Friday, May 11, 2007
Building Custom iQuiz Data and Using AppleScript with Python
The latest from
Dear readers,
This week Mac DevCenter has new articles on customizing Apple's iQuiz
game for the iPod and using AppleScript with Python. Erica Sadun
walks us through creating custom data sets for iQuiz so you can
easily build your own iQuiz games. Noah Gift shows us how to use
AppleScript and appscript with Python to combine the power of Python
scripting with the high-level OS X features of AppleScript. And our
bloggers mix things up with coverage of the latest Mac news and events.
iQuiz is a brand new, flashy iPod game from Apple that allows users
to create custom games and run them using the iQuiz interface. In
this tutorial, Erica Sadun shows how to create custom iQuiz files and
provides sample code and files.
Noah Gift introduces the major concepts behind using AppleScript with
Python and provides some fun working examples in this hands-on article.
The Mac DevCenter blogs have covered a wide range of topics this
week. From Joost to CamelBones to how to learn Ruby, our crew of
expert bloggers is discussing the issues that matter to Mac
developers. Drop by and let us know what you think.
Thanks for reading,
Bruce Stewart
Mac DevCenter Editor
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