Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Haskell, Flex, and semaphores, oh my!
The Latest from http://www.linuxdevcenter.com and http://ONLamp.com
A happy Memorial Day Weekend to all of you living in the U.S.! Of course,
you won't be getting this until Tuesday, so it's more of a "I hope you had
a good Memorial Day Weekend," but time is relative, right?
Everyone, be sure to come to Ignite Boston this Thursday. It doesn't
matter if you live in Kyoto, I'm going to expect every one of you to
attend, and I'll be taking names. There Will Be Consequences!
If you're not in the states, but instead an inhabitant of the Continent,
you might want to check out the upcoming GNOME Users' And Developers'
European Conference.
On to our roundup of the past seven days of fun and frolic on the OFOW.*
We begin with an introduction to functional programming, by way of the
Haskell programming language. If you've only had experience with
imperative programming languages (or if you don't even know what an
imperative programming language is), you owe it to yourself to check out
Adam Turoff's gentle guide.
Flex is Adobe's answer to the platform-independent deployment environment
question. But although the client-side may be handled using Flex, the
backend still needs to be developed in a traditional environment. Jack
Herrington uses a fictional YouTube clone as a way to demonstrate how PHP
can serve as a server-side counterpart to Flex.
Finally, you may have learned semaphores years ago, or may have managed to
go your entire career without ever having to use one. But even if you're a
semaphore pro, a good refresher can't hurt. Vikram Shukla has a pretty
comprehensive guide, including a comparison of POSIX and System V style
Spencer Critchley led off the week in blogs with a pointer to a new book
that provides a lot of missing information for Drupal users:
Andy Oram looked at how Splunk is mashing up its data to help sysadmins.
How do you keep geeks in your organization? Nitesh Dhanjani had some
thoughts on the subject:
chromatic looks at coherence as an oft-overlooked feature of modern
Jeremy Jones continued his reporting on the rewriting of the podgrapher
Your humble narrator had some thoughts on Dell's move to offer
Linux-preinstalled systems.
Mr. Jones returned with a pointer to some pithy PyCon podcast (your
tongue-twister of the week)
chromatic had two in a row, first mentioning that Microsoft is looking for
an open source guru, and then reviewing the CPAN Pod::POM::Web module.
Over in DevCenter, Carla Schroder shared her experiences and frustrations
with getting Linux to print.
Juliet Kemp discussed how to automount removable devices under Debian:
And in the spirit of the three female Indy drivers this week, Caitlyn
Martin completed our all woman DevCenter blogfest with some information on
the Feisty Fawn release of Xubuntu.
In databaseland, Roland Bouman debunked a common myth about the GROUP_BY
Brian K. Jones shares his path to sysadminosity over in the SysAdmin
We end this week in the Ruby Blogs, where Daniel Berger laments the lack
of bind parameters in ActiveRecord:
And finally, Gregory Brown starts his Summer of Code reportage with a look
at RubyLand.
Over at The Watering Hole, the melee is over, but Pearl is still in hot
Looking forward, always forward, never backward, we've got two articles
upcoming this week. Federico Biancuzzi has another in his series of BSD
interviews, this time looking at Rootkits. And Andrew Hanenkamp, tells us
about a single sign-on solution for Jifty called CAS+. And over in the
Watering Hole, things go from bad to worse for Pearl as she testifies
before Congress.
Until next time, remember that no matter where you go, there you are,
unless you're time-traveling, in which case there you were.
* Still the ONLamp Family of Web Sites...
James Turner
Site Editor, ONLamp.com
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