Friday, May 25, 2007
Pirates Who Love Perls
The Email for Subscribers
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Hello, readers of the newsletter. Wait, don't skip to the next
unread message yet! There's perly goodness here.
Here's what's new this fortnight.
* Perl News
Parrot 0.4.12 escaped. This version has a pun in the title, a literary
quote in the release announcement, and is faster and uses less memory. If
you're not careful, you might have to port your favorite language to
Parrot this summer. (As of a few minutes ago, the development version of
Parrot is even faster still.)
OSCON 2007 registration is open:
Gnat is particular pleased with the schedule:
Your editor minuted the Perl 6 design meetings:
* Perl at O'Reilly
Perl has a history of copious and useful documentation--not just of core
modules, but of the best CPAN modules as well. Yet even the venerable
perldoc utility is not the only way to read, or browse, documentation.
The Pod::POM::Web module provides a different way to find information
about the modules you have installed. Here's how it works:
Perl 5.10 is on its way, especially now that pumpking Rafael Garcia-Suarez
has returned from his honeymoon (congratulations!). Why is this release
important? Besides fixing plenty of bugs and including several
performance improvements, it has a wide list of new features. Adriano
Ferreira discusses good reasons to help get a shiny new Perl out the door:
...but Adriano is not content to let Perl 5 get all the attention. Recent
(and recurring) debates over readability and maintainability made their
way to the Perl 6 language mailing list. The focus was, get this, on the
use of semicolons:
Your editor jumped into the fray as well, only to rephrase his favorite
law of maintainable programming: don't hire monkeys. This time, he
wonders if certain programming languages force people to write bad code:
...and then poked the "I writed a DSL!!" kids with a stick:
* Other Interesting Tidbits
Jimmy Gutterman asks if you work better when you work for free:
Tim O'Reilly announced a Real World Haskell book:
Mike Hendrickson analyzed the entire computer book market in Q1 2007, related
to programming languages (buy more Perl books):
Nitesh Dhanjani wondered how to retain smart people in your organization:
Now back to hacking Parrot to make Perl 6 even better,
Editor,, et cetera
Early Registration Extended--Save $200!
Join us June 18-20, 2007 in San Jose, California for the first
O'Reilly TOC Conference, and help shape the future of publishing.
Register now and Save $200.
Ignite! Boston -- Last Call
On May 31, we are having our first Ignite Boston event in Cambridge, MA.
You can find out more about the event at:
If you like, you can sign up to present something new or interesting to
the local area tech community. So far we have 25 cool presentations and more
than 100 RSVPs. If you want to be part of this event, please get your RSVP
in ASAP so we can save room for you!
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