it's important. Sam Tregar
explains the basics of data warehousing and walks through an example that
he and his colleagues created. There's Perl, of course:
Like a natural language, Perl is malleable. You probably have an accent
in written Perl just like everyone has an accent in a spoken language
(except good old midwestern Americans such as your editor, whose accent is
as distinguishable and as impressive as plain oatmeal). Uniqueness is
fine and quirkiness is great, but clarity is as important in written
communication through source code as it is in spoken language. brian d
foy, a fellow iconoclast of capitalization, shares Five Ways to Improve
Your Perl Programming:
Plato and Democritus might have disagreed about how many unique components
you can remove from and replace in LAMP before it loses the ineffable LAMP
essence, but Apache is merely the Texas Hold'em of poker--dominant but not
invincible. There are plenty of other options of well-tuned and
LAMP-appropriate web servers, including lighttpd. Bill Lubanovic
describes this option in prose much less purple than in this paragraph:
Your editor decided to stress-test the Parrot by generating nearly
meaningful nonsense algorithmically:
Mike Hendrickson beat the bushes to find system administrators (we know
you're reading this):
James Turner experimented with a monoculture to find any lurking appeals:
Curtis Poe called down the wrath of the XML gods for his TAP-loving heresies:
Why yes, your editor did write this on a Friday afternoon! How could you tell?
Editor,, et cetera
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