Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Joost, JavaFX, and Tools of Change
The latest from http://oreillynet.com
Have you read "Designing Interfaces" by Jenifer Tidwell? If so, please take a few minutes to take a survey to help her understand
how the patterns are being put to work, how to improve any future
editions, and provoke discussion at her presentation at the
Usability Professionals' Association conference in June.
As an incentive, we'll send a free copy of "Information Dashboard
Design: The Effective Visual Communication of Data" by Stephen Few
(O'Reilly) to 10 randomly selected participants.
To participate, please visit:
Greetings readers,
I would like to begin by inviting all New Englanders (or anyone in the
area) to our first Ignite Boston event in Cambridge, MA on May 31st.
You can find out more about the event at:
You can also sign up to present something new or interesting to your
local contemporaries.
Another event you should be aware of is our Tools of Change (TOC) Conference.
If you are at all involved with content, media, or publishing of some kind,
you should check out the TOC Conference, which is being held June 18-20 in San Jose, CA.
Take a look at the keynotes, speakers list, and tutorials:
The speakers presenting at this conference are amazing. Be sure you
catch Jimmy Wales, of Wikipedia fame, speak about "Free Culture and the
Future of Publishing." If you would like to attend, please reference
this code and receive our special O'Reilly Network Member discount of
40% off: toc07orn
In our first recommended article we have another Perl 6 piece. Hmm...
the increase of Perl 6 articles in the last couple of months must mean
that that we are getting closer to the Perl 6 release. Grab the prototype
implementation of Perl 6 (called Pugs), read Jonathan Scott Duff's article
on "Everyday Perl 6," and dig into Perl 6 now. The article provides an introduction to the changes in Perl 6 and shows how these changes are good and useful:
In our second article, OnJava Editor David Bock interviews Sun's CTO
Robert Brewin, who is strategically involved in, if not outright
responsible for, some of the major announcements from Sun, including the
open sourcing of the JDK, embracing scripting languages like Ruby,
and most recently JavaFX Script and the JavaFX Mobile platform.
In "An Interview with Robert Brewin," Dave asks some thought-provoking questions
that elicit interesting and insightful answers from Brewin. Check out the interview here:
On the blog front, I finally decided to find out what Erica Sadun's
Invites" was all about. So I got an invite and installed Joost. I think
it's a very cool TV application running on your Mac or PC. If you look
at our current top 10 blogs, you'll find three Ruby posts,
two about Joost, and two Java FX blogs.
So, for a blog that isn't product-oriented, but has real content, you've
got to check out James Turner's piece on "Looks like Microsoft is ramping
up for Son of SCO." This is a great read if you can parse through the
numerous bleep characters (*) James uses to keep his post PG-13. Read it, enjoy it!
You can find all the top blogs here: http://www.oreillynet.com/blogs/
So, the four-part series I am publishing on the O'Reilly Radar is almost
complete. I have one more release coming this week on programming
languages. I have been in technical publishing/training for more than
20 years now and one thing that is clear to me is that when you ask
developers which programming language is the best, most useful, or
easiest to learn you'll get almost as many different answers as the
number people you ask. Stay tuned for the new post this week as I cut
to the facts, not the emotion or zeal found with discussing programming
languages. The first three "State of the Computer Book Market" posts can
be found here:
Any comments, ideas, or thoughts on features or content you would like to
see on the O'Reilly Network can be sent to ideas@oreillynet.com. If you
want a response to your email, please indicate that because we do not
reply unless you are expecting it.
Mike Hendrickson
General Manager, the O'Reilly Network
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