Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Open Source, streaming TV, and Ray Ozzie

The latest from http://oreillynet.com

PostgreSQL on Windows: Technical Resources from Port 25

Get help and guidance configuring PostgreSQL 8.2 on Windows
from Port 25. Important options in the postgresql.conf and
pg_hba.conf will be covered, as will database creation in
PgAdmin III. Port 25 is a Microsoft community website designed
to facilitate a deeper dialogue around the interoperability
issues surrounding Windows, Linux, UNIX and Open Source Software

Learn more at: http://www.oreilly.com/go/onlamp-port25


Greeting Readers,

There has been considerable discussion lately on the impact and meaning
of open source and its role in computing:
Mark Rosenthal gives us some insights on how some design engineers from
Digital Equipment Corporation helped bring the movement into existence
with "How an Accident of Hardware Design Encouraged Open Source."
Check it out here:

If you want to watch HD TV on a remote computer, Erica Sadun explains
how in her article "Stream Live HDTV from Your Mac." So you probably
know you can sit in front of your Mac and watch TV, but what if you want
to watch in your living room or bedroom simultaneously? See how to
build a remote video streaming solution.

You can read and comment on the article here:


On the blog front, M. David Peterson owns the top spot with "Hi, I'm an
IPod," "and I'm a Zune," and as you can imagine, the partisan diehards
came out to comment on the posting:

There is a very popular series of blogs by Micah Walter on "Aperture vs.
Lightroom: Day X" that is yielding lots of comments and attention.
Micah's series has 6 of the top 10 blogs at the moment. You can find
them easily by going to his blog page, found here:


Whether you use or like Microsoft software or not, Dan Steinberg brings us
"Web 2.0 Podcast: A Conversation with Ray Ozzie," in which the
Microsoft's Chief Software Architect talks about his famously leaked
memo, Vista, and a host of other subjects. Check it out at:

You can download the audio as an mp3 or download the video as an mp4, or
you can subscribe to the audio or video podcasts. Check
out the entire set of Web 2.0 Summit podcasts at:
or browse the podcast library at:


I recently did some analysis on book sales for 2005 and 2006 so I could
see which languages where growing and which were shrinking. The results
mirror our data on what people are searching for. For just the month of
January 2005 and 2006, these languages showed the following growth rate
percentage over the prior year: Ruby, 6.22%; Javascript, 8.63%; and SQL,
1.85%. The rest of the languages were down: Java, -5.87%; C#, -0.89%; C++,
-2.58%; Perl, -2.70%; PHP, -0.64%; Python, -0.58%; VB, -1.43%; and .net
Languages, -1.99%. From a book sales perspective, Ruby, Javascript, and
SQL were the biggest gainers, and the others all had slight to significant

So if there is something you would like to see in this newsletter,
whether it is analysis, articles, or blogs, or if you would like to see
new features on the O'Reilly Network, please send your ideas to

Thanks for reading.

Mike Hendrickson
General Manager, The O'Reilly Network

O'Reilly and Citrix present "GoToMyPC Remote Access Zone"

GoToMyPC Pro is the perfect solution for providing
remote access to employees of small to mid-sized
businesses. Increase productivity with reliable,
secure and convenient access to email, files, programs
and network resources from home or the road.

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*** New Books from O'Reilly Media ***

Programming WCF Services

Ajax on Java

Windows Vista Pocket Reference

40 Digital Photography Techniques, 3rd Edition (YoungJin)

TextMate (Pragmatic)

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MAKE Issue: 09

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ActionScript 3.0 Design Patterns: Rough Cut Version

Asterisk: The Future of Telephony: Second Edition, Rough Cuts Version,

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Friday, February 23, 2007


OAXAL, Schematron, and regulation concerns

XML.com Xtra!
The Email for XML.com Subscribers

Inside Port 25: The Open Source Software Lab at Microsoft

Get help and guidance on running Windows, Linux, UNIX or open source
software in a mixed environment. In partnership with O’Reilly, Inside Port
25 is an objective perspective on the research, insight, and bloggers of
the Open Source Software Lab at Microsoft.

Learn more at: http://www.oreilly.com/go/onlamp-port25


Dear Reader,

Welcome to another issue of XML.com.

This week we get back to XML.com roots: Andrzej Zydron presents OAXAL, a
proposal for layering a publishing and translation framework over DITA and xml:tm. Publishing
isn't the sexiest domain ever, but there is *still* good money and innovations to be made there.

OAXAL: Open Architecture for XML Authoring and Localization

Some recent XML.com weblog highlights include:

Rick Jelliffe, Schematron News:

Rick Jelliffe, Should regulations be made by unelected committees with no
democratic oversight?:

Now for what Tim Bray calls the periodic "tab sweep":

Chimpanzees learning to hunt with spears (!):

A transparent automobile:

Very cool, cheap book-friendly scanner:

Haskell Study Plan:

The cost of leaving your PC on:

As always, thanks for reading.

Kendall Clark
Managing Editor, XML.com

O'Reilly and Citrix present "GoToMyPC Remote Access Zone"

GoToMyPC Pro is the perfect solution for providing
remote access to employees of small to mid-sized
businesses. Increase productivity with reliable,
secure and convenient access to email, files, programs,
and network resources from home or the road.

Learn more at: http://www.oreilly.com/go/g2mypc


*** XML News from the XML Cover Pages by Robin Cover ***

For more information on any of these stories visit:


Visit our Sponsored Developer Resource Pages and learn about cool
stuff from our sponsors!

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Stream Live HDTV from Your Mac

The latest from http://www.macdevcenter.com

Sponsored by ActiveState Komodo IDE 4.0

Komodo IDE - Award-winning IDE for dynamic languages

* Write great code with the multi-language editor.
* Find problems fast with the powerful debugger.
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Dear readers,

This week we have new articles on Mac DevCenter that will show you how to
stream HD video from a Mac using VLC and how to use a Mac mini as a
full-blown personal home server.

Erica Sadun explains how to stream HD EyeTV video from a Mac using VLC
in five easy steps, even as it records! Learn how to build this remote
video streaming solution by accessing EyeTV's raw MPEG transport
streams and using VLC to stream that MPEG and watch the video on
another computer.

And Rich Morin and Vicki Brown describe how they replaced their home
FreeBSD server with a Mac mini in "A mini Mac Solution."

There's also lots of action in our Mac DevCenter blogs this week. Read
what our expert bloggers have to say on everything from iPod product
placement to Airport Extreme/Tivo compatibility issues to using
Bandwagon to back up your iTunes library.

Thanks for reading,
Bruce Stewart

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Hardware, Software, and Power Lines

The Latest from http://www.linuxdevcenter.com and http://ONLamp.com

ServerBeach - Servers Starting at $75

ServerBeach provides powerful self-managed dedicated servers at highly
competitive prices. Choose from 3 datacenters across the U.S., receive 24/7
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Hello, readers. This is the weekly Linux Newsletter, which occasionally
discusses Linux (the kernel) itself and usually discusses software developed
and distributed under terms similar to Linux (the kernel) itself. Pedantry
aside, here's what's new in the F/OSS world.

The nice thing about best practices is that there are so many to choose from.
Take, for example, firewalls. Hardware? Software? Which one? Chris Swartz
and Randy Rosel recently developed a series of tests for evaluating the
effectiveness of competing firewall products. Now they present their method in
a way that you can duplicate with the products or projects you want to consider:


Rewiring your house for ubiquitous wired networking isn't always feasible (and
much less so if you have an apartment). Wireless isn't always the answer
either. Odds are, though, that you do already have wires almost everywhere you want to
go--electrical wires. Xavier Carcelle provides an introduction to power line communications:


In weblogs this week, Todd Ogasawara ponders the idea that open-sourcing code
gives companies a free pass for anti-competitive behavior:


Dave Cross notices that there are now two places to post Perl jobs:


Jeremy Jones finds this week's PyCon schedule frustrating:


Matt Asay considers out-of-the-U.S. competition more dangerous to
Microsoft than that in the U.S.:


Your author praises ccache:


...and wonders if driver development NDAs are a short-term-only solution:


M. David Peterson uses XSLT to optimize his Linux distribution and kicks off a
command-line festival:


Juliet Kemp drives dual-head monitors on Debian:


pat eyler announces the Mountain West Ruby Conference:


Curt Hibbs links to Antonio Cangiano's Ruby Implementations Shootout:


Brian K. Jones discusses the CLI shell-quoting conundrum:


...and resolves to fight job specialization:


Anton Chuvakin's security tip of the week is to ask "What Just Changed?":


Luke A. Kanies responds to his critique of the lack of evolution in system


The Radar team discusses a wait-free fast hash table:


Tim O'Reilly links to a profile of Bernie Krause, who works on ecological soundscapes:


Brady Forrest catches AOL's announcement of supporting OpenID:


Surj Patel has another child and asks where the 8-bit revolution is for them:


Tim O'Reilly highlights a WSJ piece on the new class of tastemakers who filter
information for others:


Next week--how not to get help from that F/OSS project.

- c

Technical Editor
O'Reilly Network

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Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Firewalls, Power Line Communication, and Microsoft Virtual Server

The latest from http://oreillynet.com

O'Reilly and Citrix present "GoToMyPC Remote Access Zone"

GoToMyPC Pro is the perfect solution for providing remote access to
employees of small to mid-sized businesses. Increase productivity with
reliable, secure and convenient access to email, files, programs and
network resources from home or the road.

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Greetings readers,

If estimates are accurate, a Windows computer can be compromised
within 12 minutes of connecting to the Internet. So what should you do
to protect yourself? Does it make a difference if you are a
small-business owner versus a member of the technical staff at a large
corporation? Chris Swartz and Randy Rosel evaluate how the freeware
firewalls compare to expensive, all-in-one firewall solutions such as
the Cisco PIX in their article "Hardware Versus Software Firewalls."


One area that seems to be growing quickly is Power Line Communications
(PLC). Xavier Carcelle provides a solid introduction to using existing
electrical cables to transport data. Think of how ubiquitous
communications could become with PLC running everywhere. Check out "An
Introduction to Power Line Communications" when you have a few minutes.
It's not too long yet it's packed with good insights.


Although virtual servers have been around for quite some time, they are
now becoming more mainstream. In "Five Things You Need to Know About
Virtual Server," Chris Sanders explores the topics that you should
understand before embarking on a virtual server deployment.


In the stats area, we have a long-tail article that continues to lead
the way in page views. Tim O'Reilly's eloquent article on "What is Web
2.0" has twice the number of page views as the number-two article.
If you haven't already read it, you should.


When you search for "Web 2.0" on the O'Reilly Network, you get the
following results by Content Type-[occurrences]: Articles-692, Books-577,
Conferences-182, and Weblogs-1038.

Enjoy your reading.

Mike Hendrickson
General Manager, The O'Reilly Network

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*** New Books from O'Reilly Media ***

Rails for Java Developers (Pragmatic)

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Friday, February 16, 2007


XML.com Newsletter

XML.com Xtra!
The Email for XML.com Subscribers

Inside Port 25: The Open Source Software Lab at Microsoft

Get help and guidance on running Windows, Linux, UNIX, or Open Source
Software in a mixed environment. In partnership with O'Reilly, Inside Port 25
is an objective perspective on the research, insight, and bloggers of the Open
Source Software Lab at Microsoft.

Learn more at:



Dear Reader,

Welcome to another issue of XML.com.

Bob DuCharme -- still one of my favorite techie authors: does anyone write
tech prose as clear as Bob? -- returns this week with the first of a two-part series on RDFa,
which is the W3C's latest attempt to mate a general purpose metadata language (RDF) with, well, the
Web, or at least with XHTML. RDFa is interesting, since it solves a problem some of us were
really bothered by a few years back -- basically, how to relate metadata to web resources in a
clean way.

Kendall's Theorem (which I never get tired of repeating) is that everything about software takes
longer to mature than anyone ever thinks. That means that RDFa may not be
too late after all.

Introducing RDFa


Continuing the new trend to longer, chattier newsletters, I thought I'd mention five cool things
that flew through my Attention Zone this week:

1. Milk -- well, you just have to see it to understand (beware: you need
Flash to make sense of this):


This is not the first time I wished I were a citizen of Denmark.

2. Elixir, a port of Rails's ActiveRecord to Python's SQLAlchemy, which was already my all-time
fave way to deal with SQL and relational data from Python or any other
language. Excuse the vernacular, but Elixir is The Shit!


3. XML.com columnist and HTTP guru Joe Gregorio (plus co-author Bill de hOra) releases what
appears to be the penultimate draft of the Atom Publishing Protocol. Elliotte Rusty Harold
recently claimed that APP was gonna be a big hit in 2007; I think he's spot-on.

In fact, I think APP will end up having a bigger impact on the Web than Atom itself.


4. mod_wsgi: I've been pushing WSGI on XML.com because I think the Python response to the
proliferation of web frameworks is inherently interesting, but also interestingly different from
the Ruby or Perl response. Of course, it hasn't yet been as successful as the Ruby response, and
probably won't be, but that's beside the point.

Though not yet officially released, mod_wsgi, an Apache mod for the 1.3, 2.0, and 2.2 versions,
lets you run WSGI apps behind Apache, which somehow became everyone's *second* favorite HTTP
server at some point in the last year or so. How did *that* happen?

At any rate, if you do Python web stuff, you should know about WSGI; and if you do WSGI, mod_wsgi
sounds like a very welcome development.

5. soaplib: Finally there's a real, modern, good SOAP library for Python. It even produces and
consumes WSDL. OK, sure, SOAP, WSDL, Web Services, SOA -- these are all *clearly* evil, but some
of us still have to deal with them in our Day Jobs. Until I attain a state of RESTful Purity,
soaplib will make a big, happy difference to me in my Other Job.


OK, so a lot of that was Python-specific: sue me for loving Python! :>

As always, thanks for reading.

Kendall Clark
Managing Editor, XML.com

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*** XML News from the XML Cover Pages by Robin Cover ***

For more information on any of these stories visit:

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Wednesday, February 14, 2007


The Windows DevCenter Newsletter

The Windows DevCenter Newsletter
The latest from http://www.windowsdevcenter.com

O'Reilly and Citrix present "GoToMyPC Remote Access Zone"

GoToMyPC Pro is the perfect solution for providing remote access to
employees of small to mid-sized businesses. Increase productivity with
reliable, secure and convenient access to email, files, programs and
network resources from home or the road.

Learn more at:


Five Things You Need to Know About Virtual Server

Microsoft Virtual Server lets you consolidate servers, better control
security, and set up a more flexible testing environment. In this article,
Chris Sanders explains how it works--and how to set it up.


Windows Vista Firewall: Not What Microsoft Promised

Microsoft likes to point out the fact that its firewall in Windows Vista
is superior to the one in XP. As I point out in my blog, though, that's
not true.


Luddites Among Us

It's easy to complain about how hard it is to keep up with Microsoft's
onslaught of developer technology, and to say the company has a hand in
everyone's pocket. But Jesse Liberty begs to differ--he says Microsoft
can't win for trying. See why in his blog.


Windows Mobile Weekly Roundup

Todd Ogasawara is back with his weekly summary of Windows Mobile and
general mobile tech-related items. He covers how to use Bluetooth with
ActiveSync instead of USB, in addition to other items.


See you next week.

Preston Gralla, Editor

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Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Visualization, Virtualization, and Hibernation

The latest from http://oreillynet.com

Sponsored by ActiveState

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development of dynamic web applications. Edit, test, and debug
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Greetings Readers,

We have something new to talk about on the network. We are debuting a
job board component in conjunction with our friends at Simply Hired.
We're testing this service on Perl.com in the righthand column. If
you find it useful, we plan to roll it out to the rest of the
network. So, if you are a Perl, PHP, or Python type or a sys admin or
Ajax developer, we will have some interesting jobs for you to browse.
Or if you are looking to hire someone for your project, you can hone in
on the focused audience of the O'Reilly Network and post your job

If you have not checked out our new articles for the week, please do so:


Did you know that there are more than 100 web server log analyzers
(Google Directory for Log Analysis) or web statistics tools ranging from
commercial offerings, such as WebTrends, to open source ones, such as
AWStats? Have you ever thought of visualizing your logs in 3D? In "A
New Visualization for Web Server Logs," Raju Varghese describes a very
interesting way to view the content of logfiles.


In "An Introduction to openQRM," Kris Buytaert explains how the next time

your development team wants to test something risky on its platform, you
can boot them onto an idle node from their virtual environment, and have
them play around, test, and screw things up. And best of all, you don't
worry; it will only take you moments to give them back what they started
with--and after they are done, you can have your machines back, ready to
use for another service.

This article explains the different key concepts of openQRM and
demonstrates how it can provide an easy-to-manage test platform


For those of you who seem to hibernate during the winter months, did you
know that during the past few years, Hibernate has almost become the
defacto standard in the world of Java database persistence? In this
article, John Ferguson Smart looks at how Java 5 annotations can be used
to simplify your Hibernate code and make coding your persistence layer
even easier. Using Hibernate annotations allows you to simplify your
application maintenance, with the additional advantage of giving you a
gentle introduction into the world of EJB 3. Check it out!


From the content stats and data area, there are the usual suspects that
dominate the ranks for what people are searching for on the O'Reilly
Network. MySpace, Linux, and Web 2.0 are the top three again--no real
surprise there. An interesting sidenote, is that Web 2.0 (11%) was
searched for in 28 different ways, Linux and Linux commands (19%) some
95 different ways, and MySpace (8%) 48 different ways. One set of search
terms that popped out was that nearly 1,000 searches for the
Pringle Antenna article published in 2005. Much of our content does live
on the long tail! Check it out here:


From a curiosity perspective, why are there 43 searches looking for
Paris Hilton on our site? And why are there 302 searches that are
trying to find "The Anarchist Cookbook"? These searches just seem odd,
but also present an opportunity to investigate further to find out what
you want.

If you have any ideas or thoughts for content or features you would like
us to offer, please send them to ideas@oreillynet.com.

Mike Hendrickson
General Manager, The O'Reilly Network

O'Reilly and Citrix present "GoToMyPC Remote Access Zone"

GoToMyPC Pro is the perfect solution for providing remote access to
employees of small to mid-sized businesses. Increase productivity with
reliable, secure and convenient access to email, files, programs, and
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Monday, February 12, 2007


Virtualization and Visualization

The Latest from http://www.linuxdevcenter.com and http://ONLamp.com

Sponsored by Vyatta Inc.

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Vyatta software and appliances combine the features, performance
and reliability of an enterprise-class router and firewall with the cost
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Greetings, Linux Newsletter subscribers.

It's Monday again, and receiving this message means that you have agreed
to read every link in this newsletter twice. Ready? Go!

Virtualization is nifty. Managing polite fictions is much easier than
managing physically real items--at least until things get complicated. Though you
have to build physical robots or hire interns to manage real machines,
virtualized machines have one strong advantage: you can use other software to manage
them. Kris Buytaert introduces openQRM, a software project to create and manage
virtual images on real machines.


Visualization is nifty. (Usually lede opening sentences aren't this
parallel. Editors take the joys they can get.) Choosing the right type of graph can
make data trends jump out at you. Raju Varghese recently had to track down some
odd behavior on his web servers. With a little cleverness, he produced 3D
graphs of traffic and tracked down the trouble. Here's how you can do the same:


In weblogs this week, Matt Asay records Microsoft's experiments with open

... and ponders the question if open source can innovate:

Your editor praises the fundamentally useful HTML Tidy:

Jeremy Jones fixes up his Firefox crash recovery:

Robert Cooper suggests that lesser-known F/OSS projects live on through
the long tail of search, not index:

Caitlyn Martin explains how to perform brain surgery on yourself (and
switch to Linux):

Juliet Kemp debugs FireWire problems on Debian sarge:

Luke A. Kanies asks why system administration isn't evolving:

Tom Limoncelli responded that he thinks it is:

Brian Jones points out the elephants in the server room:

Curt Hibbs praises the Ruby.NET compiler for passing all of the tests in
the core Ruby distribution:

Roland Bouman explains exactly the relationship between autocommit and
transactions in MySQL:

That's it for this week. We'll have more system administration and
database goodness for you soon.

Appearing in Seattle for one night only,

Technical Editor
O'Reilly Network

O'Reilly and Citrix present "GoToMyPC Remote Access Zone"

GoToMyPC Pro is the perfect solution for providing remote access to
employees of small to mid-sized businesses. Increase productivity with
reliable, secure and convenient access to email, files, programs, and
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Friday, February 09, 2007


Finishing Building our Game Engine with Cocoa

The latest from http://www.macdevcenter.com/

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Dear readers,

This week we've published the final episode in Matthew Russell's
excellent series on Building a Game Engine with Cocoa. Matthew has
demonstrated some very important Cocoa programming principles in this
series, using an actual and fun example based on the popular Lines Of
Action board game. In this third and final installment, we learn how
to implement a game tree search called negamax--a variant of minimax
that uses alpha-beta pruning to reduce the search space.


If you liked this series, or have any questions or
comments about the coding procedures and theory Matthew discusses,
please let us know in the comments section. If there is significant
interest in these articles, we'll try and get Matthew to expand more
on Cocoa programming in future articles.

There's also lots of activity in the Mac DevCenter blogs this week.
Not surprisingly our bloggers have some strong opinions on Steve
Jobs' public statement about DRM, Erica Sadun continues her
explorations into making the transition to high-def, and we're all
saving the dates of June 11-15 for Apple's next Worldwide Developer


Thanks for reading,

Bruce Stewart
Mac DevCenter Editor

New Course Featuring AJAX
O'Reilly/University of Illinois Certificate Series

O'Reilly Learning is proud to announce their new
Client-Side Web Programming Certificate Series, which
provides a complete understanding of front-end web
development, from HTML and CSS, to JavaScript DOM and AJAX.


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Hibernate, Ajax form validation, and adapting JAAS to SOA

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employees of small to mid-sized businesses. Increase productivity with
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Hello OnJava readers,

This week's featured article is an introduction to Hibernate 3
Annotations. "Declarative programming" is one of the hottest catchphrases
around these days. In this article, John Smart shows how Hibernate uses
Java 5 annotations to simplify your code and make persisting your data
easier than ever. Using annotations, you simply declare in your class
definition your intentions for persistence.


Validating user input in web apps doesn't lend itself to easy solutions:
you don't want client-side validation to require you to duplicate your
effort, but server-side validations may run long after the invalid input
is entered. Eric Spiegelberg has an approach that uses Ajax, via direct
web remoting, to let your server-side validation code correct client-side
entries on the fly.


JAAS' limitations and assumptions have made it difficult to integrate with
other enterprise technologies. However, by exposing it as a service, you
can rely on JAAS in your SOA. Denis Pilipchuk shows how it's done.


And over at dev2dev this week, you can check out the results of the Second
Annual Reader Survey.


Recent O'Reilly Network weblogs of interest to Java developers:

Shashank Tiwari - Laszlo Webtop

Robert Cooper - Dear Groovy People

Robert Cooper - Do "Winners" and "Losers" Even Matter in the Age of

Robert Cooper - Dear Daddy Warbucks

Check out more O'Reilly Network Java weblogs at:

As a final word this week, I'd like to thank a few people for the smooth
transition into the OnJava editor's position. Chris Adamson was a
tremendous help, practically writing me a private book outlining the
responsibilities of this position. The entire O'Reilly staff, including
Laurel Ruma, Craig Palmer, and Bruce Stewart, as well as several unnamed
admins and graphic artists really helped to make sure I had the resources,
accounts, and web site access to make this job possible. With this crack
team, I can see why O'Reilly is such a presence in the publishing world.

Please join us again next week.
David Bock, Editor

Inside Port 25: The Open Source Software Lab at Microsoft

Get help and guidance on running Windows, Linux, UNIX or Open Source
Software in a mixed environment. In partnership with O’Reilly, Inside Port
25 is an objective perspective on the research, insight & bloggers of the
Open Source Software Lab at Microsoft.

Learn more at:


*** Java News and Weblogs ***

java.net Weblogs

O'Reilly Network Java Weblogs

Other Java News (channel -- LANG: JAVA)

Java Cookbook Recipe of the Day

Java Events


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Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Windows DevCenter Newsletter

The Windows DevCenter Newsletter
The latest from http://www.windowsdevcenter.com

O'Reilly and Citrix present "GoToMyPC Remote Access Zone"

GoToMyPC Pro is the perfect solution for providing remote access to
employees of small to mid-sized businesses. Increase productivity with
reliable, secure and convenient access to email, files, programs and
network resources from home or the road.

Learn more at:

Understanding Windows Vista's User Account Control

User Account Control (UAC) is one of the most misunderstood features of
Windows Vista. In this excerpt from "Windows Vista: The Definitive Guide,"
William Stanek and Paul Marquardt tell you everything you need to know
about UAC--including how to turn it off.


Get a Free Copy of Migrating Atlas to ASP.NET AJAX

With ASP.NET AJAX officially released, Programming Atlas author Christian
Wenz has created a migration guide for users of his book. It’s a free
download--whether or not you’ve purchased the book--and available at the
home page for the book. Take a look and tell us what you think:


You’ll also find it on the Amazon page for the book:


Why Windows Home Server Will Be a Hit

Microsoft’s upcoming Windows Home Server will most likely be a runaway
success--it solves a problem that tens of millions of households have. See
why on my blog.


Freeware/Open Source for Windows Weekly Summary

Todd Ogasawara is back with his weekly roundup of freebies. This week he
clues you in to the Zoho Office Suite, Microsoft Power Shell, and more.


See you next week.

Preston Gralla, Editor

Secure Online Meetings for One Flat Rate

Using SSL and 128-bit AES encryption, GoToMeeting™
is a highly secure Web conferencing service designed to
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Tuesday, February 06, 2007


XML.com Newsletter

XML.com Xtra!
The Email for XML.com Subscribers
Inside Port 25: The Open Source Software Lab at Microsoft

Get help and guidance on running Windows, Linux, UNIX or Open Source
Software in a mixed environment. In partnership with O’Reilly, Inside Port 25
is an objective perspective on the research, insight & bloggers of the Open
Source Software Lab at Microsoft.

Learn more at:


Dear Reader,

Welcome to another issue of XML.com.

This week Cedric Savarese describes an interesting technique for optimizing dynamic web apps on
Mozilla-family browsers by using XUL in the place of JavaScript for
widgets and page elements.

XUL-Enhanced Web Apps

An interesting development recently, from the editorial point of view, isthat we at XML.com have
learned just how popular these weekly email newsletters have become; in some ways, I suppose,
we're all a bit jaded about email campaigns, and so we don't expect that
much to come from them. A pleasant, surprise, then, to be wrong about that. Apparently all of you
out there find them useful, so, starting this week, I'll be putting a bit more in...

First, from the XML.com micro-blogosphere:

Rick Jeliffe, What Should I Do?

Mark Pruett, Do Sync Calls Freeze Browsers?

Kurt Cagle, Limited EXSLT Support in Mozilla Firefox 3.0

Next, a quick look at some of the popular articles on XML.com right now;
maybe you'll want to read some of these, if you haven't already?

Hacking Maps with the Google Maps API

Also relevant:

Hacking Election Maps with XML and MapServer

A piece that in some ways we published too soon, since GWT hasn't yet seen
anything like its peak, in my estimation:

Google Web Toolkit

For what it's worth, I've been using GWT in my other day job -- building Semantic Web apps for
enterprise and government customers -- and it's a *real treat.*

RSS and AJAX: A Simple News Reader

And one from my browser tabs:

Haskell and Set Theory

Which prompts me to wonder if it's time for an XML.com article about
HaXml? Email to kendall@xml.com, if you have an opinion or -- even better -- an outline!

Finally, sorry, Chicagoans, you live in one of my favorite cities, but
congrats to Tony Dungy, Peyton Manning, and the rest of the Super Bowl champion Colts.

As always, thanks for reading.

Kendall Clark
Managing Editor, XML.com

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Get all three with GoToMeeting™, the Web-based service with screen-sharing

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*** XML News from the XML Cover Pages by Robin Cover ***

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Logs, Blogs, and Games

The latest from http://oreillynet.com

Inside Port 25: The Open Source Software Lab at Microsoft

Get help and guidance on running Windows, Linux, UNIX or Open Source
Software in a mixed environment. In partnership with O’Reilly, Inside
Port 25 is an objective perspective on the research, insight & bloggers of the
Open Source Software Lab at Microsoft.

Learn more at:

Greetings reader,

From the article front, we have a very useful article on the Apache
logfiles. When your error log doesn’t give you enough information to
figure out what's going on, Apache 2.x has no shortage of logging
abilities. Check out Rich Bowen's article on "Making Apache httpd Logs
More Useful." For instance, if you need complete output of all headers,
you've got to read this one.

In the final part of the series, Matthew Russell brings
together pieces of what you've learned from the previous two articles on
"Building a Game Engine with Cocoa." It is not quite Unreal Tournament,
but you'll finish up the infrastructure for a Lines of Action [LOA] game.
You'll learn how to implement a game tree search called negamax--
a variant of minimax that uses alpha-beta pruning to
reduce the search space. And at the end of this article, you'll have a
working LOA game, complete with a built-in computer opponent that plays
against you based on a custom heuristic that you define.

From the blog front, we have some very interesting action to check out.
Rick Jelliffe has three of our top 10 blogs for the last few days. You
should probably just check out what he has to say on his page:

Currently though, the most talked about blog is M. David Peterson's blog
on "ODF vs. EOOXML From An Insider Out," found at:
Peterson's blog intrigues readers with "Okay, so this should at least
be enough to peak your interest. As such, I would encourage each and
every one of you to get *THE FACTS* as they truly are, from someone in
whom, like Rick Jelliffe, truly understands what the facts are, as
opposed to what the EOOXML smear campaigners would like for you to
believe." Hmmm... a smear campaign--those are some mighty emotive words.

In the next few weeks we will rollout tag clouds that provide you with
more information about what people are looking for on the O'Reilly
Network. So, from our logs, and in the soon-to-be tag cloud front, the
first term listed below represents about one out of every three searches
for last week, second term being one-quarter of the first term. Obviously
people are still searching for our Google Proxy that allows students and
others to access restricted sites like MySpace:

Here are the top twenty terms:
1) my space, 2) java, 3) perl, 4) linux,
5) ajax, 6) javascript, 7) head first, 8) ruby, 9) open source
10) php, 11) hack, 12) python, 13) css, 14) web 2.0, 15) rails, 16) sql,
17) excel, 18) spring, 19) flex, 20) apache


Mike Hendrickson
General Manager, The O'Reilly Network

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Monday, February 05, 2007


What if Hardware Vendors Are Also Trapped?

The Latest from http://www.linuxdevcenter.com and http://ONLamp.com

Inside Port 25: The Open Source Software Lab at Microsoft

Get help and guidance on running Windows, Linux, UNIX or Open Source
Software in a mixed environment. In partnership with O’Reilly, Inside Port 25
is an objective perspective on the research, insight & bloggers of the
Open Source Software Lab at Microsoft.

Learn more at:

Hello, readers. This is the Linux Newsletter, a weekly plea for you to drop
everything to lend your valuable eyeballs to the Free and Open Source Software
side of the O'Reilly Network. Here's the candy.

Apache httpd is powerful and popular (and very well documented), but certain
features are still black magic, especially when things go wrong. Consider two
words: Rewrite Rules. When you've climbed back down from the ceiling, let Rich
Bowen show you how to enable debugging logs to help pinpoint problems:


Before there were huge, overarching, heavyweight frameworks and Very Serious
Templating packages, there was Perl's minimal but useful HTML::Template.
Though you may think you need a Very Serious Framework for every project, you
likely have plenty of projects that can benefit from a simpler, lighter
approach. Philipp K. Janert shows how to achieve more powerful reuse in the
second part of an advanced H::T series:


There are lots of reasons why hardware vendors might not be able to produce
drivers or specifications for free and open source operating systems. Only a
few hold up, though. What if the real reasons are the same problems that FOSS
developers face? Could there be common ground?


By the way, the Conferences group announced one new conference, and registration
for two others. Ubuntu Live will take place in Portland, Oregon concurrently


The MySQL Conference and Expo is open:


RailsConf 2007 is also open for registration:


In weblogs this week, Robert Cooper takes up the gauntlet to debate static
typing again:


Your editor thanks the Xfce contributors for great software:


... and found that London has a shortage of Perl programmers:


Matt Asay takes on Microsoft's paid and buried competitive research on Linux:


Todd Ogasawara promoted an open source readiness kit for Windows Vista:


Juliet Kemp dug into bash customization and gave some of her top tricks:


Caitlyn Martin demonstrated adding a background image to a very basic window


Derek Sivers announced the winners of the 2007 CD Baby Hackfest:


Tim O'Reilly promised that he's not out of his mind in your spam folder:


... and asked entrepreneurs "Big and Global or Small and Local?":


Marc Hedlund found the volunteer hunt for Jim Gray fascinating:


Brady Forrest explained Technorati's WTF:


Next week: logfiles in 3D.

Glorious technicolor,
- c

Technical Editor
O'Reilly Network

New Course Featuring AJAX
O'Reilly/University of Illinois Certificate Series

O'Reilly Learning is proud to announce their new
Client-Side Web Programming Certificate Series, which
provides a complete understanding of front-end web
development, from HTML and CSS, to JavaScript DOM and AJAX.


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Friday, February 02, 2007


Herding Groundhogs

Perl.com update
The Email for www.perl.com Subscribers

Sponsored by ActiveState - Komodo IDE 4.0

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Happy Groundhog Day, Perl Newsletter subscribers. For the non-Americans in the
readership, this is a strange holiday where so-called reporters gather outside
a groundhog hole and, if the poor hibernating creature emerges to see its
shadow, we leave our calendar well enough alone. Otherwise, we move the spring
equinox up six weeks. (Your editor has never quite figured out how that works.)

Your editor does know how Perl works, though (hence the disturbing dreams of
macros). Here's what's new in the Perl world.

* Perl Events

OSCON 2007 (also known as The Perl Conference 11)'s call for papers expires
Very Soon. Submit your talk and tutorial proposals now, or conference chair
Allison Randal will not let you into the conference.


YAPC::NA 2007 in Houston, Texas has announced its CFP as well:


The fabulous Ann Barcomb announced the European Perl Hackathon in the
Netherlands from 2 - 4 March. All you need is a laptop:


* Perl News

A minor storm gathered around the release of a module named XML::Tiny. In
question is the goal of the ::Tiny modules, the value of releasing modules
that deliberately do only a subset of a larger task, and potential confusion
in the names:


Ann Barcomb has summarized the weeks in Perl 6:


Your editor has minuted the Perl 6 design meetings:


The Perl Foundation has announced its latest call for grants:


Dave Cross analyzed an interesting job situation in London; there are more
Perl jobs than available hackers:


Perl had able representation in the Plat_Forms web development contest:


* Perl on ORN

HTML::Template is a deceptively simple templating system for web pages. It may
look like it has only a few features, but there's a lot of power in those
features--and there's even more power available without mixing presentation and
business logic. Philipp Janert has followed up on his HTML::Template tags and
filters article with an exploration of building custom widgets and controls:


One article you might have missed during your editor's end-of-year, out-of-the-office
jamboree (where he forgot to write at least one newsletter) is a review
of Komodo 3.5. Yes, Komodo 4.0 is out now, but it takes time to get the new
copy, use it for real work, and see what's great and what didn't quite fit
yet. Here's what Michael J. Ross thought a couple of months ago:


Your author started a conversation asking why people contribute to
community documentation:


... after Andy Oram opined about the missing pieces of online


Don't forget, the next Parrot Bug Day is 17 February!

PBC to C,
- c
Editor, Perl.com, et cetera
Inside Port 25: The Open Source Software Lab at Microsoft

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Software in a mixed environment. In partnership with O Reilly, Inside Port 25
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Thursday, February 01, 2007


Hacking Vista

The Windows DevCenter Newsletter
The latest from http://www.windowsdevcenter.com

Inside Port 25: The Open Source Software Lab at Microsoft

Get help and guidance on running Windows, Linux, UNIX or Open Source
Software in a mixed environment. In partnership with O’Reilly, Inside
Port 25 is an objective perspective on the research, insight & bloggers of the
Open Source Software Lab at Microsoft.

Learn more at:

In this week's WindowsDevCenter.com Newsletter you'll find:

Six Top Tips for Hacking Windows Vista
Windows Vista is finally here--time to get hacking! Preston Gralla,
author of "Windows Vista in a Nutshell," shares six of his favorite hacks for
bending the new operating system to your will:

Adventures with Windows Vista and a Cheap PC
Todd Ogasawara has been upgrading a $500 eMachines desktop PC from
Windows Media Center Edition to Windows Vista Ultimate Edition these past two
weeks. Here's what he found:

OpenDocument's Popularity Continues to Grow
Many organizations and government bodies around the world have decided to
adopt office software supporting the OASIS OpenDocument standard, and
this number is growing every day. Jean Hollis Weber gives you the rundown on
the latest news:

See you next week.

Preston Gralla, editor

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Web conferencing service designed to meet your company’s online meeting
and security needs. Plus, it’s affordable: You can hold all the meetings
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Tuning Derby and more

The Independent Source for Enterprise Java

Inside Port 25: The Open Source Software Lab at Microsoft

Get help and guidance on running Windows, Linux, UNIX or Open Source
Software in a mixed environment. In partnership with O’Reilly, Inside Port
25 is an objective perspective on the research, insight & bloggers of the
Open Source Software Lab at Microsoft.

Learn more at:


Derby, also known as Java DB, is now included by default in JDK 6. For
certain types of database needs, you might well find it convenient to have
an all-Java, embeddable database always available to you. But if you're
not already deeply invested in one of the typical enterprise databases, if
you're doing simple JDBC work, you might not be fully aware of what helps
and hurts database access in Java applications. This week, we have some
tips on how to get the most out of Derby.

No, there's no magic "go faster" system property for Derby--in all
likelihood, you'll need to look to make performance improvements in your
code. In fact, in "Tuning Derby," Dejan Bosanac says that playing with
page and cache sizes is not the first step in improving Derby Performance.
"Playing with these parameters can help you improve performance to some
degree, but usually the bigger problem lies in your application and
database design, so you should focus on these issues first and leave Derby
properties for the end."


If you're writing portlets, adherence to the spec is of paramount
importance, not just for portability between portlet containers, but also
for reasons of interoperability, as explained by Drew Varner in the
dev2dev article "Guidelines for Writing JSR-168 Portlets." "Exposing
JSR-168 Portlets via Web Services for Remote Portlets (WSRP) producers is
easier when portlets adhere to the JSR-168 specification. WSRP provides a
standard to federate portlet content via Web services. JSR-168 and WSRP
1.0 portlet capabilities are tightly coupled. JSR-168 to WSRP portlet
bridges utilize JSR-168's URL rewriting APIs. This article illustrates
best practices for developing JSR-168 portlets for portability."


In this week's feature article from java.net, Biswajit Sarkar shows off
techniques for "Implementing Copy and Paste for the Java ME TextBox."
"The text-handling classes in ME do not provide direct support for copy
and paste, but it is not very difficult to build up such a capability. In
this article we look at one approach to implementing this feature."


Recent O'Reilly Network weblogs of interest to Java developers:

Robert Cooper - Fear and Loathing in Typeland

Paul Browne - Dear Bruce Eckel : Hybrid Java, Google Web Toolkit and Adobe Flex

Chris Adamson - Stomping home with your tinkertoys

Dejan Bosanac - Singletons and lazy loading

Check out more O'Reilly Network Java weblogs at:

A final note this week. This is my last ONJava newsletter, as we welcome
a new ONJava editor, David Bock. You may know David as a Java Champion
and a speaker on the No Fluff Just Stuff tour. As part of an internal
realignment, ONJava and other sites from the O'Reilly Network are now
going to work more closely with the so-called "animal books" group, while
java.net and dev2dev move to a "corporate solutions" group. With a new
focus, new team, and increased support, I think ONJava will be a great
site under David's watchful eye. Anyways, I'm signing off in order to let
David introduce himself below. Thanks to everyone who's followed the site
for the last few years, and best wishes to David as he takes the reins.

Chris Adamson, former Editor

And a note from our new editor, I'm happy to be accepting this
responsibility from Chris, and I have some big shoes to fill. I have been
a reader on OnJava.com for years, and I'm proud to be associated with the
production of such high quality content. I am going to be on the lookout
for some great articles to publish, so if you are interested in
contributing, you can contact me at dbock@oreilly.com.

Please join us again next week.

David Bock, Editor

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Get all three with GoToMeeting™, the Web-based service with screen-sharing
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software and train from anywhere with Internet access. Plus, you can hold unlimited
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*** Java News and Weblogs ***

java.net Weblogs

O'Reilly Network Java Weblogs

Other Java News (channel -- LANG: JAVA)

Java Cookbook Recipe of the Day

Java Events



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