Friday, April 27, 2007 Newsletter Xtra!
The Email for Subscribers

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Dear Reader,

Welcome to another issue of

This week I was knocked flat by a nasty illness, so took the
week off without a new article. But the weblogs were aflutter, and I
somehow managed to amass enough Firefox tabs to send out a few URLs. Weblogs

Rick Jelliffe, Validating concurrent and interrupted elements in XML with Schematron

Kurt Cagle, Chaos Storms and Metamagicians

The Weekly Tab Sweep

I'm not a Perl guy; in fact, I rather loathe Perl. That said, this
video of a talk by Audrey Tang about Perl 6 is quite fascinating:

I *am* a Mac guy (after spending 1995 to 2003 as an everyday Linux
user), so when I learned about TextMate, I jumped on board. Now, a few
years later, I've gone back to my first love, Emacs. Two fun, useful
Emacs blogs I've been reading to get my chops back into shape:

One thing I'm loving about OS X this week is how easy it was to
(finally) remap my keyboard to change the (useless) caps lock key into
something more useful for Emacs. I've been typing since high school, so
it's going to take some time to remap those muscle memories, but it's
already worth the effort.

We've been enjoying the last Sopranos episodes on HBO lately, and we
honeymooned in Italy, including a week in Sicily, this summer, so this
was an interesting read:

The chief of the FBI's organized crime unit on the history of La Cosa Nostra

Computers? Well, I hate them, really, but what are you going to do?
What truly makes me happy is a great ink pen -- why didn't anyone tell
me about JetPens? Very cool:

As always, thanks for reading!

Kendall Clark,
Managing Editor,

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*** XML News from the XML Cover Pages by Robin Cover ***

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