Friday, May 11, 2007
XML parser performance and more
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Dear Reader,
Welcome to another issue of
Back in the day, XML parser performance was a hot topic. Before that,
I can recall how important parser implementation effort was. The first
sales pitch I can remember hearing about XML, well before it was made
a standard, was that someone other than James Clark should be able to
implement an XML parser. In fact, the claim was more that a competent
CS undergraduate student could implement one.
Today it's not so much that that's wrong as that it's just...odd.
But we do still have to care--for some kinds of application--about
XML parser performance, and since that scene changes more often than
we cover it, it's about time for an update.
This week we start a two-part series on XML parser performance. Check
it out.
XML Parser Benchmarks: Part 1 Weblogs
Rick Jelliffe, Design Tips for Interchanging Forms
Keith Fahlgren, DocBook Elements in the Wild
and a follow-up:
DocBook in the Wild: A Look at Newer Content
The Weekly Tab Sweep
Not much this week since the power company decided to deprive us of
electricity overnight--in the middle of the big city!
Insanely cool:
Perhaps even cooler:
The Lazy Web^H^H^H Newsletter Request
So, faithful reader, my wife and I are having our first child in late
September. We want a camcorder, preferably HD and Mac-friendly.
What should we buy? Replies to greatly
appreciated. I'll summarize the answers in a future newsletter.
As always, thanks for reading!
Kendall Clark,
Managing Editor,
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*** XML News from the XML Cover Pages by Robin Cover ***
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