Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Windows DevCenter Newsletter
The latest from
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Microsoft Surface: Not Coming to a Home Near You
Much of the criticism of the new Microsoft Surface computing table is
misguided, for one simple reason: It's intended to be used in commercial
settings, not at home. For more details, read my blog:
A PC On Every Desktop? The Desktop *Is* The PC
M. David Peterson has his own thoughts about Microsoft Surface. Read what
his blog has to say--and see pics as well:
Freeware/Open Source for Windows Weekly Summary
Todd Ogasawara is back with his weekly roundup of the best of Windows
freebies. Among his winners this week, free antivirus software for Windows
Using the Cryptography APIs in .NET
The .NET framework contains a number of cryptography services that allow
you to incorporate security services into your .NET applications. In this
article, Wei-Meng Lee shows you how to use some of the common security
APIs to make your .NET applications more secure:
Ignite Boston!
The first Ignite Boston will be on Thursday, May 31, from 6 to 10pm at
Tommy Doyle's in Harvard Square, Cambridge, MA. From 6-7pm, mingle and
talk tech with your fellow FOOs, alpha geeks, and techies from the greater
Boston area. Join a MAKE challenge team and participate in building
bridges (how much weight can your bridge–-made from less than 1K popsicle
sticks-–support?) After that, there will be a special keynote address from
author Scott Berkun ("The Myths of Innovation"; "The Art of Project
Management"). Then, on to guest speakers, who'll catch you up on the cool,
new, innovative stuff going on in technology today. During intermissions,
get a cold beer and chat with speakers, sponsors, and O'Reilly's own
editors. Join us Thursday, May 31, for a fun, energetic evening of
talking, learning, making, and collaborating:
See you next week,
Preston Gralla, Editor
Early Registration Extended--Save $200!
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